Game #1708353 — 2022-03-26

vorazun 1
apm: 16 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1186 | killed: 116k
2061 -59
stukov 1
apm: 15 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 863 | killed: 85k
1748 -59
nova 61
apm: 0 | gas: 0 | tier: 1
minerals: 0 | killed: 0
4587 -59
1457 +59
apm: 19 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1814 | killed: 79k
raynor 2
4104 +59
apm: 18 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1519 | killed: 59k
karax 126
3968 +59
apm: 20 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1789 | killed: 79k
kerrigan 5


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:00 leaver Batard
00:01 gas 1 +523 CameleoGrey
00:02 gas 1 +522 <HZXP> AbyssLord
00:04 gas 1 +521 Endurio
00:08 gas 1 +519 EuphobiA
00:12 gas 1 +517 AntiPOPA
00:37 first unit on mid
01:00 tier 2 AntiPOPA
01:32 gas 2 +402 CameleoGrey
01:34 gas 2 +401 Endurio
01:38 gas 2 +399 EuphobiA
01:47 tier 2 <HZXP> AbyssLord
02:48 tier 2 EuphobiA
02:52 tier 2 Endurio
03:04 gas 3 +281 CameleoGrey
03:08 gas 3 +279 EuphobiA
03:38 gas 3 +264 Endurio
04:38 gas 2 +309 <HZXP> AbyssLord
04:49 gas 2 +304 AntiPOPA
05:23 tier 3 Endurio
06:32 bunker destroyed
06:59 tier 2 CameleoGrey
07:27 tier 3 <HZXP> AbyssLord
08:04 tier 3 EuphobiA
08:05 tier 3 CameleoGrey
08:29 tier 3 AntiPOPA
09:37 gas 3 +85 AntiPOPA
09:51 gas 3 +78 <HZXP> AbyssLord
10:01 gas 4 -2 CameleoGrey
10:29 Endurio when is this foker getting kicked?!
10:32 gas 4 -18 EuphobiA
10:49 <HZXP> AbyssLord since the beginning of the match
10:55 <HZXP> AbyssLord he didn't loaded the game
10:57 EuphobiA yeah he is gone
11:06 EuphobiA u have spawns every wave...^^
11:09 <HZXP> AbyssLord that's why it took so long to create
11:22 gas 4 -43 AntiPOPA
11:28 Endurio shouldnt his worker disappear?
11:38 EuphobiA not when he didnt load
11:49 Endurio anoying
11:57 EuphobiA when he connected and then gets kicked / leaves he disappears
12:51 EuphobiA gg
22:26 Endurio gg
22:27 game ended