Game #1348950 — 2021-05-01

terran 2727
apm: 97 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 260 | killed: 12k
9205 +2
terran 1143
apm: 32 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 260 | killed: 14k
7998 +2
protoss 368
apm: 27 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 427 | killed: 13k
2862 +2
2124 -2
apm: 22 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: -12 | killed: 11k
zerg 7
2304 -2
apm: 8 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: -82 | killed: 11k
terran 105
2060 -2
apm: 11 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: 30 | killed: 9k
protoss 1


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:04 <xPLEBx> Wuzyx glhf
00:17 <TRLM> HasuObsCLS hfhf
00:37 first unit on mid
00:47 tier 2 <xPLEBx> Wuzyx
00:49 tier 2 <TRLM> Weeduck
00:49 tier 2 Compiler
02:17 tier 2 Karvajalka
03:19 <xPLEBx> Wuzyx This is gg
03:20 cannon destroyed
03:20 gas 1 +52 <TRLM> antilombak
03:22 gas 1 +51 <TRLM> HasuObsCLS
03:22 gas 1 +51 <TRLM> Weeduck
03:23 <TRLM> HasuObsCLS yup
03:34 <TRLM> HasuObsCLS alrdy when you joined lobby (happy)
03:35 <xPLEBx> Wuzyx Didn't even get a fair chance
03:42 <xPLEBx> Wuzyx Oh shut up you donkey
03:56 gas 1 +34 Karvajalka
03:59 <TRLM> HasuObsCLS lmao, salty? (rofl)
04:28 <TRLM> HasuObsCLS you scanned me, saw stalker and build 2 sentry... wow
04:48 <xPLEBx> Wuzyx Wave 1 is literally meaningless
04:52 gas 2 -69 <TRLM> Weeduck
04:57 gas 2 -72 <TRLM> antilombak
04:58 <TRLM> HasuObsCLS i have to disagree
04:59 tier 2 <TRLM> HasuObsCLS
05:03 tier 2 <TRLM> antilombak
05:05 <xPLEBx> Wuzyx Wave 2 I had immos
05:13 <xPLEBx> Wuzyx But then my team was leaking
05:24 <TRLM> HasuObsCLS and thrue your scan i knew youre t2, so just build 2 zealots. countered
05:28 <xPLEBx> Wuzyx Stalker is literally the worst protoss unit and easiest to counter
05:44 <TRLM> HasuObsCLS oh boy, please go to ds school again (rofl)
05:49 gas 2 -98 <TRLM> HasuObsCLS
05:52 <TRLM> antilombak
05:56 tier 3 Compiler
06:12 <xPLEBx> Wuzyx 2 adepts and your zealots are uselss too because they're hitting halus
06:12 gas 1 -34 Compiler
06:15 <TRLM> antilombak Guns'n Roses
06:20 <TRLM> antilombak dont cry
06:25 tier 3 <TRLM> HasuObsCLS
06:32 gas 3 -194 <TRLM> antilombak
06:33 tier 3 <TRLM> antilombak
06:35 gas 3 -196 <TRLM> Weeduck
06:50 <TRLM> HasuObsCLS so, where are your adepts
07:17 <xPLEBx> Wuzyx It's obvious you're a loser by the way you type. Your mindset is pathetic
07:31 <TRLM> antilombak
07:40 <TRLM> HasuObsCLS lemme guess, >30% redlines in your log (rofl)
07:49 <xPLEBx> Wuzyx 90% win rate
08:05 <TRLM> HasuObsCLS 98% here
08:06 tier 3 <TRLM> Weeduck
08:14 gas 1 -95 <xPLEBx> Wuzyx
08:15 gas 2 -171 Karvajalka
08:15 bunker destroyed
08:20 gas 2 -173 Compiler
09:38 <TRLM> antilombak any hope?
09:57 <TRLM> HasuObsCLS bye gg ez
09:58 <xPLEBx> Wuzyx Compiler here has 3% win rate so no
10:04 game ended
10:06 Karvajalka gg