Game #2844266 — 2025-02-18

protoss 3754
apm: 5 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1142 | killed: 37k
... ...
terran 560
apm: 8 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1114 | killed: 54k
... ...
protoss 56
apm: 12 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1154 | killed: 41k
... ...
... ...
apm: 18 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 227 | killed: 47k
protoss 10
... ...
apm: 11 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 277 | killed: 58k
terran 1
... ...
apm: 33 | gas: 0 | tier: 2
minerals: 0 | killed: 2k
zerg 8


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +331 TheMedic
00:37 first unit on mid
00:54 <M3A5> DLC i will go banshees..
00:57 tier 2 princess
01:08 princess you're up against a guy who gassed first. no need for strategy
01:18 <M3A5> DLC no?
01:22 <M3A5> DLC r u sure?
01:27 princess nah he's horrible you can tell
01:30 tier 2 TheMedic
01:54 <M3A5> DLC do you mean SHE is horrible?
02:17 princess i understand now. you're bored and alone and just want someone to talk to...
02:27 <M3A5> DLC yes (sad)
02:35 <M3A5> DLC help me!
02:35 princess thank fuck for the mute feature. loser is gone
03:00 <M3A5> DLC do you want to be my friend?
03:01 gas 1 +242 <N11bs> PlasmaStroke
03:02 cannon destroyed
03:04 gas 1 +240 <DCLXVI> toanforever
03:05 gas 1 +240 <GtPnd> DavidWebb
03:05 gas 1 +240 <M3A5> DLC
03:32 princess gg can't win with this yellow loser. impossible.
03:36 leaver princess
03:42 <M3A5> DLC is yellow cute?
04:36 tier 2 <M3A5> DLC
04:56 tier 2 <GtPnd> DavidWebb
05:14 tier 2 <DCLXVI> toanforever
05:19 gas 2 +98 <DCLXVI> toanforever
05:47 gas 2 +84 <M3A5> DLC
06:05 tier 2 <N11bs> PlasmaStroke
06:22 tier 3 <DCLXVI> toanforever
06:41 tier 3 <M3A5> DLC
07:20 gas 3 -38 <M3A5> DLC
07:54 gas 2 +20 <GtPnd> DavidWebb
09:04 gas 2 -15 <N11bs> PlasmaStroke
10:00 gas 4 -193 <M3A5> DLC
10:22 gas 2 -54 TheMedic
10:43 gas 3 -139 <GtPnd> DavidWebb
12:03 tier 3 <GtPnd> DavidWebb
12:55 gas 3 -205 <DCLXVI> toanforever
13:12 tier 3 TheMedic
16:05 game ended