Game #1163787 — 2022-05-12

zerg 29
apm: 18 | gas: 4 | tier: 8
minerals: 5641 | killed: 335k
2023 -38
zerg 13
apm: 32 | gas: 4 | tier: 8
minerals: 4776 | killed: 341k
1524 -38
zerg 20
apm: 9 | gas: 4 | tier: 9
minerals: 4262 | killed: 328k
1510 -38
1985 +38
apm: 11 | gas: 3 | tier: 9
minerals: 2429 | killed: 345k
terran 1
2946 +38
apm: 5 | gas: 3 | tier: 9
minerals: 2137 | killed: 460k
terran 74
1521 +38
apm: 12 | gas: 4 | tier: 8
minerals: 3137 | killed: 420k
terran 13


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:37 first unit on mid
00:46 tier 2 BARCODE
01:03 tier 2 PapaMagneto
01:37 tier 2 Kukri
01:45 tier 2 joseph
02:26 tier 2 <DIGNO> Rebellious
03:18 tier 2 <Waggie> Moose
08:04 cannon destroyed
08:05 gas 1 +1116 PapaMagneto
08:06 gas 1 +1115 <Waggie> Moose
08:06 gas 1 +1115 <DIGNO> Rebellious
08:23 gas 1 +1106 BARCODE
09:20 tier 3 Kukri
09:35 gas 2 +996 PapaMagneto
10:22 gas 1 +1047 joseph
10:27 gas 2 +969 <Waggie> Moose
10:46 gas 2 +960 <DIGNO> Rebellious
11:30 gas 1 +1013 Kukri
11:54 gas 3 +851 PapaMagneto
12:03 gas 2 +921 BARCODE
12:52 tier 3 PapaMagneto
13:59 gas 4 +713 PapaMagneto
14:24 <Waggie> Moose lol i tried to tell them how to counter this strat and they didnt' listne . nice stack, gg
14:35 BARCODE what did you tell them?
14:42 PapaMagneto lies
14:51 BARCODE lets hear it so we know if it's bs or not
14:52 <Waggie> Moose have to kill the libs and ravens can't just have ground
14:53 BARCODE or even useful advice
15:15 joseph trip z again
15:19 BARCODE We have widow mines and thors
15:25 <Waggie> Moose i c that
16:10 gas 3 +723 BARCODE
16:20 PapaMagneto dude is saying mass banes for ravens
16:24 BARCODE lol
16:30 BARCODE is that true?
16:35 <Waggie> Moose i dont see that...?
16:36 PapaMagneto (kappaross)
16:42 BARCODE thats cap
16:55 <Waggie> Moose captain america? where?
16:58 gas 2 +774 joseph
17:03 tier 3 <Waggie> Moose
17:38 tier 3 BARCODE
18:37 gas 2 +724 Kukri
18:53 <Waggie> Moose sorry did you say YOU were building thors? I think they are mine now (happy)
19:09 BARCODE nope
19:21 BARCODE dont lie
19:48 tier 3 joseph
20:20 gas 3 +598 <Waggie> Moose
21:49 <Waggie> Moose the stack is real
22:11 tier 3 <DIGNO> Rebellious
24:09 gas 3 +483 joseph
25:13 tier 4 PapaMagneto
25:14 tier 4 Kukri
25:27 tier 4 <Waggie> Moose
25:38 tier 4 BARCODE
29:01 gas 4 +262 BARCODE
29:11 <Waggie> Moose triplestack
29:17 <Waggie> Moose fun
30:03 tier 5 BARCODE
30:05 tier 5 Kukri
30:38 tier 5 <Waggie> Moose
30:57 tier 5 PapaMagneto
31:05 gas 3 +275 Kukri
31:19 tier 4 joseph
33:05 tier 5 joseph
33:09 tier 4 <DIGNO> Rebellious
33:27 gas 4 +129 <Waggie> Moose
33:38 gas 3 +199 <DIGNO> Rebellious
34:31 tier 5 <DIGNO> Rebellious
35:18 tier 6 <Waggie> Moose
35:19 tier 6 PapaMagneto
35:21 tier 6 <DIGNO> Rebellious
35:29 tier 6 joseph
36:05 tier 6 Kukri
36:44 tier 6 BARCODE
37:00 gas 4 +23 <DIGNO> Rebellious
40:03 tier 7 PapaMagneto
40:29 tier 7 BARCODE
40:40 tier 7 joseph
41:00 tier 7 Kukri
41:39 tier 7 <DIGNO> Rebellious
42:06 tier 7 <Waggie> Moose
43:06 <DIGNO> Rebellious it's the first time I've done it this long.
43:22 BARCODE it would be over if yellow made tanks
43:28 BARCODE but that's not gonna happen
43:49 <Waggie> Moose terran OP in this, the fact we are still here is amazing
44:34 <Waggie> Moose thats the game ggwpe
44:44 BARCODE not yet
44:52 <DIGNO> Rebellious draw?
45:02 bunker destroyed
45:03 tier 8 PapaMagneto
45:03 tier 8 joseph
45:06 tier 8 Kukri
45:12 tier 8 BARCODE
45:22 Kukri gg
45:36 <Waggie> Moose this proves terran is OP
45:49 BARCODE if terran scans like I do
45:53 <DIGNO> Rebellious it's lagging fuck
45:53 <Waggie> Moose winning the entire game, up insane amount of ECO, played it extremely well
45:55 BARCODE i think im the only one doing it though
46:09 <Waggie> Moose ur the best on that team yeah
46:14 tier 8 <DIGNO> Rebellious
46:23 tier 8 <Waggie> Moose
46:29 BARCODE me and purp
46:29 <Waggie> Moose but its not u
46:33 <Waggie> Moose its just TERRAN IS OP
46:36 BARCODE yellow hasn'tmade a tank yet
46:37 <Waggie> Moose like actually overpowered in this
47:01 <Waggie> Moose when i play terran i win everytime, its e
47:07 <Waggie> Moose raven lib, gass up bounce and gg
48:22 BARCODE imagine if yellow made a tank or two
48:29 <Waggie> Moose imagine if terran was balanced
48:37 <Waggie> Moose you would have been roffle stomped
48:38 Kukri i have 33% of our teams kills who needs tanks
49:32 <DIGNO> Rebellious go to the restroom
49:41 BARCODE supposed to be working
49:43 <Waggie> Moose longest game ever for me GG everyone
49:46 joseph fml 1fps
49:56 <Waggie> Moose dont think so
50:03 tier 9 joseph
50:05 tier 9 Kukri
50:11 Kukri gg
50:11 tier 9 <DIGNO> Rebellious
50:12 BARCODE gg
50:14 BARCODE Carried
50:14 <Waggie> Moose gg
50:15 PapaMagneto gggg
50:17 game ended
50:17 BARCODE you suck yellow
50:20 <Waggie> Moose barcode is an ass
50:20 <DIGNO> Rebellious ggwp