Game #1105346 — 2022-04-03

tychus 6
apm: 8 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1198 | killed: 72k
1272 -0
mengsk 71
apm: 40 | gas: 3 | tier: 4
minerals: 718 | killed: 162k
3319 -0
swann 174
apm: 5 | gas: 2 | tier: 4
minerals: 588 | killed: 123k
3175 -0
1781 +0
apm: 9 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 1856 | killed: 139k
nova 1
2028 +0
apm: 16 | gas: 2 | tier: 4
minerals: 816 | killed: 110k
raynor 5
1659 -32
apm: 9 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1266 | killed: 86k
dehaka 5


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:00 gas 1 +668 <xDMWx> Grolg
00:02 gas 1 +668 Asten
00:03 gas 1 +667 <Hаsu> Dracosha
00:11 gas 1 +663 <Kingz> PauloCosta
00:37 first unit on mid
00:45 <CHGCo> EnginE (glhf)
00:59 <Kingz> PauloCosta hi there
01:00 tier 2 <xDMWx> Grolg
01:02 <Kingz> PauloCosta LOL
01:18 tier 2 <Hаsu> Dracosha
01:31 gas 1 +606 WhiteCotton
01:35 gas 2 +546 <Hаsu> Dracosha
01:39 tier 2 Asten
03:06 tier 2 <Kingz> PauloCosta
03:28 <CHGCo> EnginE 9hp
03:35 gas 3 +411 <Hаsu> Dracosha
03:36 <xDMWx> Grolg calculated
03:45 <CHGCo> EnginE i did +1 upgrade for that!
03:49 <CHGCo> EnginE to kill
03:57 <CHGCo> EnginE (sad)
03:59 <xDMWx> Grolg all planned
04:05 tier 2 WhiteCotton
04:29 <xDMWx> Grolg now ur never gonna touch it again
04:52 gas 2 +431 WhiteCotton
05:23 gas 2 +432 <Kingz> PauloCosta
05:50 tier 3 WhiteCotton
06:00 tier 3 <Hаsu> Dracosha
06:16 tier 3 <xDMWx> Grolg
07:06 gas 1 +455 <CHGCo> EnginE
07:32 tier 2 <CHGCo> EnginE
09:13 tier 3 Asten
11:14 gas 4 +107 <Hаsu> Dracosha
11:54 gas 2 +236 <CHGCo> EnginE
12:07 gas 3 +155 <Kingz> PauloCosta
13:16 gas 3 +104 WhiteCotton
18:07 <Kingz> PauloCosta die putin
18:24 gas 2 +41 <xDMWx> Grolg
18:24 <CHGCo> EnginE putin doesnt play starcraft i think
18:33 <xDMWx> Grolg if he did, he would be protoss
18:35 <xDMWx> Grolg thats for sure
18:38 <CHGCo> EnginE yeah
18:44 <Kingz> PauloCosta putin is zerg
18:50 <CHGCo> EnginE air protoss from gml
18:54 <xDMWx> Grolg ye
19:27 gas 4 -140 <Kingz> PauloCosta
19:54 gas 3 -79 <xDMWx> Grolg
20:37 <CHGCo> EnginE thats alot of tanks here
20:41 <xDMWx> Grolg ye
20:42 <CHGCo> EnginE go other way
20:44 <xDMWx> Grolg just said that
20:45 <CHGCo> EnginE (rofl)
20:55 <xDMWx> Grolg luckily for me my tanks are the strongest in the game
21:01 <Kingz> PauloCosta i am beter
21:12 <CHGCo> EnginE i guess you`re ML terran?
21:27 <xDMWx> Grolg ml?
21:33 <CHGCo> EnginE master league you know
21:36 <xDMWx> Grolg ye
21:40 <xDMWx> Grolg boarderline to gml
21:48 <Kingz> PauloCosta LOL
22:00 <CHGCo> EnginE wish you get it
22:19 <xDMWx> Grolg well i usually do at the start of the season
22:22 <xDMWx> Grolg for a few weeks
22:41 <CHGCo> EnginE for gml you need alot of games
22:43 tier 3 <CHGCo> EnginE
22:47 <xDMWx> Grolg nah not that much
23:04 <CHGCo> EnginE never been there and never dreamt
23:10 <CHGCo> EnginE how`s in ml?
23:13 <CHGCo> EnginE tell me
23:39 <CHGCo> EnginE same old shit like voidrays/carriers
23:39 <xDMWx> Grolg its really not that exciting lol
23:44 <xDMWx> Grolg yeah
23:47 <xDMWx> Grolg Luckily voidrays got nerfed now
23:47 <CHGCo> EnginE and 80 percent protoss
24:00 <xDMWx> Grolg and shield batteries outside nexus radius
24:02 <xDMWx> Grolg so like
24:06 <xDMWx> Grolg protoss cheese in general has been nerfed
24:16 <CHGCo> EnginE yeah i saw the patch note, but did they already updated it?
24:23 <xDMWx> Grolg yeah for a few weeks now
24:39 <xDMWx> Grolg but there are still so many 1 trick ponys on the ladder
24:44 <xDMWx> Grolg cheesy players
25:01 <xDMWx> Grolg you can get to gml by just cheesing
25:05 <CHGCo> EnginE if thats a real protoss he`ll find a way to cheese
25:05 <xDMWx> Grolg i play macro though
25:09 <xDMWx> Grolg yeah
25:14 <xDMWx> Grolg excatly thats the point
25:23 gas 2 -168 Asten
25:35 <CHGCo> EnginE oh damn macro terran
25:40 <xDMWx> Grolg yeah
25:40 <CHGCo> EnginE i wanna be your friend
25:43 <xDMWx> Grolg im living the dangerous life
25:50 tier 4 <Hаsu> Dracosha
26:01 tier 4 <CHGCo> EnginE
26:19 bunker destroyed
26:24 tier 4 Asten
26:26 tier 3 <Kingz> PauloCosta
26:30 tier 4 <xDMWx> Grolg
26:44 leaver WhiteCotton
26:50 <CHGCo> EnginE oh
26:53 <CHGCo> EnginE -1
27:03 <CHGCo> EnginE mom called i gues
27:15 <xDMWx> Grolg ye
27:16 <xDMWx> Grolg gg
27:17 <CHGCo> EnginE gg
27:18 game ended