Game #2708836 — 2021-02-16

stukov 55
apm: 20 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 2198 | killed: 85k
3697 -59
tychus 53
apm: 4 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 2017 | killed: 74k
931 -5
nova 7
apm: 11 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1519 | killed: 118k
2732 -59
3157 +59
apm: 30 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1508 | killed: 128k
nova 296
2332 +59
apm: 5 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1160 | killed: 86k
hanhorner 7
2046 +59
apm: 2 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 690 | killed: 106k
tychus 18


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +574 <MdCoop> Anjaras
00:02 gas 1 +573 Sergiolord
00:04 gas 1 +572 Qualli
00:05 gas 1 +572 <1qp> Strontium
00:12 gas 1 +568 Crazyromanul
00:18 gas 1 +565 SNEPI
00:39 first unit on mid
01:01 tier 2 SNEPI
01:18 tier 2 <MdCoop> Anjaras
01:19 tier 2 Crazyromanul
01:42 gas 2 +448 Crazyromanul
02:06 gas 2 +436 <1qp> Strontium
02:07 gas 2 +436 Qualli
02:12 gas 2 +434 Sergiolord
03:05 tier 3 Crazyromanul
03:12 gas 3 +328 Crazyromanul
03:48 Crazyromanul wtf is this hellbat anti tychus meta
04:06 gas 3 +301 Qualli
04:11 <1qp> Strontium idc man )
04:23 Crazyromanul ofc u dont care=)) its not working
04:24 tier 2 Sergiolord
04:34 <1qp> Strontium not )(
04:49 <1qp> Strontium it is)
05:37 <1qp> Strontium nerfd !
05:41 tier 2 Qualli
05:52 Crazyromanul and crooked sam vs nova
06:07 <1qp> Strontium gl )
06:18 <1qp> Strontium u lose
06:20 Crazyromanul team 2 at 5AM, best combo
06:22 Crazyromanul Ofc uwe lose
06:32 <1qp> Strontium yeyeye
06:37 gas 3 +226 <1qp> Strontium
07:37 tier 2 <1qp> Strontium
07:58 gas 3 +185 Sergiolord
08:22 tier 3 <1qp> Strontium
09:09 <1qp> Strontium still can`t control mid ? :d
09:14 Crazyromanul still have a shit team
09:23 <1qp> Strontium as always +
09:35 <1qp> Strontium use alwayts !
09:56 Crazyromanul please put at least a neuron when ur speaking or dont bother
10:02 gas 4 +49 Qualli
10:21 gas 4 +39 Crazyromanul
10:41 tier 3 SNEPI
11:22 <1qp> Strontium gg?
12:40 cannon destroyed
13:09 gas 2 +105 <MdCoop> Anjaras
13:33 gas 4 -57 <1qp> Strontium
14:33 <1qp> Strontium still alive my ax ;d
14:52 Crazyromanul god kiddo ur annoying sstfu already
15:18 <1qp> Strontium + <-- this is crust on your grave )
15:27 Crazyromanul i dont understand wtf ur saying
15:29 Crazyromanul bc ur english is too bad
15:38 <1qp> Strontium ok )
15:55 <1qp> Strontium i like rhT YOPU ARE afraid :d
16:52 gas 4 -157 Sergiolord
17:17 bunker destroyed
19:34 <1qp> Strontium ))))))))
22:05 tier 3 Qualli
22:39 tier 3 <MdCoop> Anjaras
23:13 tier 3 Sergiolord
24:09 Crazyromanul EAZY
24:10 game ended