Game #1182660 — 2021-01-19

zerg 126
apm: 57 | gas: 0 | tier: 2
minerals: 0 | killed: 62k
8466 -164
6150 +164
apm: 37 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: 604 | killed: 69k
zerg 587


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:26 <DIRSTK> Ambassador whoever has mid in the beginning maybe
00:32 <DIRSTK> Ambassador or whoever has 1 less or more moota
00:37 first unit on mid
00:47 tier 2 <GKitty> imsux
00:50 tier 2 <DIRSTK> Ambassador
01:15 <DIRSTK> Ambassador now we just have to find out how many lings are best
01:40 <GKitty> imsux well i imagine if its muta/hydra vs muta/hydra u then want to add some roach
01:57 <DIRSTK> Ambassador i dont think so
02:19 <DIRSTK> Ambassador cuz mootas just win vs roaches
02:57 <DIRSTK> Ambassador vs your roachies i add mootas
03:00 <DIRSTK> Ambassador not hydraliskos
04:31 <DIRSTK> Ambassador actually i dont think i add more mootas
04:35 <DIRSTK> Ambassador not sure
04:45 <DIRSTK> Ambassador cuz then your ground ups are more valuable
06:33 <DIRSTK> Ambassador nice
06:43 <GKitty> imsux i think the roach are better since im actually really behjind
06:44 <GKitty> imsux on econ
06:54 <GKitty> imsux since i think you had mid all game
07:02 <DIRSTK> Ambassador yea
07:13 <DIRSTK> Ambassador i wonder if
07:19 <DIRSTK> Ambassador you can win back mid if i max hydra
07:23 <GKitty> imsux dunno
07:24 <DIRSTK> Ambassador or if roaches are rly necessairy
07:30 <GKitty> imsux i think roach are necessary
07:41 <GKitty> imsux like pure roach beats pure hydra
08:10 <DIRSTK> Ambassador roaches are so good
08:40 <GKitty> imsux yup see
08:42 <GKitty> imsux with econ adv
08:43 <DIRSTK> Ambassador yea
08:46 <GKitty> imsux you add roach and you retake it
08:57 <DIRSTK> Ambassador this is really interesting
08:59 <GKitty> imsux so if everyone goes muta/hydra
09:03 <GKitty> imsux then you both gotta add roaches
09:05 <DIRSTK> Ambassador this game taught me more than all games vs noobs i ever played
09:08 <GKitty> imsux and its some ratio of them
09:17 <GKitty> imsux typically its like
09:21 <DIRSTK> Ambassador so i made 2 lings this game
09:28 <GKitty> imsux whoever has slightly more hydras wins i think
09:31 <GKitty> imsux with everything else matched
09:32 <DIRSTK> Ambassador we needa know if 0 or 1 2 3 4 are best
09:41 <GKitty> imsux maybe you just open 1 roach
09:42 <GKitty> imsux i dunno
09:48 <DIRSTK> Ambassador yea maybe
10:09 <DIRSTK> Ambassador i always thought mootas beat hydras
10:12 <DIRSTK> Ambassador 1 on 1
10:14 <GKitty> imsux they do
10:17 <DIRSTK> Ambassador but moota hydra beats moota
10:20 <GKitty> imsux yup
10:26 <GKitty> imsux cause mutas are tanky low dps units
10:27 bunker destroyed
10:31 gas 1 -103 <DIRSTK> Ambassador
10:31 <GKitty> imsux its like a flying roach
10:36 <DIRSTK> Ambassador haha
10:46 <GKitty> imsux like pure roach beats pure hydra
10:50 <DIRSTK> Ambassador like a flying roach that can attack both ground and air and also not as tanky and with not as many hp
10:50 <GKitty> imsux pure muta also beats pure hydra
11:00 <GKitty> imsux they cost less
11:05 <GKitty> imsux 5 less minerals 25less hp
11:10 <GKitty> imsux so slightly elss tanky yes
11:25 <GKitty> imsux also no base armor
11:27 <DIRSTK> Ambassador yea
11:40 <DIRSTK> Ambassador i think we need to figure out
11:47 <DIRSTK> Ambassador 1) start with how many ground units?
12:00 <GKitty> imsux ok rm
12:05 game ended