Game #41674 — 2019-07-12

raynor 41
apm: 16 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1625 | killed: 58k
3988 +0
zagara 86
apm: 26 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1663 | killed: 71k
5509 +0
karax 1
apm: 16 | gas: 0 | tier: 1
minerals: 525 | killed: 0
1912 -88
1994 -0
apm: 9 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 673 | killed: 49k
vorazun 5
1400 -0
apm: 13 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 661 | killed: 38k
karax 34
1975 -0
apm: 18 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 979 | killed: 49k
dehaka 1


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:04 gas 1 +509 Nova
00:11 gas 1 +506 Markolumus
00:12 gas 1 +505 EnjuAihara
00:24 gas 1 +499 <ClanHs> Rezpectful
00:42 first unit on mid
00:48 tier 2 <ClanHs> Rezpectful
00:59 gas 1 +481 hapzyy
01:06 leaver TechnoMage
01:19 Nova well, rage quits I guess
01:23 <ClanHs> Rezpectful huh
01:25 tier 2 Nova
01:28 tier 2 Markolumus
02:20 gas 2 +366 EnjuAihara
02:23 tier 2 EnjuAihara
03:02 gas 2 +345 Nova
03:02 gas 2 +345 hapzyy
03:09 Nova I can't tell my marines fron the NPC marines...
03:31 Markolumus you should've played nova then
03:40 Markolumus then you get elite marines
03:47 Nova Random ftw.
04:06 tier 3 EnjuAihara
04:21 gas 3 +231 EnjuAihara
04:38 tier 2 hapzyy
05:23 gas 2 +274 <ClanHs> Rezpectful
06:02 gas 3 +180 Nova
06:14 gas 3 +174 hapzyy
07:14 gas 2 +219 Markolumus
07:36 tier 3 hapzyy
07:37 tier 3 <ClanHs> Rezpectful
10:14 gas 4 -21 hapzyy
10:56 EnjuAihara Hunterkillers need to be renamed to dps machines
10:58 EnjuAihara Cause that's all they are
11:05 Nova I'll be honest, the bases make it hard to tell how the game is going
11:10 <ClanHs> Rezpectful agreed
11:30 gas 4 -59 Nova
12:29 gas 4 -89 EnjuAihara
12:53 tier 3 Nova
13:45 gas 3 -52 Markolumus
14:04 <ClanHs> Rezpectful when u misclick ur nuke like a fucking noob
14:12 EnjuAihara Was that us or ya'll?
14:17 <ClanHs> Rezpectful me...
14:20 EnjuAihara Oh shit haha
14:24 EnjuAihara I was like wtf?
14:27 EnjuAihara Cause mine went on cd too
15:42 Markolumus ??
15:43 EnjuAihara Rip?
15:45 gas 3 -112 <ClanHs> Rezpectful
15:47 Nova Really? A nuke then?
15:53 <ClanHs> Rezpectful huh
16:06 <ClanHs> Rezpectful pink is surrounded by noobs lol
17:25 EnjuAihara I get so many sprays (rofl)
17:27 EnjuAihara Feels great
17:30 <ClanHs> Rezpectful also in a thunderstorm if it force quits on me due to power loss
17:39 EnjuAihara Rip (sad)
18:23 cannon destroyed
19:20 <ClanHs> Rezpectful beam is now useless, targets buildings
19:31 Nova It always has
19:35 EnjuAihara Yeah I didn't know the modifers till I got in
19:54 <ClanHs> Rezpectful with an increase of buildings it has become less than fun lol
20:05 Nova Yeah, it's always been a bit wonky though
20:07 EnjuAihara I believe
22:00 EnjuAihara Oh rip
22:03 Nova gg
22:03 game ended
22:05 EnjuAihara I just put down 14 destoyers
22:06 EnjuAihara Gg ^_^