Game #1514907 — 2019-12-30

terran 363
apm: 12 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 255 | killed: 43k
3653 -86
protoss 236
apm: 25 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 236 | killed: 77k
5374 -86
1984 +86
apm: 25 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1238 | killed: 81k
protoss 8
2429 +86
apm: 23 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 801 | killed: 50k
zerg 7




average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:04 gas 1 +340 <AnimeF> Neuron
00:37 first unit on mid
00:53 tier 2 Primecluster
00:55 tier 2 <SB5> Orgonite
01:16 tier 2 <Ting> VascoDaGama
01:32 <AnimeF> Neuron boring
01:32 gas 1 +296 Primecluster
01:34 gas 2 +220 <AnimeF> Neuron
01:42 <SB5> Orgonite why?
01:49 <SB5> Orgonite i try new strat
02:29 tier 2 <AnimeF> Neuron
02:58 <AnimeF> Neuron too easy
03:04 gas 3 +100 <AnimeF> Neuron
03:14 <SB5> Orgonite i feel with u
03:33 gas 1 +236 <Ting> VascoDaGama
04:24 bunker destroyed
05:03 gas 2 +116 <Ting> VascoDaGama
05:10 tier 3 <AnimeF> Neuron
06:20 <AnimeF> Neuron i have 10% XD
06:57 <SB5> Orgonite 10% of brain?
07:01 <SB5> Orgonite awesome
07:04 gas 1 +130 <SB5> Orgonite
07:07 <Ting> VascoDaGama i really don't know what he is saying
07:13 cannon destroyed
07:20 gas 2 +47 Primecluster
07:22 <AnimeF> Neuron why are you angry at me? lol (rofl)
07:42 <SB5> Orgonite u talk to much
07:48 <SB5> Orgonite thats we all hate u
08:00 <Ting> VascoDaGama big mouth no skill.. that is the problem
08:00 <AnimeF> Neuron hahaha
09:21 tier 3 <SB5> Orgonite
10:25 <AnimeF> Neuron i am feel bad for you XD
10:30 <AnimeF> Neuron sorry
10:34 <Ting> VascoDaGama I feel like blocking you
10:41 <SB5> Orgonite coz we have more than 10%?
10:42 gas 3 -129 <Ting> VascoDaGama
11:16 <AnimeF> Neuron i have not 50%
11:20 <AnimeF> Neuron *now
11:37 <AnimeF> Neuron i just started to build some units (rofl)
12:44 <AnimeF> Neuron i think you not happy now (rofl)
13:23 tier 3 <Ting> VascoDaGama
13:36 <AnimeF> Neuron now i think i need to start upgradeing
14:05 <AnimeF> Neuron just for fun ;)
14:09 gas 3 -232 Primecluster
15:05 <AnimeF> Neuron i have 56% kill count / team
15:08 <AnimeF> Neuron too easy
15:58 tier 3 Primecluster
16:11 <AnimeF> Neuron it seems you had a big mouth
16:26 game ended
16:29 <AnimeF> Neuron hahaha