Game #376198 — 2021-01-17

swann 6
apm: 20 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: -122 | killed: 10k
3089 -32
artanis 6
apm: 9 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: -141 | killed: 6k
2444 -32
swann 5
apm: 5 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: -24 | killed: 10k
2793 -32
4427 +32
apm: 9 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 388 | killed: 5k
raynor 36
3703 +32
apm: 8 | gas: 3 | tier: 1
minerals: 386 | killed: 10k
tychus 411
2353 +32
apm: 12 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 334 | killed: 4k
dehaka 6


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +116 <SWEm> Heimdall
00:03 gas 1 +115 pedroaerox
00:05 gas 1 +114 <LifeS> IIIIIIIIII
00:05 gas 1 +114 <justS> Bic
00:11 gas 1 +111 <justS> Gheorghe
00:18 <justS> Gheorghe glhf
00:25 <SWEm> Heimdall pro clan vs "brain dead" guys as they say (happy)
00:26 pedroaerox (thumbsup)
00:26 <justS> Thorth have fun !!! (hearts)
00:30 <SWEm> Heimdall lets do this!
00:37 first unit on mid
00:43 gas 1 +95 <justS> Thorth
00:45 <justS> Bic (happy)
00:46 <justS> Gheorghe ya filthy motherfucker (rofl)
00:50 <justS> Gheorghe its you again (rofl)
00:52 <SWEm> Heimdall haha totally
01:03 tier 2 <justS> Bic
01:25 tier 2 <justS> Gheorghe
01:27 tier 2 <justS> Thorth
01:32 <justS> Gheorghe SoderHQ
01:35 gas 2 -6 <justS> Bic
01:38 gas 2 -7 pedroaerox
01:38 <justS> Gheorghe sounds familiar eh? (rofl)
01:40 <SWEm> Heimdall lazzzzers
01:55 <LifeS> IIIIIIIIII justS is just a bad ripof from LifeS
02:06 <LifeS> IIIIIIIIII ya moms could do better
02:07 <justS> Thorth lol (happy)))))
02:10 tier 2 <SWEm> Heimdall
02:13 <SWEm> Heimdall oooooh
02:20 <justS> Gheorghe OOOooooOOooOOoooHHHH
02:20 pedroaerox so much loveee
02:22 <LifeS> IIIIIIIIII oh shit sry
02:24 <LifeS> IIIIIIIIII wrong chat
02:25 <justS> Gheorghe SHIT MATE
02:26 tier 3 <justS> Thorth
02:31 gas 2 -34 <justS> Gheorghe
02:31 <SWEm> Heimdall (rofl)
02:35 gas 2 -36 <justS> Thorth
02:39 gas 2 -38 <SWEm> Heimdall
02:49 tier 3 <justS> Bic
02:51 <justS> Gheorghe you almost reached my calves with that weak ass insult (rofl)
03:05 <LifeS> IIIIIIIIII i didnt insult you
03:06 tier 3 <justS> Gheorghe
03:10 <LifeS> IIIIIIIIII i would never
03:18 gas 3 -132 <justS> Bic
03:27 <justS> Gheorghe okkk
03:28 tier 2 <LifeS> IIIIIIIIII
03:31 <justS> Gheorghe i trust u (rofl)
03:38 <LifeS> IIIIIIIIII i love you man
03:42 <LifeS> IIIIIIIIII why would i insult
03:44 <SWEm> Heimdall just build wtf (rofl)
03:51 gas 2 -74 <LifeS> IIIIIIIIII
03:56 <SWEm> Heimdall scared?
04:00 <justS> Gheorghe indeed
04:05 <LifeS> IIIIIIIIII massing thors (rofl)
04:06 <justS> Bic noooo, i won build (happy))))
04:07 <justS> Gheorghe we hide in the darkness
04:16 <SWEm> Heimdall u better!
04:32 <LifeS> IIIIIIIIII haha i was right
04:46 <SWEm> Heimdall click me!
04:49 <justS> Gheorghe why douldnt one mass thors (rofl)
04:59 <LifeS> IIIIIIIIII well is not good
05:06 <LifeS> IIIIIIIIII mass like hellbats its better (rofl)
05:32 gas 3 -199 <justS> Gheorghe
05:33 gas 3 -200 <justS> Thorth
06:06 <LifeS> IIIIIIIIII 2 mssing thors?
06:07 gas 3 -217 <SWEm> Heimdall
06:10 <LifeS> IIIIIIIIII oh no
06:14 <LifeS> IIIIIIIIII thats not good
06:24 <justS> Gheorghe you cant stop the rampage
06:28 <justS> Gheorghe its already over
06:29 <LifeS> IIIIIIIIII i know
06:32 <LifeS> IIIIIIIIII im sorry
06:37 bunker destroyed
06:40 gas 3 -233 <LifeS> IIIIIIIIII
06:46 <justS> Gheorghe hand over your dignity and your clan name (rofl)
07:04 <LifeS> IIIIIIIIII well my clan is ranked 1 in world in many things so i cant (rofl)
07:12 gas 3 -249 pedroaerox
07:20 pedroaerox (poo)...
08:48 <LifeS> IIIIIIIIII wow u good
08:50 <LifeS> IIIIIIIIII ggs
08:54 <justS> Gheorghe indeed (rofl)
08:54 game ended
08:56 <justS> Gheorghe wp
08:56 <justS> Thorth gg