Game #1825820 — 2022-04-26

protoss 763
apm: 11 | gas: 4 | tier: 2
minerals: 1168 | killed: 45k
2894 +40
zerg 155
apm: 15 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1352 | killed: 40k
4529 +40
terran 90
apm: 13 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1067 | killed: 41k
3028 +40
1840 -40
apm: 9 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 194 | killed: 54k
protoss 10
1987 -40
apm: 20 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: -253 | killed: 51k
zerg 38
1548 -40
apm: 9 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: -31 | killed: 3k
terran 4


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:45 first unit on mid
01:19 tier 2 PaulB
01:47 gas 1 -31 Rampant
03:06 tier 2 DatSauceTho
03:13 tier 2 Rampant
03:23 cannon destroyed
03:24 gas 1 +240 PaulB
03:25 gas 1 +240 <xEPx> NemesisEP
04:48 tier 2 <xEPx> NemesisEP
04:57 gas 1 +194 FliedLice
04:57 gas 2 +118 <xEPx> NemesisEP
05:01 gas 2 +117 PaulB
05:39 gas 1 +172 <UaiSo> Diver
05:46 leaver Rampant
06:00 <xEPx> NemesisEP has left the game!
06:24 tier 3 PaulB
06:27 gas 3 -2 <xEPx> NemesisEP
06:31 tier 2 FliedLice
06:52 tier 2 <UaiSo> Diver
08:34 gas 2 +10 <UaiSo> Diver
08:41 PaulB disruptor these infestors please
08:58 gas 1 +73 DatSauceTho
09:34 <xEPx> NemesisEP Okay
10:00 gas 4 -183 <xEPx> NemesisEP
10:04 gas 3 -110 <UaiSo> Diver
10:09 tier 3 <UaiSo> Diver
11:36 <xEPx> NemesisEP Okay, I disruptored the infestors.
11:53 <xEPx> NemesisEP Fucking faggot infestors.
12:14 gas 2 -100 DatSauceTho
12:16 PaulB kill THEM!
12:46 PaulB NICE (happy)
12:53 <xEPx> NemesisEP SWAG
12:57 PaulB I can now build more MUTA
13:35 tier 3 FliedLice
13:57 gas 3 -226 DatSauceTho
16:17 tier 3 DatSauceTho
16:18 <UaiSo> Diver gg
16:19 PaulB gg
16:24 <xEPx> NemesisEP Have a good evening.
16:25 game ended