Game #1057454 — 2021-07-12

stukov 19
apm: 12 | gas: 3 | tier: 4
minerals: 2841 | killed: 144k
2344 +57
karax 70
apm: 6 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 3023 | killed: 119k
2199 +57
nova 1
apm: 32 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 2572 | killed: 146k
1959 +57
2745 -57
apm: 9 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 649 | killed: 57k
swann 10
1850 -57
apm: 6 | gas: 3 | tier: 4
minerals: 1305 | killed: 204k
karax 7
1968 -57
apm: 20 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1286 | killed: 157k
zagara 1


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +457 Dominator
00:02 gas 1 +712 FlowRanchIO
00:03 gas 1 +712 Slavcom
00:06 gas 1 +710 Maffedied
00:13 gas 1 +706 Incore
00:19 gas 1 +703 <Uszaty> Lorak
00:38 first unit on mid
01:00 tier 2 FlowRanchIO
01:00 tier 2 Maffedied
01:03 tier 2 Incore
01:31 tier 2 Dominator
01:32 gas 2 +592 FlowRanchIO
01:35 tier 2 <Uszaty> Lorak
01:51 gas 2 +583 <Uszaty> Lorak
01:57 gas 2 +580 Slavcom
02:04 tier 3 Maffedied
02:07 gas 2 +575 Incore
02:18 tier 3 Incore
04:41 gas 3 +423 Incore
04:43 FlowRanchIO zeroskill shitnigger hackrace gara as usual
04:50 FlowRanchIO and subhuman noskill fagcunt karax as usual
05:30 gas 3 +398 Slavcom
05:33 gas 2 +472 Maffedied
05:46 FlowRanchIO worthless hacknigger karax
05:57 FlowRanchIO get a rope and hang yourself you nigger
06:16 <Uszaty> Lorak some people care to much
06:23 gas 2 +192 Dominator
06:30 FlowRanchIO you are a zeroskill shitnigger and you know it
06:50 tier 3 <Uszaty> Lorak
07:00 tier 3 FlowRanchIO
07:01 <Uszaty> Lorak welcome to the internet that your opinion or what u say to be honest means nothing (rofl) so dunno why u even bother
07:42 tier 2 Slavcom
07:57 Maffedied least of all you should take it personal xP
08:07 tier 3 Dominator
08:19 <Uszaty> Lorak yeah well maybe when i was 10
08:31 FlowRanchIO yup because worthless shitniggers like you never learned in life
08:42 FlowRanchIO abuse hackraces when you are 12 and 50 just the same
08:43 <Uszaty> Lorak ow my i feel so ofended now (rofl)
08:57 <Uszaty> Lorak something more?
10:41 gas 4 +168 Incore
11:16 FlowRanchIO good old zeroskill shitnigger race gara
12:16 FlowRanchIO good old zeroskill shitnigger hackrace karax
12:24 FlowRanchIO where you dont need to do shit cause mirages cant die
12:29 FlowRanchIO fucking imbecile micropenis virgin
13:09 <Uszaty> Lorak lol dude u have serious issues (rofl)
13:19 FlowRanchIO no you worthless shitnigger
13:22 FlowRanchIO i have skill
13:25 FlowRanchIO i can tell when shit is op af
13:27 FlowRanchIO you dont
13:29 FlowRanchIO you just abuse it
13:41 FlowRanchIO maffe would get slapped like the shitnigger he is if this was lan
14:41 gas 3 +123 Maffedied
14:49 cannon destroyed
14:51 gas 3 +117 FlowRanchIO
20:17 leaver Dominator
20:22 FlowRanchIO fagnigger as usual
21:07 tier 3 Slavcom
21:23 FlowRanchIO took much skill with 2938479234 selfheal you nigger
21:35 FlowRanchIO but of course karax is totally balanced
21:40 FlowRanchIO nothing to see here
25:14 tier 4 Slavcom
25:22 tier 4 Incore
26:41 tier 4 Maffedied
26:59 FlowRanchIO like i said. zeroskill shitnigger hackrace
27:05 FlowRanchIO no skill required. just place explo stuff
27:08 FlowRanchIO no brains needed
28:47 game ended