Game #389196 — 2019-06-26

terran 5
apm: 8 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 2293 | killed: 105k
1914 +36
zerg 1
apm: 11 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 2053 | killed: 111k
2078 +36
protoss 522
apm: 9 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 2183 | killed: 120k
3060 +36
1951 -36
apm: 26 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: -59 | killed: 20k
protoss 6
1937 -36
apm: 8 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 150 | killed: 156k
terran 17
1567 -36
apm: 9 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 293 | killed: 130k
terran 35


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +160 Easy
00:07 Easy glhf
00:18 Dennis hi gl hf
01:00 tier 2 Easy
01:00 first unit on mid
01:09 tier 2 ishmaEL
01:21 tier 2 <NOKAGE> SirKillalot
02:03 tier 2 <TSTP> LowlandSR
02:36 tier 2 Generalls
04:28 gas 1 +516 Generalls
04:52 cannon destroyed
05:21 gas 1 +490 Dennis
05:42 tier 3 Generalls
05:52 tier 2 Dennis
06:33 gas 2 +379 Generalls
07:39 gas 1 +421 <TSTP> LowlandSR
07:51 Easy gg
09:55 Easy gg
10:11 gas 2 -219 Easy
10:24 leaver Easy
10:25 gas 2 +263 <TSTP> LowlandSR
10:31 <NOKAGE> SirKillalot at least no one called me noob this time
10:42 gas 2 +255 Dennis
10:47 <NOKAGE> SirKillalot feel free to
11:01 gas 1 +320 <NOKAGE> SirKillalot
11:26 gas 1 +307 ishmaEL
11:52 Dennis he whas useless anyway u play god i think
12:26 <NOKAGE> SirKillalot im not playing god im am kind of a deity
12:28 <NOKAGE> SirKillalot lol
12:40 gas 3 +121 Generalls
12:42 <NOKAGE> SirKillalot good of beer and bad desicions
12:52 gas 3 +114 Dennis
13:01 tier 3 ishmaEL
15:02 tier 3 Dennis
15:11 gas 3 +45 <TSTP> LowlandSR
15:45 gas 4 -47 Generalls
18:27 <NOKAGE> SirKillalot hha i may loose but i bougt a 11k bike
18:39 <NOKAGE> SirKillalot girls gonne think i have money
18:46 Dennis nice witch one u buy
18:53 <NOKAGE> SirKillalot but i dont have anymore lol
19:20 <NOKAGE> SirKillalot i gonna air kiss them and speed away by 110 hs and lol
19:31 <NOKAGE> SirKillalot bmw r nine t pure
20:05 gas 2 -27 <NOKAGE> SirKillalot
20:30 tier 3 <TSTP> LowlandSR
23:22 <NOKAGE> SirKillalot gotta have some paperwowrk done this sucks
23:33 <NOKAGE> SirKillalot should be able to ride monday
24:24 gas 2 -157 ishmaEL
25:25 <NOKAGE> SirKillalot someone would like to buy kawa zephyr 550?
26:21 <NOKAGE> SirKillalot cant keep it
26:38 Dennis gg wp
26:42 game ended
26:43 <NOKAGE> SirKillalot gg