Game #2445313 — 2022-11-24

tychus 3839
apm: 11 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 1273 | killed: 58k
4107 +25
mengsk 80
apm: 16 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1470 | killed: 66k
4953 +25
mengsk 28
apm: 16 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1498 | killed: 59k
2677 +25
1239 -25
apm: 6 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 428 | killed: 58k
fenix 2
1611 -25
apm: 16 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 939 | killed: 65k
hanhorner 8
3014 -25
apm: 13 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 543 | killed: 58k
mengsk 65


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:03 gas 1 +433 Frek
00:04 gas 1 +433 BigFunky
00:09 gas 1 +430 Battlecruise
00:11 gas 1 +429 Entropy
00:14 gas 1 +428 TheDuDe
00:32 gas 1 +418 <TanyaZ> LasTAnGeL
00:39 first unit on mid
01:00 tier 2 BigFunky
01:33 gas 2 +313 Frek
01:35 cannon destroyed
01:40 Entropy ?
01:42 gas 2 +308 BigFunky
01:44 Battlecruise ??
01:50 Frek ???
01:50 gas 2 +305 Battlecruise
01:54 tier 3 BigFunky
01:56 Entropy who didnt build
02:02 Battlecruise you know perfectly well that you had a huge chance to kill it
02:10 Battlecruise we all built
02:14 Entropy I built then went afk
02:31 tier 2 Frek
02:43 gas 2 +278 Entropy
02:51 Battlecruise you have +45 hp +1 armor +4 damage full line of assault troopers
02:55 Battlecruise that can kill most things
03:03 gas 3 +193 Frek
03:04 Entropy you had the same chance I did
03:14 Battlecruise not quite?
03:17 Battlecruise it depends on the auras
03:22 Entropy literally exactly
03:31 Battlecruise -_--
03:37 Entropy random is fair
03:42 Battlecruise uh.....
03:43 Entropy and its a mirror match
03:46 tier 2 TheDuDe
03:46 Battlecruise no it's not fair
03:47 Battlecruise at all
03:52 Battlecruise that's why it's random
04:03 Entropy random is exactly fair
04:14 Battlecruise random is the definition of unfair
04:26 Entropy thats exactly the opposite lol
04:51 Battlecruise oh yeah, you also have 2 blood
04:57 Entropy indeed
05:05 Battlecruise so that's 2x fire, 1x ice, 1x life, 2x blood
05:10 Entropy maths
05:14 Battlecruise there's way too little that can kill that at the start
05:20 Battlecruise if there's even anything
05:35 Entropy unless they also get 6 random auras and know how to play their race
05:45 Battlecruise uhm......
05:49 Entropy hell, we got a guy who rushed PoA lol
05:59 Battlecruise yeah, you do
06:02 Battlecruise and you are still strong enough
06:21 gas 3 +94 Entropy
06:22 Entropy going back to alt tabbing
06:24 Battlecruise it's nothing about knowing how to play the commander or stuff like that, you were just lucky
06:25 gas 2 +167 <TanyaZ> LasTAnGeL
06:26 Battlecruise that's all
06:38 tier 2 Battlecruise
06:39 Battlecruise (you do have the knowledge, it's just not absolute)
08:02 tier 2 Entropy
08:24 gas 3 +32 BigFunky
09:00 Frek can you stop fucking feeding to tychus
09:47 gas 3 -9 <TanyaZ> LasTAnGeL
10:03 gas 3 -17 Battlecruise
10:37 tier 3 TheDuDe
11:42 tier 3 Frek
12:37 tier 2 <TanyaZ> LasTAnGeL
12:50 gas 4 -175 Battlecruise
14:08 tier 3 Battlecruise
19:17 tier 3 Entropy
19:27 Entropy good game, very fair
19:30 game ended