Game #2181478 — 2021-11-17

terran 1233
apm: 12 | gas: 2 | tier: 4
minerals: 2688 | killed: 106k
6364 +10
terran 513
apm: 12 | gas: 3 | tier: 4
minerals: 2547 | killed: 173k
4334 +10
zerg 10
apm: 11 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 2707 | killed: 105k
1894 +10
2502 -10
apm: 16 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 1361 | killed: 175k
terran 42
1363 -10
apm: 15 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 898 | killed: 114k
protoss 10
1866 -10
apm: 22 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 1133 | killed: 98k
protoss 2


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:13 <DSFTWA> DesertFox banshee time!! lets see how crin does with them
00:25 <EzyWin> MUTABOMB gl hf
00:30 Illidin gl
00:38 first unit on mid
00:47 Mightymouse hey its cringy
00:47 <DSFTWA> DesertFox oops i did it again
00:57 <DSFTWA> DesertFox good luck, sorry about your first wave guy
01:17 <DSFTWA> DesertFox he needs to be carried
01:24 tier 2 Mightymouse
01:50 <DSFTWA> DesertFox oh no, fat solders
02:14 <DSFTWA> DesertFox oh no, our bunker
02:49 tier 2 Crin
03:10 gas 1 +632 tom
03:32 tier 2 tom
03:44 tier 2 Illidin
03:50 <DSFTWA> DesertFox lol oh no a raven
04:15 gas 1 +600 Crin
05:07 cannon destroyed
05:09 gas 1 +573 Mightymouse
05:10 gas 1 +572 Illidin
05:11 <EzyWin> MUTABOMB rude
05:17 gas 1 +569 <DSFTWA> DesertFox
05:24 <DSFTWA> DesertFox i know, that first wave guy on your team
05:51 <DSFTWA> DesertFox has crin made you cringe yet??
06:07 <DSFTWA> DesertFox we're waiting for his mighty thors
06:08 Mightymouse how many gasses is he on?
06:13 tier 2 <DSFTWA> DesertFox
06:38 gas 1 +529 <EzyWin> MUTABOMB
06:48 <DSFTWA> DesertFox well we have two each already
06:48 gas 2 +449 Mightymouse
06:57 gas 2 +444 <DSFTWA> DesertFox
07:04 gas 2 +441 tom
07:07 tier 3 tom
07:07 gas 2 +439 Illidin
07:13 <EzyWin> MUTABOMB show off
07:22 <DSFTWA> DesertFox i got my 3rd gas
07:26 gas 2 +429 Crin
07:54 tier 2 <EzyWin> MUTABOMB
08:57 gas 3 +309 Crin
09:11 <DSFTWA> DesertFox oh no, he got tanks instead of thors!
09:26 Mightymouse hes copying u!
09:38 tier 3 Illidin
11:03 tier 3 Mightymouse
12:06 gas 2 +289 <EzyWin> MUTABOMB
12:16 <EzyWin> MUTABOMB i got 2 gas now(inlove)
12:23 <DSFTWA> DesertFox lol we each have 4 gas here
12:27 <DSFTWA> DesertFox 40 min game
12:30 <EzyWin> MUTABOMB show off
12:50 <DSFTWA> DesertFox we have to live up to Crin's standard
13:30 tier 3 Crin
14:50 gas 3 +133 tom
15:26 tier 3 <DSFTWA> DesertFox
15:36 <DSFTWA> DesertFox oh no he got those mean thors now
15:48 gas 3 +103 <EzyWin> MUTABOMB
15:51 Mightymouse only 2?
15:57 Mightymouse im disappointed
15:59 <EzyWin> MUTABOMB yup and i got 3 gas
15:59 gas 4 +23 Crin
16:09 <DSFTWA> DesertFox we have 4 gas already 5 mins ago
16:15 <EzyWin> MUTABOMB haha
16:19 <EzyWin> MUTABOMB yaya
16:27 gas 3 +84 Illidin
17:00 Mightymouse hes up to 3 thors now!
17:03 Mightymouse we lost
17:32 gas 4 -23 <EzyWin> MUTABOMB
17:50 <DSFTWA> DesertFox stop killing crin, he's mine
18:49 <DSFTWA> DesertFox crap he's a thor cranking factory now
18:50 gas 4 -63 Illidin
19:12 gas 4 -73 tom
20:22 tier 3 <EzyWin> MUTABOMB
21:17 <EzyWin> MUTABOMB u done now i got 1 archon
21:32 Mightymouse im still waiting on those mutas of urs
24:16 gas 3 -150 Mightymouse
25:18 tier 4 Crin
25:28 tier 4 <EzyWin> MUTABOMB
25:54 tier 4 Mightymouse
26:15 tier 4 <DSFTWA> DesertFox
26:43 tier 4 tom
27:41 tier 4 Illidin
29:07 tom gg
29:11 <DSFTWA> DesertFox lol
29:12 Illidin gg
29:13 <DSFTWA> DesertFox ez
29:14 <EzyWin> MUTABOMB gg
29:16 game ended
29:17 <DSFTWA> DesertFox go crin!