Game #1058214 — 2022-03-10

karax 48
apm: 8 | gas: 4 | tier: 9
minerals: 5432 | killed: 432k
2982 -56
artanis 94
apm: 9 | gas: 4 | tier: 8
minerals: 5733 | killed: 366k
3417 -56
hanhorner 3
apm: 8 | gas: 4 | tier: 9
minerals: 5356 | killed: 444k
1553 -56
1887 +56
apm: 9 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 2727 | killed: 392k
vorazun 3
2155 +56
apm: 8 | gas: 4 | tier: 9
minerals: 4545 | killed: 406k
mengsk 7
3140 +56
apm: 11 | gas: 3 | tier: 9
minerals: 3464 | killed: 391k
vorazun 101


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:03 gas 1 +1370 Incore
00:05 gas 1 +1369 Slavcom
00:15 gas 1 +1364 Прайз
00:33 gas 1 +1355 EbInKiLlAhH
00:36 gas 1 +1353 xNoob
00:37 first unit on mid
00:51 gas 1 +1346 Ccf
01:01 tier 2 Прайз
01:02 tier 2 Incore
01:13 tier 2 Slavcom
01:22 tier 2 xNoob
01:36 gas 2 +1249 Incore
01:36 gas 2 +1248 Slavcom
01:57 gas 2 +1238 Прайз
02:17 tier 2 EbInKiLlAhH
02:19 tier 3 xNoob
02:32 tier 3 Прайз
02:55 gas 2 +1209 Ccf
03:09 tier 3 Incore
06:41 gas 3 +1021 Ccf
06:41 gas 2 +1096 xNoob
07:43 bunker destroyed
07:51 tier 2 Ccf
10:06 gas 4 +844 Ccf
11:02 gas 3 +890 xNoob
12:04 cannon destroyed
12:08 gas 3 +858 Incore
12:22 gas 3 +850 Slavcom
12:42 gas 2 +916 EbInKiLlAhH
14:24 gas 3 +789 EbInKiLlAhH
15:42 tier 3 Slavcom
21:07 gas 4 +513 EbInKiLlAhH
22:20 tier 3 EbInKiLlAhH
22:28 gas 4 +473 Incore
25:16 tier 3 Ccf
25:16 tier 4 EbInKiLlAhH
25:37 tier 4 Ccf
25:40 tier 4 xNoob
25:42 tier 4 Incore
25:43 tier 4 Slavcom
30:10 tier 5 Incore
30:11 tier 5 Slavcom
30:28 tier 5 xNoob
30:36 tier 5 Ccf
30:47 tier 5 EbInKiLlAhH
32:09 gas 4 +182 Slavcom
35:03 tier 6 xNoob
35:03 tier 6 Ccf
35:03 tier 6 EbInKiLlAhH
35:15 tier 6 Slavcom
36:08 tier 6 Incore
40:03 tier 7 EbInKiLlAhH
40:04 tier 7 Incore
40:07 tier 7 Slavcom
40:12 tier 7 Ccf
40:40 tier 7 xNoob
42:59 xNoob 1 fps
43:31 EbInKiLlAhH yeah, cant look at the fight xd
44:08 xNoob lol
44:13 Ccf this is a direct strike on my life
44:43 EbInKiLlAhH on our computers
45:09 tier 8 Slavcom
45:14 tier 8 Incore
45:24 tier 8 xNoob
45:24 Ccf i can hear my motherboard screaming for mercy
45:41 tier 8 Ccf
46:27 tier 8 EbInKiLlAhH
48:21 Ccf this shit starts to feel like work
49:00 EbInKiLlAhH yep
50:03 tier 9 Ccf
50:04 tier 9 Slavcom
50:13 tier 9 xNoob
50:21 tier 9 EbInKiLlAhH
50:44 game ended
50:45 EbInKiLlAhH gg
50:47 Ccf finally !
50:49 Ccf gg
50:56 xNoob gg