Game #1590376 — 2019-08-26

protoss 50
apm: 19 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 1407 | killed: 89k
4614 +22
zerg 1
apm: 15 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1725 | killed: 62k
2009 +22
zerg 9
apm: 13 | gas: 4 | tier: 2
minerals: 1082 | killed: 63k
2402 +22
2033 -22
apm: 8 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 27 | killed: 46k
zerg 1
1925 -22
apm: 9 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 250 | killed: 75k
terran 3
2382 -22
apm: 26 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: 94 | killed: 50k
protoss 6


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:04 gas 1 +476 <ProXX> JOKER
00:06 TopHATwaffle glhf
00:37 first unit on mid
02:31 gas 2 +327 <ProXX> JOKER
03:33 tier 2 <NIntN> yohanis
03:46 gas 1 +365 DralaFi
04:08 tier 2 TopHATwaffle
04:13 tier 2 <ProXX> JOKER
04:54 gas 1 +331 TopHATwaffle
05:16 tier 2 DralaFi
05:54 gas 1 +301 Trey
06:50 tier 2 <WNTRGG> MADMartinQC
07:15 gas 1 +260 <NIntN> yohanis
07:16 tier 2 Trey
08:36 gas 2 +145 TopHATwaffle
08:43 cannon destroyed
09:32 tier 3 <NIntN> yohanis
09:35 tier 3 <ProXX> JOKER
09:50 gas 2 +108 Trey
10:35 gas 2 +85 DralaFi
10:38 gas 3 +9 TopHATwaffle
11:52 gas 2 +47 <NIntN> yohanis
12:06 gas 3 -35 DralaFi
12:48 gas 1 +94 <WNTRGG> MADMartinQC
13:24 gas 3 -74 <NIntN> yohanis
15:17 gas 4 -206 <NIntN> yohanis
15:56 <WNTRGG> MADMartinQC gg i guess XD
16:08 <WNTRGG> MADMartinQC had abad start and was already over (sad)
16:13 gas 3 -159 Trey
16:21 TopHATwaffle Our middle double gassed. So you had a chance
16:30 <WNTRGG> MADMartinQC hummm
16:35 DralaFi like straight 2 gas rushed
16:43 <WNTRGG> MADMartinQC lol it didnt count
16:44 <WNTRGG> MADMartinQC XD
16:53 DralaFi cuz i carried it
16:56 gas 4 -255 DralaFi
17:00 <ProXX> JOKER dam , loyolty of my team os outstanding
17:09 <WNTRGG> MADMartinQC carryed it '''
17:13 <WNTRGG> MADMartinQC ssaid i had a bad start
17:16 <WNTRGG> MADMartinQC lol
17:33 DralaFi i cleaned up the previous wave and rolled u (happy)
17:46 <WNTRGG> MADMartinQC i jsut did a stupid strat
17:57 <WNTRGG> MADMartinQC everyone carry when ennemy do stupid stuff XD
17:59 TopHATwaffle Honestly, this game sucks with 90% of randoms
18:05 Trey go upstairs and brag to your mom
18:18 DralaFi i am a member of goonswarm (happy)
18:21 <NIntN> yohanis i am bad at zerg vs protoss
18:27 <NIntN> yohanis not sure how to play it
18:32 TopHATwaffle Zerg V toss is hard
18:42 TopHATwaffle Toss shit is SO GOOD early on
18:47 <NIntN> yohanis was behind from the start then you got the disruptors
18:54 <NIntN> yohanis and i was like ......
19:14 TopHATwaffle Yeah, I was losing until I got them
19:18 TopHATwaffle Then change everything
19:20 <NIntN> yohanis guess i will go broods :p
19:27 TopHATwaffle Broods are the answer tbh
19:35 TopHATwaffle But allies need to support
19:56 TopHATwaffle A few swarm hosts are good too
20:03 TopHATwaffle They attract the disruptor attacks
20:13 <NIntN> yohanis ya cosidered but thought the disruptors wouldjust kill them
20:23 TopHATwaffle The goal is to soak a disruptor hit
20:23 <NIntN> yohanis but if they pull attacks then ya that sounds good
20:27 TopHATwaffle that's it
20:49 <WNTRGG> MADMartinQC gg
20:52 TopHATwaffle gg
20:56 <NIntN> yohanis gg
20:57 game ended