Game #367591 — 2021-02-26

zerg 20
apm: 33 | gas: 2 | tier: 7
minerals: 1329 | killed: 859k
4374 -81
2007 +81
apm: 8 | gas: 1 | tier: 7
minerals: 1763 | killed: 789k
terran 2


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:38 first unit on mid
01:04 tier 2 Interstellar
04:31 tier 2 FlashDance
04:48 bunker destroyed
05:08 gas 1 +983 Interstellar
07:30 gas 1 +912 FlashDance
08:14 Interstellar the last winner takes it all(happy)
08:22 FlashDance you didnt win yet
08:27 FlashDance and it does not
08:28 Interstellar yes i did
08:34 FlashDance your wish
08:43 Interstellar u said in my dreams.. i will hold you to it
15:11 tier 3 Interstellar
22:06 tier 3 FlashDance
22:10 cannon destroyed
25:15 tier 4 Interstellar
25:27 FlashDance you were saying?
25:37 Interstellar that i will win
25:40 gas 2 +292 FlashDance
25:41 Interstellar believe neo
25:43 FlashDance i see^^
26:37 tier 4 FlashDance
30:03 tier 5 Interstellar
30:29 tier 5 FlashDance
35:24 tier 6 FlashDance
35:39 tier 6 Interstellar
36:21 Interstellar gg
37:12 FlashDance gg
40:50 tier 7 FlashDance
40:54 Interstellar gg
41:35 tier 7 Interstellar
42:53 Interstellar gg
42:54 FlashDance gg
42:55 game ended