Game #1404115 — 2020-09-24

dehaka 73
apm: 19 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: -86 | killed: 5k
3032 -64
artanis 2
apm: 9 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: 30 | killed: 7k
1618 -64
swann 15
apm: 15 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: -47 | killed: 9k
2269 -64
2167 +64
apm: 13 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 205 | killed: 16k
swann 24
2138 +64
apm: 11 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 136 | killed: 9k
vorazun 1
1894 +64
apm: 18 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 205 | killed: 10k
swann 4


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:04 gas 1 +109 BadMike
00:05 gas 1 +109 Charodey
00:08 gas 1 +107 Christoph
00:08 gas 1 +107 Rufus
00:15 gas 1 +104 Rojasek
01:01 tier 2 Rufus
01:20 first unit on mid
01:35 gas 2 -11 BadMike
01:35 gas 2 -11 Charodey
01:36 tier 2 Rojasek
01:38 gas 2 -13 Christoph
01:41 Christoph (rofl)
01:49 gas 2 -18 Rufus
02:04 Rufus is it true that everyone in europe hates germans?
02:17 Christoph weed, beer and sc2 while wife speelting. doesnt get much btter dornormal man on normal deay
02:17 BadMike no
02:28 Christoph Dnot everyone
02:32 Christoph but we have bad habbits
02:34 Christoph yes (rofl)
02:39 Rufus hahahaha a honest one
02:43 gas 1 +30 Norndm
02:50 Christoph .d
02:52 Christoph (rofl)
03:00 tier 2 Charodey
03:05 gas 3 -131 BadMike
03:05 gas 3 -131 Charodey
03:26 tier 2 Christoph
03:31 tier 2 BadMike
03:33 Christoph and in general a generalisation is bad. sure there is a 5-15% racists like in every countyr, but in general we love our neigbours
04:00 tier 2 Norndm
04:05 tier 3 BadMike
04:09 Christoph poland: great IT guys, super friendly. Check: awesome cities; unfriendly to tourists (rofl)(rofl)(rofl)(rofl) austria. brithplace of the Führer (rofl)
04:21 Christoph france: sexiest language and awesome food
04:24 Rojasek i love too ;) i work in meny countries with meny different people
04:26 Christoph dont forget hungiran food
04:34 Rufus I've been in austria for some time
04:42 gas 3 -180 Christoph
04:48 Rufus the young people are chill
04:59 Rufus but the old ones weren't very nice to foreigners
05:04 gas 3 -191 Rufus
05:22 Christoph normal. humans dont handle change very well
05:38 Rojasek come to poland and try to met old people
05:41 Christoph nothing general, jhust old (rofl) we young people have to defend vs pupulists like trump etc.
05:44 Christoph if right or legt
05:45 Christoph left
06:14 gas 2 -151 Rojasek
06:17 tier 3 Charodey
06:38 tier 3 Rojasek
06:58 bunker destroyed
07:15 Christoph oh i frogot it is weekly (rofl)
07:25 Rufus hahaha
08:27 Christoph also no dekha upgrades. if we loose its my fault (rofl)q. but we wont :>
08:32 tier 3 Christoph
08:33 Christoph no
08:35 Christoph rematch
08:41 Christoph REMATCH
08:43 Christoph rematch
08:43 game ended
08:45 Rufus gg xD