Game #16236 — 2020-10-16

raynor 33
apm: 15 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 589 | killed: 46k
4099 +27
fenix 55
apm: 22 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 523 | killed: 38k
3995 +27
swann 68
apm: 11 | gas: 4 | tier: 2
minerals: 588 | killed: 10k
3582 +27
2278 -27
apm: 13 | gas: 4 | tier: 2
minerals: -5 | killed: 66k
hanhorner 5


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +246 <HISKI> HISKI
00:06 gas 1 +243 <HISKI> Xardas
00:07 gas 1 +243 <HISKI> Lucas
00:19 <HISKI> Xardas ok so since
00:23 <HISKI> Xardas we are 3v1
00:26 <HISKI> Xardas and there are mercs
00:27 <HISKI> HISKI jeah
00:31 <HISKI> Xardas WE ARE gonna use them
00:35 <HISKI> Xardas MODERATLY
00:37 <HISKI> Xardas ok ?
00:37 first unit on mid
00:40 <HISKI> HISKI okay
00:44 gas 1 +224 <HISKI> plehotron
01:36 gas 2 +123 <HISKI> Xardas
01:38 gas 2 +122 <HISKI> HISKI
02:06 tier 2 <HISKI> plehotron
02:12 tier 2 <HISKI> Xardas
02:14 gas 2 +104 <HISKI> Lucas
02:21 gas 2 +101 <HISKI> plehotron
03:06 gas 3 +3 <HISKI> Xardas
03:08 gas 3 +2 <HISKI> HISKI
03:12 <HISKI> Xardas damn lovenbrau is good
03:44 gas 3 -16 <HISKI> Lucas
03:51 tier 2 <HISKI> Lucas
03:51 gas 3 -19 <HISKI> plehotron
05:30 tier 2 <HISKI> HISKI
06:48 <HISKI> Xardas i honestly don't see you getting out of this
06:55 <HISKI> Lucas yes
06:58 <HISKI> HISKI you are fucked
07:28 <HISKI> Xardas u can use mercs i guess
07:29 <HISKI> Xardas XD
07:59 <HISKI> Xardas LMAO
09:47 cannon destroyed
10:00 gas 4 -279 <HISKI> Xardas
10:00 gas 4 -279 <HISKI> HISKI
10:04 gas 4 -281 <HISKI> plehotron
10:18 <HISKI> Xardas i feel sexually asaulted
10:28 tier 3 <HISKI> HISKI
10:33 tier 3 <HISKI> plehotron
10:38 <HISKI> HISKI why
10:39 <HISKI> Lucas oh yeah u funny piece of shit. by xardas youre messing around but go full on me
10:52 <HISKI> Xardas XD
10:58 <HISKI> Xardas i am not gonna merc duude
11:12 <HISKI> Lucas i dont fucking care
11:20 <HISKI> Xardas u actually angry ? XD
11:31 <HISKI> Xardas sry
11:32 <HISKI> Lucas no
11:34 <HISKI> plehotron dam this sound like popcorns xD
11:46 <HISKI> HISKI weird popcorn
11:54 gas 4 -336 <HISKI> Lucas
12:13 <HISKI> Xardas i wanted to mass vessels and let the drill solve you but nah xd
12:48 <HISKI> Xardas hiski u are such an asshole
12:50 <HISKI> Xardas XD
12:52 <HISKI> HISKI :'D
13:14 game ended