Game #130373 — 2020-04-02

karax 4
apm: 16 | gas: 4 | tier: 5
minerals: 2998 | killed: 209k
2670 -43
zagara 1
apm: 11 | gas: 2 | tier: 5
minerals: 1575 | killed: 226k
1994 -43
stukov 86
apm: 12 | gas: 3 | tier: 6
minerals: 2538 | killed: 270k
3189 -43
3766 +43
apm: 6 | gas: 4 | tier: 6
minerals: 3402 | killed: 304k
stukov 71
2158 +43
apm: 25 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 4441 | killed: 252k
dehaka 11
2073 +43
apm: 6 | gas: 4 | tier: 6
minerals: 3576 | killed: 193k
fenix 3


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +987 <VHGC> killer
00:05 gas 1 +986 ElVirus
00:12 gas 1 +982 FlareScarab
00:18 gas 1 +979 Спелый
00:19 gas 1 +979 Narfle
00:33 Narfle haha i dont really love you virus
00:40 Narfle it was just a joke
00:47 Narfle unless you feel the same about me maybe?
00:49 ElVirus hihihi
00:58 first unit on mid
01:00 Narfle yeah it was just a joke haha
01:03 tier 2 <VHGC> killer
01:07 Narfle youre stupid for believing it
01:08 tier 2 FlareScarab
01:16 ElVirus i didnt
01:31 gas 1 +943 Temujin
01:59 gas 2 +854 <VHGC> killer
02:16 ElVirus red is intelligent man
02:17 gas 2 +845 FlareScarab
02:27 <VHGC> killer (hearts)
02:32 gas 2 +837 Спелый
02:38 tier 2 Narfle
02:54 Narfle el virus, have you ever considered spooning with another man?
03:08 Narfle i would let you be the small spoon
03:14 tier 3 Narfle
03:27 tier 2 Спелый
03:31 tier 2 ElVirus
03:52 Narfle i will make you feel safe, my love
03:58 Narfle how do you say "my love" in french?
04:05 tier 2 Temujin
04:11 ElVirus mon amour
04:45 Narfle maybe we will share one coffe in paris, mon amour?
04:56 ElVirus your funny
05:05 Narfle love makes fools of us all
05:10 Narfle c'est la vie
05:13 <VHGC> killer why u rush to upg dmg XD?
05:16 gas 3 +680 <VHGC> killer
06:18 gas 3 +649 Спелый
07:15 tier 3 <VHGC> killer
08:24 gas 3 +586 FlareScarab
08:41 Narfle el virus, do you think we could meet at a cafe after quarantine is over?
08:48 Narfle i just want to see your eyes
09:04 bunker destroyed
09:07 ElVirus just normal brown eyes
09:11 gas 2 +638 ElVirus
09:12 Narfle beautiful
09:29 gas 2 +629 Temujin
09:41 Narfle we should kiss
09:47 Narfle haha just kidding
10:07 ElVirus do you like homos?
10:25 Narfle that was censored by blizzard
10:36 ElVirus damn
10:40 Narfle you should be more careful, mon amour
11:22 gas 4 +422 Спелый
11:28 tier 3 Temujin
11:32 Narfle they say im very good at radio
11:37 Narfle i have the looks
11:46 tier 3 Спелый
12:36 Narfle would you still love me if i were not beautiful, mon amour?
12:57 ElVirus i dont know
13:06 Narfle the truth is harsh
13:28 Narfle but how can we have love if we do not have truth
13:42 gas 4 +352 <VHGC> killer
14:26 cannon destroyed
14:31 Narfle we will always have paris
14:44 gas 2 +471 Narfle
15:18 Спелый wtf 0 fps
15:24 Спелый who cheat
15:33 <VHGC> killer sorry xD
15:48 Narfle we should have a little picnic
15:55 Narfle a few baguettes, maybe some wine
16:00 Narfle a kiss?
16:10 tier 3 FlareScarab
16:12 gas 3 +352 Temujin
16:15 Narfle no kiss?
16:21 ElVirus homo kiss?
16:23 Narfle two kisses?
16:40 ElVirus ho mo kiss?
16:45 ElVirus no thx
16:54 Narfle it is okay to be afraid
16:57 tier 3 ElVirus
17:00 Narfle true love is scary
18:54 gas 3 +271 ElVirus
20:24 Narfle i flunked high school, because im hard core
20:30 Narfle im actually really cool
20:48 Narfle maybe we should kiss?
21:02 ElVirus are you man or woman?
21:03 <VHGC> killer give him a kiss ;D
21:09 Narfle give me a kiss
21:18 FlareScarab man or woman? why would you care?
21:22 FlareScarab love knows no bounds
21:27 <VHGC> killer a kiss is a kiss
21:28 Narfle you gotta be flexible
21:57 ElVirus i m not bi
22:02 Narfle so its a yes on the kiss?
22:06 <VHGC> killer yeoo
22:11 gas 4 +98 Temujin
22:34 ElVirus you talk too much
22:41 Narfle i know you love to hear me
22:49 Narfle i do it for you mon amour
22:51 <VHGC> killer say the true virus u love him (rofl)
23:08 Narfle let us quarantine together ^^
23:26 <VHGC> killer 4 ever (hearts)
23:32 ElVirus fantasies are great
25:26 tier 4 ElVirus
25:34 tier 4 <VHGC> killer
25:38 tier 4 Temujin
26:45 Narfle el virus, my team mates are saying im not very impressive when i pee
26:54 Narfle can you back me up here?
27:00 gas 4 -47 ElVirus
27:00 tier 4 FlareScarab
27:15 Narfle el virus
27:18 Narfle i pee the best, oui?
27:35 Narfle oui?
27:42 Narfle very impressive peeing?
27:49 Narfle oui?
30:27 tier 5 FlareScarab
30:28 tier 5 <VHGC> killer
30:41 tier 5 ElVirus
30:53 tier 5 Temujin
31:58 tier 4 Narfle
35:08 tier 6 FlareScarab
35:12 Narfle mon amour
35:18 Narfle would you still love me if i peed
35:21 Narfle and you couldnt see it?
35:44 tier 6 ElVirus
35:44 tier 6 Temujin
36:27 tier 5 Narfle
36:45 <VHGC> killer and here come the lagg XD
37:09 Narfle el virus, what is french pornhub like?
37:21 FlareScarab its very french
37:33 ElVirus pornhub is hell
37:39 Narfle too french?
37:51 FlareScarab its okay french
37:55 <VHGC> killer gg
37:56 Narfle gg
37:57 game ended
37:58 FlareScarab you can watch french porn english sub