Game #293093 — 2020-05-14

swann 10
apm: 9 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 571 | killed: 18k
2562 +33
swann 19
apm: 13 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 572 | killed: 9k
2809 +33
dehaka 15
apm: 13 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 503 | killed: 11k
3603 +33
1822 -33
apm: 8 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: -142 | killed: 4k
artanis 2
2322 -33
apm: 18 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 66 | killed: 8k
kerrigan 4
2148 -33
apm: 15 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 106 | killed: 2k
abathur 1


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +125 <HISKI> AbyssLord
00:04 gas 1 +124 <HISKI> HISKI
00:04 gas 1 +116 CheriSuicide
00:21 gas 1 +115 Terrorpilz
00:23 gas 1 +79 <ETFS> Alugard
00:36 gas 1 +108 Focus
00:59 first unit on mid
01:01 CheriSuicide so fcking lame and without fun...
01:07 CheriSuicide 2 swans
01:10 <HISKI> HISKI random sry ._.
01:11 CheriSuicide why not 3?
01:17 CheriSuicide right sure (rofl)
01:25 tier 2 <HISKI> AbyssLord
01:32 gas 2 +5 <HISKI> AbyssLord
01:33 <HISKI> HISKI your thing to believe. i always do random
01:34 gas 2 +4 <HISKI> HISKI
01:36 Terrorpilz had that in a game... and they lose XD
01:41 tier 2 <HISKI> HISKI
01:46 gas 2 -10 CheriSuicide
02:03 gas 2 -46 <ETFS> Alugard
02:04 CheriSuicide yeah 2 randoms on perfect mod for swan and from 1 clan (rofl)
02:09 gas 2 -14 Focus
02:11 tier 2 <ETFS> Alugard
02:11 CheriSuicide and I'm a pope
02:17 <HISKI> HISKI not my problem
02:21 <HISKI> AbyssLord i didn't say i was random (rofl)
02:25 <HISKI> HISKI see
02:28 tier 2 Terrorpilz
02:41 tier 3 <HISKI> AbyssLord
03:04 gas 3 -116 <HISKI> HISKI
03:05 tier 2 Focus
03:09 gas 3 -119 <HISKI> AbyssLord
03:20 gas 2 -49 Terrorpilz
03:27 tier 2 CheriSuicide
03:44 tier 3 Focus
03:50 gas 3 -175 <ETFS> Alugard
04:13 gas 3 -151 Focus
05:37 tier 3 CheriSuicide
06:59 tier 3 <HISKI> HISKI
08:01 leaver <ETFS> Alugard
08:24 cannon destroyed
08:31 <HISKI> HISKI i wonder why he build archons against swann
08:34 tier 3 Terrorpilz
08:57 leaver CheriSuicide
08:58 Terrorpilz i wonder wy he quit...
09:03 <HISKI> HISKI idk (rofl)
09:07 <HISKI> AbyssLord he wanted to feedback vessels i think
09:13 game ended