Game #1741828 — 2022-01-14

terran 149
apm: 6 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 179 | killed: 80k
3431 -63
zerg 12
apm: 18 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 340 | killed: 60k
1760 -63
terran 155
apm: 12 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 246 | killed: 98k
1986 -63
2098 +63
apm: 44 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1480 | killed: 68k
zerg 18
2515 +63
apm: 16 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1412 | killed: 105k
terran 56
2641 +63
apm: 9 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1671 | killed: 89k
protoss 404


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:03 <skjb> Terrantula glhf
00:07 <Leengz> HarryNipps stacking teams huh?
00:10 <Leengz> HarryNipps cute
00:23 <skjb> Terrantula waaaaaaaaaa
00:31 <Leengz> HarryNipps ya ur a bitch just admit it
00:38 first unit on mid
00:42 <skjb> Terrantula hardly stacked mate
00:51 tier 2 JAX
00:54 <Leengz> HarryNipps whatever u gotta tell urself
00:58 <Leengz> HarryNipps hope we bury u
00:59 <skjb> Terrantula if you don't like it leave the lobby
01:06 tier 2 <skjb> Terrantula
01:19 <Leengz> HarryNipps just get bent loser ur a pussy
04:24 tier 2 winnye
05:20 tier 2 Kenshin
06:10 tier 2 MeowMix
07:40 bunker destroyed
07:42 gas 1 +357 JAX
07:43 gas 1 +357 <Leengz> HarryNipps
07:57 <skjb> Terrantula so stacked
08:06 gas 1 +345 Kenshin
08:07 <Leengz> HarryNipps u tried but u still suck
08:29 <Leengz> HarryNipps WHICH is why u try and stack
08:37 <skjb> Terrantula STACKED
08:54 <skjb> Terrantula MOM HE STACKED
09:03 tier 2 <Leengz> HarryNipps
09:06 <Leengz> HarryNipps just wanted u to know ur a bitch is all
09:24 gas 2 +231 JAX
09:59 gas 2 +214 Kenshin
10:20 gas 2 +203 <Leengz> HarryNipps
10:29 gas 1 +274 MeowMix
11:06 gas 1 +255 winnye
11:29 tier 3 Kenshin
11:58 gas 1 +229 <skjb> Terrantula
11:58 tier 3 JAX
12:36 <Leengz> HarryNipps lol
12:37 tier 3 winnye
12:57 gas 3 +50 <Leengz> HarryNipps
13:31 gas 3 +33 Kenshin
13:36 <skjb> Terrantula next time you accuse someone of stacking check the players
13:51 <Leengz> HarryNipps DUDE U did it and got busted fuck off
13:53 <skjb> Terrantula i evened up the teams and you cried
14:09 <Leengz> HarryNipps yep ill check after this u lieing bitch
14:16 tier 3 <Leengz> HarryNipps
14:22 gas 3 +7 JAX
14:27 tier 3 <skjb> Terrantula
14:54 gas 2 +66 MeowMix
15:00 tier 3 MeowMix
17:24 gas 2 -9 winnye
17:53 gas 4 -173 Kenshin
18:46 gas 2 -50 <skjb> Terrantula
20:15 gas 4 -244 JAX
24:35 MeowMix gg
24:37 <skjb> Terrantula STACKED
24:37 game ended
24:50 <Leengz> HarryNipps pathetic