Game #2870256 — 2025-03-12

hanhorner 943
apm: 47 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 1794 | killed: 127k
... ...
tychus 486
apm: 64 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 2630 | killed: 153k
... ...
swann 22
apm: 40 | gas: 2 | tier: 4
minerals: 2031 | killed: 198k
... ...
... ...
apm: 58 | gas: 1 | tier: 4
minerals: 702 | killed: 165k
stetmann 97
... ...
apm: 23 | gas: 1 | tier: 4
minerals: 701 | killed: 114k
zagara 41
... ...
apm: 19 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 1682 | killed: 91k
zagara 8


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +703 FubukiWaifu
00:03 gas 1 +702 RIPZeratul
00:05 Skippy no cheating
00:05 gas 1 +701 Nop
00:09 Nop (rofl)
00:10 gas 1 +699 Skippy
00:12 Skippy (rofl)
00:12 gas 1 +698 <OPMM> Mark
00:15 Nop i tryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
00:27 gas 1 +690 <CCCCP> Smoker
00:32 <OPMM> Mark I swear if you aba again, I'm massing galleons!
00:37 first unit on mid
00:38 Nop not working bro (rofl)
00:48 RIPZeratul well i cant muta
00:49 RIPZeratul So
00:54 RIPZeratul you can go for it
01:00 tier 2 FubukiWaifu
01:00 tier 2 RIPZeratul
01:01 <OPMM> Mark (flex)
01:41 tier 2 Nop
01:50 tier 2 <OPMM> Mark
01:50 <OPMM> Mark Now that's RUDE!
02:05 RIPZeratul u made me go devourer unintentionally vs zagaraaaa
02:14 tier 2 <CCCCP> Smoker
02:24 Skippy bm ege
02:35 RIPZeratul egefd
03:24 tier 3 Nop
03:34 tier 3 FubukiWaifu
03:51 gas 2 +513 <CCCCP> Smoker
03:58 Skippy eges (surprised)
04:10 <OPMM> Mark soooo many eges
04:11 RIPZeratul eges everyhwew
04:20 gas 2 +499 Skippy
04:26 tier 3 <CCCCP> Smoker
07:06 gas 3 +341 <CCCCP> Smoker
11:21 gas 4 +138 <CCCCP> Smoker
11:46 Nop (rofl)
12:17 Skippy stop making lurkers
12:39 gas 3 +174 Skippy
13:49 tier 2 Skippy
15:43 gas 4 +7 Skippy
17:45 gas 2 +96 <OPMM> Mark
18:22 gas 2 +77 FubukiWaifu
18:25 tier 3 Skippy
20:21 gas 3 -57 <OPMM> Mark
22:26 gas 4 -194 <OPMM> Mark
23:39 cannon destroyed
24:18 tier 3 RIPZeratul
24:52 RIPZeratul vs air smart
25:13 tier 4 RIPZeratul
25:17 <OPMM> Mark Smart woffe!
25:19 <OPMM> Mark pfff
25:22 tier 3 <OPMM> Mark
25:24 Skippy smh
25:48 tier 4 Skippy
25:50 tier 4 Nop
25:59 RIPZeratul already spent so much for banes vs swann
26:02 tier 4 FubukiWaifu
26:15 tier 4 <OPMM> Mark
26:21 tier 4 <CCCCP> Smoker
26:41 Skippy what beats swann?????
27:17 RIPZeratul he could just swap into bcs after that
27:35 FubukiWaifu Could swap now and still beat you (happy)
27:43 RIPZeratul i have no anti air
28:13 RIPZeratul i was behind 2000 minerals for your leaks
28:23 RIPZeratul cant even go corruptor
28:28 game ended
28:29 Skippy GG
28:29 RIPZeratul Gg