Game #209366 — 2021-02-04

zerg 43
apm: 15 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 757 | killed: 30k
2092 +27
terran 4
apm: 8 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 565 | killed: 52k
1934 +27
terran 2433
apm: 9 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 609 | killed: 64k
4013 +27
2260 -27
apm: 12 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 93 | killed: 42k
zerg 22
1991 -27
apm: 19 | gas: 4 | tier: 2
minerals: 25 | killed: 57k
protoss 3
2074 -27
apm: 4 | gas: 0 | tier: 2
minerals: 0 | killed: 0
protoss 33


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:38 first unit on mid
00:51 tier 2 <POTTY> RastaRot
00:52 tier 2 FNGRBLSTR
01:03 <DSFTWA> NastyNate gl hf (hearts)
01:10 KeX hi
01:33 tier 2 KeX
01:43 tier 2 topquark
01:58 tier 2 <ISSC> EvOl
02:05 tier 2 <DSFTWA> NastyNate
02:05 leaver topquark
02:13 FNGRBLSTR rage already ?
02:17 <ISSC> EvOl yeah hes stupid
02:20 KeX lol
04:47 gas 1 +213 FNGRBLSTR
04:51 FNGRBLSTR getting 2nd gas now
04:57 <ISSC> EvOl im on 4
04:58 gas 1 +208 <ISSC> EvOl
05:07 gas 1 +203 <POTTY> RastaRot
05:12 KeX keepp it like that
06:16 cannon destroyed
06:19 FNGRBLSTR 3rd gas
06:21 gas 2 +91 FNGRBLSTR
06:22 gas 1 +166 KeX
06:23 <ISSC> EvOl weak
06:28 gas 2 +88 <ISSC> EvOl
06:52 FNGRBLSTR yeah bro you need mutas
06:54 FNGRBLSTR lots of them
06:55 tier 3 <POTTY> RastaRot
07:46 gas 1 +124 <DSFTWA> NastyNate
07:57 gas 2 +43 <POTTY> RastaRot
08:00 <POTTY> RastaRot this game is ez
08:01 gas 3 -34 FNGRBLSTR
08:05 <ISSC> EvOl so is ur mom
08:14 <DSFTWA> NastyNate oooof mom jokes
08:15 KeX lol
08:24 <ISSC> EvOl nerd
08:29 <DSFTWA> NastyNate lmzo
08:34 gas 3 -50 <ISSC> EvOl
08:43 FNGRBLSTR yo green u bad bro
08:46 FNGRBLSTR mad bad son
08:51 <DSFTWA> NastyNate 3 greens here
08:51 <POTTY> RastaRot MAD BAD
08:53 <DSFTWA> NastyNate which one
08:58 FNGRBLSTR all ub em
09:00 <DSFTWA> NastyNate lol
09:04 tier 3 FNGRBLSTR
09:53 gas 2 -15 <DSFTWA> NastyNate
10:25 gas 3 -105 <POTTY> RastaRot
10:29 <POTTY> RastaRot why you going all air
10:41 gas 4 -189 FNGRBLSTR
11:10 FNGRBLSTR im rich bitch
11:45 gas 4 -221 <ISSC> EvOl
11:50 gas 2 -73 KeX
12:37 <POTTY> RastaRot i just got 8th gas
12:45 gas 3 -176 <DSFTWA> NastyNate
12:48 gas 4 -252 <POTTY> RastaRot
14:26 tier 3 <DSFTWA> NastyNate
16:47 <POTTY> RastaRot you guys suck
16:50 <ISSC> EvOl u suck
16:51 <ISSC> EvOl nerd
16:55 game ended
16:55 <DSFTWA> NastyNate gg noobz