Game #312075 — 2022-01-01

tychus 1072
apm: 6 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 2973 | killed: 235k
3178 +43
abathur 409
apm: 9 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 3181 | killed: 105k
929 +4
vorazun 9
apm: 12 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 3081 | killed: 132k
2206 +43
2567 -43
apm: 15 | gas: 3 | tier: 4
minerals: 1584 | killed: 123k
raynor 9
1507 -43
apm: 12 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 1362 | killed: 141k
hanhorner 4
1430 -43
apm: 8 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 2025 | killed: 236k
tychus 12


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:04 gas 1 +729 pixeliu
00:08 gas 1 +727 tomazkid
00:09 gas 1 +727 DemonHearth
00:17 gas 1 +723 Commodor
00:45 gas 1 +708 SoulEaterR
00:59 first unit on mid
01:06 tier 2 DemonHearth
01:19 gas 1 +692 <BCRAFT> Charlee
01:34 gas 2 +609 pixeliu
01:40 gas 2 +606 tomazkid
01:52 <BCRAFT> Charlee whats the game where all 3 waves come out at once>
01:53 <BCRAFT> Charlee ?
02:04 tier 2 <BCRAFT> Charlee
02:11 DemonHearth weekly brawl
02:15 gas 2 +588 SoulEaterR
02:16 DemonHearth every week it changes
02:20 Commodor previous brawl
02:29 gas 2 +581 Commodor
02:29 <BCRAFT> Charlee the last brawl was cool
02:35 <BCRAFT> Charlee where all waves came out at once
02:47 tier 2 tomazkid
03:04 gas 3 +489 pixeliu
03:24 gas 2 +554 DemonHearth
03:38 tier 2 pixeliu
03:42 gas 3 +470 tomazkid
03:45 gas 3 +468 SoulEaterR
04:04 gas 3 +459 Commodor
04:11 tier 2 Commodor
04:27 gas 2 +523 <BCRAFT> Charlee
05:02 tier 3 tomazkid
06:11 gas 3 +395 DemonHearth
06:12 cannon destroyed
06:51 tier 3 Commodor
07:05 gas 3 +369 <BCRAFT> Charlee
07:09 SoulEaterR ah okay
07:52 tier 2 SoulEaterR
09:57 tier 3 <BCRAFT> Charlee
10:14 gas 4 +199 tomazkid
10:17 gas 4 +198 pixeliu
12:13 gas 4 +139 Commodor
14:41 tier 3 pixeliu
15:34 tier 3 SoulEaterR
15:52 gas 4 +30 SoulEaterR
17:25 DemonHearth gg
21:18 tier 3 DemonHearth
21:45 SoulEaterR bruv
22:58 Commodor ?
23:52 SoulEaterR one billion medics
25:13 tier 4 tomazkid
25:15 tier 4 <BCRAFT> Charlee
26:08 tier 4 pixeliu
26:26 tier 4 Commodor
27:20 gas 4 -314 DemonHearth
28:09 tier 4 DemonHearth
29:21 SoulEaterR gg
29:23 DemonHearth what
29:23 game ended
29:25 tomazkid gg