Game #1365130 — 2022-11-11

zagara 14
apm: 15 | gas: 3 | tier: 4
minerals: 1831 | killed: 164k
4329 -59
abathur 10
apm: 12 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 1627 | killed: 142k
3045 -59
tychus 65
apm: 11 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 1295 | killed: 132k
4246 -59
3807 +59
apm: 8 | gas: 2 | tier: 4
minerals: 2348 | killed: 158k
hanhorner 158
3225 +59
apm: 30 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 3350 | killed: 109k
mengsk 33
3322 +59
apm: 15 | gas: 3 | tier: 4
minerals: 2828 | killed: 160k
karax 35


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:03 gas 1 +746 FRUITLOOPS
00:04 Roflcopter GL HF
00:09 gas 1 +743 Biometrix
00:11 gas 1 +742 <Bakem> JJJ
00:12 gas 1 +741 Zero
00:21 gas 1 +736 BoboHobo
00:32 gas 1 +731 Roflcopter
00:37 first unit on mid
01:01 tier 2 <Bakem> JJJ
01:07 tier 2 BoboHobo
01:31 tier 2 FRUITLOOPS
01:41 gas 2 +621 Biometrix
01:42 gas 2 +621 <Bakem> JJJ
01:47 tier 2 Roflcopter
01:55 gas 2 +615 FRUITLOOPS
02:11 FRUITLOOPS what has free delivery?
02:20 Biometrix karax's beam
02:25 gas 2 +600 Zero
02:34 tier 3 BoboHobo
03:23 gas 3 +496 Biometrix
03:34 tier 2 Biometrix
03:56 tier 3 FRUITLOOPS
04:15 gas 3 +470 FRUITLOOPS
04:22 tier 2 Zero
05:08 FRUITLOOPS shall you raise your base salary and decrease your bonus?
05:12 Biometrix No
05:25 gas 2 +510 BoboHobo
05:28 Roflcopter People get paid in experiences, yeah?
05:36 Roflcopter Ever tried paying a home with experiences before?
05:42 Biometrix EXPOSURE BUCKS
05:57 FRUITLOOPS bricks for hicks
06:00 Biometrix sadly my lawyer doesn't take Direct Strike levels
06:29 FRUITLOOPS did you know he's going to restructure
06:37 Biometrix what?
06:52 Biometrix nice meme beam
07:02 FRUITLOOPS They call you salvatore gaglioni
08:05 Biometrix Might I ask what the vega is for, out of curiosity?
08:45 gas 3 +334 Zero
09:02 tier 3 Biometrix
11:08 Biometrix what is the sam for?
11:25 FRUITLOOPS Sam Bridges
11:43 gas 4 +171 Biometrix
11:47 Biometrix nice mass frenzy
12:28 gas 2 +298 Roflcopter
12:40 gas 3 +217 BoboHobo
13:55 tier 3 Zero
15:02 gas 3 +146 <Bakem> JJJ
16:14 tier 3 <Bakem> JJJ
16:46 tier 3 Roflcopter
17:45 Biometrix nice meme beam
17:51 FRUITLOOPS meme beam from hakeem
17:58 Biometrix dream
18:48 bunker destroyed
19:01 gas 4 -48 Zero
22:28 FRUITLOOPS why are you so pro
22:33 Biometrix we're not
22:39 Biometrix you're just worse than us (silly)
22:51 Roflcopter Favorable matchups.
23:00 gas 4 -168 BoboHobo
23:35 Biometrix gg
24:03 Biometrix ssory didn't mean to offensive gg
24:10 Biometrix I already typed it when I saw everything hitting the cc
24:10 FRUITLOOPS that was not offensive dear boi
25:16 tier 4 BoboHobo
25:20 tier 4 Zero
25:21 tier 4 Biometrix
25:23 tier 4 FRUITLOOPS
25:44 tier 4 Roflcopter
26:35 tier 4 <Bakem> JJJ
29:44 Biometrix g
29:50 Roflcopter GG.
29:51 Biometrix Good (silly)
29:54 Roflcopter WP!
29:55 game ended