Game #300281 — 2021-01-23

dehaka 8
apm: 20 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1804 | killed: 74k
2288 +28
tychus 431
apm: 8 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1961 | killed: 98k
3278 +28
tychus 285
apm: 16 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1750 | killed: 96k
4454 +28
2770 -28
apm: 18 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1253 | killed: 85k
zagara 2
2750 -28
apm: 13 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1252 | killed: 48k
kerrigan 8
1972 -28
apm: 16 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 500 | killed: 61k
dehaka 1


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:01 gas 1 +510 <SWEm> Heimdall
00:05 gas 1 +508 <LifeS> IIIIIIIIII
00:05 gas 1 +508 pedroaerox
00:06 gas 1 +508 KCEHOFOHT
00:06 gas 1 +508 YamasaAsamay
00:58 first unit on mid
00:59 tier 2 YamasaAsamay
01:36 gas 2 +388 YamasaAsamay
01:36 gas 2 +388 KCEHOFOHT
01:41 tier 3 YamasaAsamay
01:57 gas 2 +377 <LifeS> IIIIIIIIII
02:03 gas 2 +374 pedroaerox
03:09 gas 3 +266 KCEHOFOHT
03:19 gas 3 +261 YamasaAsamay
03:23 gas 2 +334 <SWEm> Heimdall
03:32 tier 2 <LifeS> IIIIIIIIII
03:46 gas 3 +248 pedroaerox
04:12 pedroaerox smoking cigarreteee ohohohohohohoh asuifhaiugfhajgai
04:17 pedroaerox auihifuh
04:17 tier 2 KCEHOFOHT
04:17 <SWEm> Heimdall lol
04:23 pedroaerox happy time
05:52 tier 2 pedroaerox
07:18 gas 1 +292 Alastor
07:26 gas 3 +137 <SWEm> Heimdall
07:43 tier 2 Alastor
08:52 pedroaerox xdxdxdxdxdxd
09:00 tier 3 pedroaerox
09:06 gas 3 +88 <LifeS> IIIIIIIIII
10:30 gas 4 -29 YamasaAsamay
10:42 gas 4 -35 KCEHOFOHT
11:36 gas 4 -62 <SWEm> Heimdall
11:45 gas 2 +83 Alastor
12:17 cannon destroyed
12:21 tier 3 <LifeS> IIIIIIIIII
13:28 pedroaerox (poo)?
13:31 <LifeS> IIIIIIIIII tychus bad huh
13:46 tier 2 <SWEm> Heimdall
13:49 pedroaerox 8(
13:52 YamasaAsamay i dont have air or units to abuse tychus
14:04 pedroaerox XD
14:36 <LifeS> IIIIIIIIII so tychus only bad when you have counter?
14:43 tier 3 KCEHOFOHT
14:44 <SWEm> Heimdall xD
14:47 pedroaerox (poo) but the biggest
15:02 YamasaAsamay ? alarak is bad if the emey has mutas
15:10 <LifeS> IIIIIIIIII emey?
15:12 YamasaAsamay counters can win the game
15:14 pedroaerox thx for air kerrigan
15:14 YamasaAsamay enemy
15:14 <SWEm> Heimdall ascendants?
15:16 <SWEm> Heimdall lol
15:16 pedroaerox XDDD
15:23 <LifeS> IIIIIIIIII ye
15:25 YamasaAsamay scendants lmao
15:27 YamasaAsamay good shit
16:35 tier 3 <SWEm> Heimdall
17:13 bunker destroyed
17:43 tier 3 Alastor
19:59 YamasaAsamay well at least we got bunker
20:22 <LifeS> IIIIIIIIII well stack can changethe game
20:45 YamasaAsamay spectecular observation captain
21:00 pedroaerox (poo)
21:33 pedroaerox bye guys was fun
21:52 YamasaAsamay we love to die another wave
21:55 YamasaAsamay live
22:02 game ended
22:03 <LifeS> IIIIIIIIII gg tychus bad unit
22:07 <SWEm> Heimdall gg