Game #1714551 — 2021-08-27

zerg 757
apm: 16 | gas: 4 | tier: 6
minerals: 2942 | killed: 298k
5239 +0
terran 104
apm: 8 | gas: 4 | tier: 7
minerals: 3166 | killed: 408k
3607 +0
protoss 21
apm: 8 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: -60 | killed: 7k
926 -8
1840 -0
apm: 16 | gas: 4 | tier: 7
minerals: 4044 | killed: 419k
terran 10
1766 -0
apm: 15 | gas: 4 | tier: 7
minerals: 3640 | killed: 371k
terran 10
945 -0
apm: 8 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1952 | killed: 64k
terran 73


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:40 first unit on mid
01:51 tier 2 Astuit
02:10 gas 1 +999 shaDoutEL
02:26 tier 2 Roaming
03:16 shaDoutEL im on 3gas
03:23 tier 2 <SFJx> Yrmt
03:27 gas 1 -60 Roaming
04:11 gas 2 +863 shaDoutEL
04:28 gas 1 +930 <DSFTWA> Flycopstache
05:49 tier 2 <DSFTWA> Flycopstache
05:54 Roaming im done with these goofballs
06:00 shaDoutEL "D
06:08 tier 2 PlashSpeed
06:25 Roaming GG
06:28 leaver Roaming
06:32 gas 3 +718 shaDoutEL
06:35 bunker destroyed
06:41 gas 1 +864 <SFJx> Yrmt
06:59 gas 2 +779 <DSFTWA> Flycopstache
07:22 gas 1 +843 Astuit
07:40 tier 2 shaDoutEL
08:11 gas 2 +744 <SFJx> Yrmt
08:25 gas 1 +230 PlashSpeed
08:58 tier 3 PlashSpeed
09:30 gas 2 +704 Astuit
09:47 gas 3 +620 <DSFTWA> Flycopstache
11:42 gas 4 +488 <DSFTWA> Flycopstache
12:35 gas 4 +461 shaDoutEL
12:42 tier 3 <SFJx> Yrmt
13:04 tier 3 Astuit
13:20 gas 3 +514 <SFJx> Yrmt
13:34 gas 2 +0 PlashSpeed
21:06 leaver PlashSpeed
21:18 gas 4 +200 <SFJx> Yrmt
21:29 gas 3 +269 Astuit
24:34 gas 4 +102 Astuit
25:19 tier 4 Astuit
26:38 tier 4 <SFJx> Yrmt
29:27 tier 3 <DSFTWA> Flycopstache
30:03 tier 5 <SFJx> Yrmt
30:14 tier 5 Astuit
31:37 tier 4 <DSFTWA> Flycopstache
32:29 tier 5 <DSFTWA> Flycopstache
33:58 tier 3 shaDoutEL
34:39 tier 4 shaDoutEL
35:03 tier 6 <SFJx> Yrmt
35:06 tier 6 Astuit
35:08 tier 6 <DSFTWA> Flycopstache
35:32 tier 5 shaDoutEL
36:25 tier 6 shaDoutEL
38:00 shaDoutEL ez
38:32 shaDoutEL stall me out more
38:39 shaDoutEL you fucking information parasite
38:41 shaDoutEL psychic devil
38:50 shaDoutEL at least be a devil of the real homie
38:51 shaDoutEL (rofl)
39:06 cannon destroyed
40:03 tier 7 shaDoutEL
40:03 tier 7 <SFJx> Yrmt
40:19 tier 7 Astuit
40:25 shaDoutEL gg
40:27 shaDoutEL wp
40:28 <DSFTWA> Flycopstache gg
40:29 game ended