Game #520496 — 2022-11-11

protoss 34
apm: 6 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: -244 | killed: 46k
1946 -7
zerg 245
apm: 13 | gas: 0 | tier: 2
minerals: 0 | killed: 10k
3054 -7
protoss 98
apm: 5 | gas: 0 | tier: 2
minerals: 0 | killed: 31k
2784 -7
6810 +7
apm: 30 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 817 | killed: 31k
zerg 971
3570 +7
apm: 58 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 749 | killed: 38k
zerg 50
7647 +7
apm: 23 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 847 | killed: 54k
zerg 127


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:37 first unit on mid
00:49 tier 2 <Covid1> Analhilation
00:59 tier 2 <Covid1> Kop
01:00 tier 2 redgame
01:01 tier 2 brother
02:18 tier 2 <DV> Lionheart
03:50 gas 1 +203 <Covid1> Kop
03:54 tier 2 <MvL> uMBRa
04:27 bunker destroyed
04:29 gas 1 +183 <Covid1> Analhilation
04:38 gas 1 +179 brother
05:42 gas 2 +72 <Covid1> Kop
05:51 tier 3 <Covid1> Kop
06:05 gas 2 +60 <Covid1> Analhilation
06:14 <Covid1> Analhilation he does not not know de wei
07:12 gas 3 -48 <Covid1> Kop
08:35 gas 2 -15 brother
08:37 redgame gg: first lane has wrong units to counter zerg swarm
08:40 leaver redgame
08:46 <Covid1> Kop (sad)
09:14 <Covid1> Kop no one give me the credit
09:17 <Covid1> Kop (sad)
09:28 brother (sad)
10:12 gas 4 -213 <Covid1> Kop
12:14 gas 3 -199 <Covid1> Analhilation
12:32 gas 1 -58 <MvL> uMBRa
12:53 gas 3 -218 brother
13:19 <DV> Lionheart gg
13:22 leaver <DV> Lionheart
13:22 <Covid1> Analhilation gg
13:28 brother gg
13:33 <Covid1> Analhilation zerg lurker and swarm hosts so overpowered right behind liberator and thors
13:44 <Covid1> Analhilation huge part of it because it forces opponents to scan every wave
14:18 gas 2 -186 <MvL> uMBRa
15:20 <Covid1> Kop gg wp
15:36 brother gg
15:37 game ended