Game #253424 — 2020-10-07

mengsk 6
apm: 22 | gas: 3 | tier: 4
minerals: 1553 | killed: 96k
1656 -57
tychus 1
apm: 4 | gas: 4 | tier: 5
minerals: 2015 | killed: 293k
2027 +0
kerrigan 85
apm: 34 | gas: 4 | tier: 5
minerals: 2648 | killed: 193k
4362 +0
3880 -0
apm: 4 | gas: 4 | tier: 5
minerals: 2784 | killed: 200k
tychus 128
1747 -0
apm: 22 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 2285 | killed: 141k
mengsk 5
1932 -0
apm: 19 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 2193 | killed: 157k
hanhorner 3


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:04 gas 1 +866 cybercyb
00:05 gas 1 +866 КосТяНет
00:16 gas 1 +754 Spirit
00:21 gas 1 +858 kerokero
00:26 gas 1 +855 Warhead
00:38 first unit on mid
00:53 tier 2 КосТяНет
00:54 tier 2 Spirit
01:08 gas 1 +834 SleepyBear
01:40 gas 2 +743 cybercyb
01:59 tier 2 cybercyb
04:08 tier 2 kerokero
04:38 gas 2 +654 КосТяНет
04:41 gas 3 +577 cybercyb
06:02 gas 2 +612 kerokero
06:19 tier 2 SleepyBear
07:01 gas 2 +583 Warhead
07:07 tier 3 cybercyb
07:53 gas 2 +450 Spirit
07:58 bunker destroyed
08:30 gas 2 +538 SleepyBear
08:31 gas 3 +463 Warhead
09:02 gas 3 +447 КосТяНет
10:13 gas 4 +337 cybercyb
12:57 gas 3 +224 Spirit
13:36 tier 3 КосТяНет
14:41 tier 3 Spirit
16:58 tier 3 kerokero
18:19 gas 3 +169 SleepyBear
18:39 gas 4 +84 Warhead
19:11 gas 3 +143 kerokero
19:15 tier 3 SleepyBear
21:24 tier 2 Warhead
23:31 tier 3 Warhead
24:01 gas 4 -77 КосТяНет
24:07 Warhead more vegas...roger i understand
25:18 Warhead that noob told me to stop doing
25:41 gas 4 -127 kerokero
25:47 cybercyb werent you the guy who cant build a missle tower right
25:48 tier 4 КосТяНет
26:05 Warhead werent you the guy who is losing?!?
26:16 cybercyb so you were the missle turret guy
26:20 gas 4 -147 SleepyBear
26:32 Warhead were the loser?
26:36 cybercyb and if you were a little less stupid you would see that im not fighting my wave
26:42 cannon destroyed
26:51 tier 4 Warhead
26:51 cybercyb i guess thats to high for you
27:12 Warhead nah
27:19 cybercyb you will learn it at some point
27:29 cybercyb maybe level 5000 or something will be your breakthrough
27:30 tier 4 Spirit
28:04 tier 4 cybercyb
28:24 cybercyb but first you gotta be able to place a missle turret, 1 step after another
30:05 tier 5 cybercyb
30:25 leaver Spirit
30:31 tier 5 КосТяНет
31:07 Warhead your teammate is more clever...he left
31:30 cybercyb its time to stfu
31:33 cybercyb i asked him to
32:16 tier 5 Warhead
32:20 Warhead maybe you have a chance, when yourself leaves?
32:25 Warhead but i really doubt it
32:40 Warhead maybe you learn playing?
32:58 cybercyb strop crying and go back to your silent corner
33:56 cybercyb fcking noob
33:57 game ended