Games of <ELITZ> Marius with <DSFTWA> Flycopstache
Average game duration
18.2 min
<ELITZ> Marius
Average APM: 7
Average Tier: 2.8
Average Gas: 3.8
<DSFTWA> Flycopstache
Average APM: 13
Average Tier: 2.5
Average Gas: 2.3
date | rating | mode | <ELITZ> Marius | <DSFTWA> Flycopstache | duration |
2022-02-14 02:39:31 | 1004 +7 | 3v3 standard | terran a9 t2 g4 | zerg a16 t2 g3 | 15 min |
2021-12-05 04:31:57 | 1706 +15 | 3v3 standard | terran a8 t3 g4 | zerg a5 t3 g2 | 16 min |
2021-12-05 04:13:58 | 1691 +25 | 3v3 standard | terran a6 t3 g4 | zerg a18 t2 g2 | 18 min |
2021-12-05 03:52:53 | 1666 +14 | 3v3 standard | protoss a6 t3 g3 | zerg a11 t3 g2 | 24 min |