Game #1903634 — 2021-09-24

zerg 7
apm: 18 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1138 | killed: 38k
2477 +69
zerg 5
apm: 8 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 605 | killed: 50k
2148 +69
terran 31
apm: 26 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1080 | killed: 53k
1372 +69
925 -6
apm: 26 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 251 | killed: 45k
terran 118
3715 -69
apm: 9 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 503 | killed: 38k
protoss 167
1807 -69
apm: 9 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 521 | killed: 56k
terran 11


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:08 gas 1 +390 Legendary
00:39 first unit on mid
00:47 tier 2 zakaveli
00:53 tier 2 Gazzbeef
01:13 gas 1 +357 stifler
01:52 tier 2 BIoodyhell
02:49 tier 2 stifler
02:57 bunker destroyed
02:58 gas 1 +305 BIoodyhell
02:59 gas 1 +304 zakaveli
03:00 gas 2 +229 stifler
03:00 gas 1 +303 <SQSH> Squishy
03:34 tier 2 Legendary
04:11 zakaveli double expansion w/ no units
04:24 stifler legenday wanted end game
04:24 tier 2 <SQSH> Squishy
04:32 Legendary hes a crybaby
04:37 stifler i need 4th gas first
04:41 tier 3 BIoodyhell
04:42 Legendary should be playing 1v1 wants to control everything
04:50 Legendary thiniks hes the god of this game
04:53 Legendary best tehre is
04:53 gas 2 +172 <SQSH> Squishy
04:56 Legendary best there everyw ill be
05:03 tier 3 <SQSH> Squishy
05:07 BIoodyhell oh legendary on your team lol we lost last game thanks to him
05:08 stifler there bro i raped 2 waves
05:13 Legendary bloddy
05:17 Legendary you suckl bro
05:54 cannon destroyed
06:01 gas 2 +138 Legendary
06:35 gas 1 +196 Gazzbeef
07:11 gas 3 +28 stifler
07:32 gas 3 +18 Legendary
08:09 gas 2 +74 zakaveli
08:41 tier 3 Legendary
10:45 gas 3 -79 <SQSH> Squishy
10:51 gas 4 -157 Legendary
11:11 gas 4 -167 stifler
11:20 gas 2 -22 Gazzbeef
11:22 gas 2 -22 BIoodyhell
12:29 tier 3 stifler
13:22 gas 3 -157 BIoodyhell
14:40 tier 3 zakaveli
16:47 gas 3 -260 Gazzbeef
18:07 stifler gg i carried
18:08 game ended