Game #345618 — 2021-05-03

tychus 216
apm: 8 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 1905 | killed: 69k
3974 +26
artanis 115
apm: 8 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1781 | killed: 132k
2789 +26
stukov 10
apm: 5 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 2225 | killed: 48k
3222 +26
2149 -26
apm: 43 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 1116 | killed: 106k
nova 2
1962 -26
apm: 5 | gas: 3 | tier: 1
minerals: 1135 | killed: 63k
tychus 3
1501 -26
apm: 30 | gas: 4 | tier: 2
minerals: 921 | killed: 76k
raynor 5


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +522 <DSTT> Litch
00:04 gas 1 +521 EHOT
00:04 gas 1 +521 PieceOfCreep
00:07 gas 1 +520 SUPERZERG
00:17 gas 1 +515 Kaszel
00:26 gas 1 +510 <DSTT> Abyssion
00:41 first unit on mid
01:10 tier 2 <DSTT> Litch
01:34 gas 2 +401 EHOT
01:39 gas 2 +399 PieceOfCreep
01:46 tier 3 <DSTT> Litch
01:57 gas 2 +390 SUPERZERG
02:20 gas 2 +378 Kaszel
03:04 gas 3 +281 EHOT
03:27 tier 2 PieceOfCreep
04:22 gas 3 +242 Kaszel
04:46 gas 3 +230 PieceOfCreep
05:35 gas 3 +206 SUPERZERG
05:48 gas 2 +274 <DSTT> Litch
05:53 cannon destroyed
06:00 gas 2 +268 <DSTT> Abyssion
06:47 SUPERZERG this lose
06:47 tier 2 EHOT
06:48 SUPERZERG is a joke
06:54 <DSTT> Litch don't pick tychus
07:01 <DSTT> Abyssion unless your me
07:05 SUPERZERG you mean
07:07 <DSTT> Litch even then don't
07:23 SUPERZERG i mean
07:28 SUPERZERG you go James against maruders
08:43 tier 3 EHOT
09:00 gas 3 +103 <DSTT> Abyssion
09:49 <DSTT> Litch cool medic
09:52 <DSTT> Litch worth
10:00 gas 4 -2 EHOT
10:23 tier 2 SUPERZERG
10:36 SUPERZERG finally
10:46 SUPERZERG so
10:49 gas 3 +48 <DSTT> Litch
12:49 gas 4 -87 <DSTT> Litch
14:18 tier 2 <DSTT> Abyssion
17:35 gas 4 -229 PieceOfCreep
18:18 SUPERZERG oh man
18:27 <DSTT> Litch yea its quite a few now
18:30 SUPERZERG dude
18:33 SUPERZERG only tempest
18:39 <DSTT> Litch its hard counter to tychus
18:42 SUPERZERG is is a joke that this is working
18:48 <DSTT> Litch a joke?
18:52 SUPERZERG ofc man
18:53 <DSTT> Litch its litterally the hard counter
19:01 <DSTT> Litch ie
19:05 <DSTT> Litch tychus cannot do anything against this
19:10 SUPERZERG Vega + Kev is even enough
19:10 Kaszel they dont uderstand "i just need to deal with my wave"
19:18 <DSTT> Litch vega + kev wont do shit
19:24 <DSTT> Litch my units are cheaper
19:26 Kaszel they know better xD
19:32 SUPERZERG but tychus units surviv
19:36 <DSTT> Litch not vs this
20:02 <DSTT> Litch 60 damage per shot, i had 24
20:06 <DSTT> Litch have*
20:14 SUPERZERG dude
20:17 SUPERZERG tychus 1 2 sams
20:23 SUPERZERG 1200 cash in trash
20:26 SUPERZERG + blaze
20:27 <DSTT> Litch how do you suppose any unit survives 1440 damage
20:44 SUPERZERG by buying anti air units ofc
20:49 <DSTT> Abyssion lol
20:50 SUPERZERG this is a close battle
20:53 <DSTT> Litch i'm sure tychus has those
20:53 <DSTT> Abyssion HAHAHA!
20:54 SUPERZERG you cant allow yourself to waste cash
20:57 Kaszel ths like talking with a wall
20:59 <DSTT> Litch lots of air units for tychus
21:11 <DSTT> Litch feel sorry for you kas
21:17 SUPERZERG what part about sam and blaze are trash against mass tempest do you not understand ?
21:26 <DSTT> Litch i dumpster every single tychus
21:34 <DSTT> Litch i have never lost as artanis
21:36 <DSTT> Abyssion What part of Tempest are hard counter do you not understand?
21:41 Kaszel what abou i bought balze when he had only one zelot
21:43 <DSTT> Litch i've played much much better people that the likes of you
22:02 <DSTT> Litch blaze shield don't work, the ability dot will kill him
22:12 <DSTT> Abyssion Thanks for the entertainment Zerg. Sorry you had to deal with him Kas. ;)
22:14 <DSTT> Abyssion gg
22:19 Kaszel i just mute them its pointless
22:22 <DSTT> Litch ezpz
22:25 SUPERZERG i accept the lose
22:27 game ended