Game #476907 — 2020-01-20

terran 25
apm: 25 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1062 | killed: 57k
3624 +40
protoss 1
apm: 20 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1155 | killed: 27k
2341 +40
protoss 13
apm: 16 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 823 | killed: 27k
1871 +40
2848 -40
apm: 8 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: -128 | killed: 28k
protoss 221
2140 -40
apm: 23 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 269 | killed: 25k
zerg 1
1862 -40
apm: 13 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: -182 | killed: 28k
terran 4


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +312 Thortralisk
00:06 gas 1 +310 Kingpersain
00:11 AdaptyR gl hf
00:14 Kingpersain gl hf
00:37 first unit on mid
00:59 tier 2 AdaptyR
01:25 tier 2 Kingpersain
01:35 tier 2 Thortralisk
01:51 NastyNate (rofl)
02:34 gas 2 +161 Thortralisk
03:33 tier 2 UIUCillini
03:34 tier 2 Shnazberries
04:55 gas 1 +166 AdaptyR
06:05 gas 1 +131 UIUCillini
06:36 cannon destroyed
06:38 gas 1 +114 Shnazberries
06:42 gas 3 -38 Thortralisk
06:46 gas 2 +35 AdaptyR
07:16 tier 2 NastyNate
08:02 tier 3 Thortralisk
08:19 gas 3 -87 AdaptyR
08:37 gas 2 -21 Shnazberries
08:46 NastyNate 60% team kills again
08:59 Shnazberries Think so Nasty Nate?
09:13 gas 2 -38 UIUCillini
09:18 gas 2 -41 Kingpersain
09:51 tier 3 AdaptyR
10:32 tier 3 UIUCillini
10:32 gas 4 -228 Thortralisk
10:56 Kingpersain some people take arcade games way to serouisly
11:10 Kingpersain all zerglings cause nasty cant let me enjoy a game
11:21 NastyNate cuz u suck
12:10 Kingpersain ohhh wow
12:11 Shnazberries Red is too good
12:42 gas 3 -218 Shnazberries
12:47 tier 3 Shnazberries
13:11 Kingpersain this guy cant win in ladder so he take arcade games serouisly
13:23 Shnazberries Whats ladder?
13:32 AdaptyR like chutes?
13:33 Kingpersain ranking
13:38 NastyNate what fire fighters climb up
14:37 gas 3 -275 UIUCillini
14:43 gas 1 -128 NastyNate
14:54 AdaptyR love roasted zerglin in the mornin
15:07 Kingpersain its night where I live
15:17 tier 3 NastyNate
15:20 NastyNate u live in a closet
15:21 UIUCillini gg
15:23 Kingpersain East coast best coast
15:23 AdaptyR Gg
15:24 Kingpersain gg
15:25 Shnazberries gg
15:27 game ended