Game #1587139 — 2021-09-05

terran 13
apm: 9 | gas: 3 | tier: 4
minerals: 687 | killed: 134k
1773 -79
terran 7
apm: 9 | gas: 3 | tier: 4
minerals: 1090 | killed: 118k
1839 -79
protoss 74
apm: 6 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 759 | killed: 131k
4524 -79
1839 +79
apm: 19 | gas: 3 | tier: 4
minerals: 1086 | killed: 110k
protoss 5
2415 +79
apm: 5 | gas: 2 | tier: 4
minerals: 970 | killed: 124k
zerg 8
2132 +79
apm: 15 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 1705 | killed: 159k
protoss 13


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:06 gas 1 +700 <MHack> Mint
00:06 gas 1 +700 gGsOfTheFew
00:18 gas 1 +694 Xaeno
00:37 first unit on mid
00:46 gGsOfTheFew holy fuck we lost
00:52 tier 2 Xaeno
00:55 Crank scurred?
02:44 tier 2 <B2Life> Choompa
04:37 tier 2 <MHack> Mint
05:12 tier 2 gGsOfTheFew
05:17 tier 3 <MHack> Mint
06:34 cannon destroyed
06:34 gas 1 +506 Phil
06:45 gas 1 +501 <B2Life> Choompa
06:58 tier 2 Crank
06:58 gas 2 +419 gGsOfTheFew
07:11 tier 3 <B2Life> Choompa
07:12 gas 1 +487 Crank
07:21 tier 2 Phil
08:05 tier 3 gGsOfTheFew
08:28 gas 3 +299 gGsOfTheFew
08:49 gas 2 +363 Crank
08:55 Xaeno standard pvp build
09:21 gGsOfTheFew i think green drools on his keyboard
09:37 Crank green is ur best player me thinks
10:02 Crank drool and all
10:11 tier 3 Crank
10:39 gas 4 +158 gGsOfTheFew
10:40 gas 2 +308 <B2Life> Choompa
11:04 Xaeno orange is 4 x gas (happy)
11:06 Xaeno genius
11:10 Phil lol
11:15 gas 2 +290 Phil
11:17 Xaeno scan if u dont believe (rofl)
11:18 <B2Life> Choompa hes pro
11:26 gGsOfTheFew i gave up when green rushed T2 and gas as first person and a Zerg player
11:32 Crank hes planning for retirement
11:36 Xaeno orange gases so i gas (happy)
11:39 Xaeno simple
11:43 gGsOfTheFew even said fuck it im rushing 4gas and carriers
11:44 Phil yeah at this hour there are a lot of noobs
11:46 Xaeno learn ur mistake
12:11 gGsOfTheFew dude PvP is standard to gas first with 4 Zs and a sentry JFC
12:19 <B2Life> Choompa rofl no it aint
12:21 <B2Life> Choompa newb
12:28 gGsOfTheFew lmao 1v1 test it
12:30 Xaeno org so dumb but blaming others
12:34 <B2Life> Choompa this aint 1 on 1
12:38 gGsOfTheFew ill bet 100$
12:42 gGsOfTheFew its even better in 3s
12:47 gGsOfTheFew you have a longer time
12:48 gas 3 +169 Phil
12:49 Crank 3v3 its most important to win mid and collapse into folowin wave
12:56 <B2Life> Choompa your newb
13:00 <B2Life> Choompa you have all losses
13:01 <B2Life> Choompa lol
13:02 gGsOfTheFew i wouldnt leak my wave you autists
13:11 Xaeno only thing orange collapse into was his grans anus
13:34 <B2Life> Choompa purp went carriers so yea
13:38 <B2Life> Choompa fair game now ssh
13:48 Crank carrier only good toss unit
13:48 <B2Life> Choompa any pro knows tempests counter carriers
13:49 <B2Life> Choompa (rofl)
13:50 Crank wtf u talkin bout
13:58 <B2Life> Choompa carriers are trash and easily countered lol
14:02 Crank lol..
14:21 Crank u make ur tempest vs my carrier and ill amke 3 pheonix upfront
14:29 gas 2 +193 <MHack> Mint
14:43 <B2Life> Choompa looks like your leaking 2 waves :P
14:49 <B2Life> Choompa i gotta clean them both up
14:53 tier 3 Phil
14:53 Crank clearly im awful
15:00 gas 3 +103 Crank
16:02 gas 2 +147 Xaeno
16:12 Xaeno hahah wtf
16:14 bunker destroyed
16:17 gas 3 +64 <MHack> Mint
16:17 <B2Life> Choompa people are newbs
16:33 <MHack> Mint lol
16:46 Phil we're fine
16:48 <B2Life> Choompa i can only clear 2 waves for so long
16:52 <B2Life> Choompa no we are not
17:01 <MHack> Mint more rines vs collos please :X
17:01 <B2Life> Choompa im facing all 3 waves
17:04 <B2Life> Choompa this isnt commanders
17:08 <B2Life> Choompa once you get steam rolled
17:09 <B2Life> Choompa game over
17:10 <MHack> Mint gg looool
17:16 <B2Life> Choompa fuckign trash
17:19 gGsOfTheFew holy fuck pray your never teamed with our red
17:32 Xaeno oh so its reds fault now?
17:35 Xaeno not mine?
17:42 gGsOfTheFew i ment green fuck
17:46 Xaeno hahahahaha
17:47 <MHack> Mint loool
17:56 gGsOfTheFew its too late and this game hurt my brain
18:06 Xaeno u gas i gas, simple (rofl)
18:13 tier 3 Xaeno
18:18 gGsOfTheFew thats not how you win (rofl)
18:20 <B2Life> Choompa and this is why we steam rolled purple few games ago (rofl)
18:21 <B2Life> Choompa lol
18:50 <B2Life> Choompa look them tempests pwn the carriers
18:55 Crank stfu dude
18:59 Crank ur dumb
19:02 <B2Life> Choompa imagine if purp was good
19:05 <B2Life> Choompa he could be doing same thing
21:40 <B2Life> Choompa says the guy leaking like a fish
21:55 gGsOfTheFew how does a fish leak ?
22:06 <B2Life> Choompa purple saying im the leak when im the only mtfkr clearing a damn thing
22:08 <B2Life> Choompa lol
22:11 <B2Life> Choompa always the trash bags
22:42 <B2Life> Choompa says the dumb piece of sht massing carriers vs carriers and tempests
22:43 <B2Life> Choompa lol
23:01 gGsOfTheFew i mean .... temps and carriers is what you do late game ....
23:04 gGsOfTheFew im confused ?
23:17 gGsOfTheFew am i missing something ?
23:17 <B2Life> Choompa purple aint got none
23:28 <B2Life> Choompa hes trying to kill carriers and tempests with carriers
23:29 <B2Life> Choompa lol
23:43 gGsOfTheFew hes doing fine
24:00 <B2Life> Choompa says the newb that thinks rush gas is pro :P
24:11 gGsOfTheFew bro its standard as fuck
24:23 <B2Life> Choompa in commanders yea
24:41 gGsOfTheFew your too dense to talk to gg
25:03 Xaeno u learn something today orange?
25:07 Xaeno dont gas in standard 3v3
25:13 tier 4 <B2Life> Choompa
25:16 tier 4 <MHack> Mint
25:25 tier 4 Xaeno
25:37 tier 4 Phil
25:45 gGsOfTheFew green .... there isnt a single zerg player that actually wants to win that goes gas and T2 you will lose every single game you do that .... no mater what is on your team i promise you
25:46 tier 4 Crank
26:35 gas 4 -319 Crank
26:40 gas 3 -247 <B2Life> Choompa
27:04 tier 4 gGsOfTheFew
28:10 <MHack> Mint gg
28:21 <B2Life> Choompa trash purple
28:21 <MHack> Mint templar op
28:23 Xaeno gg
28:25 Phil (sad)
28:27 game ended