Game #60396 — 2020-05-08

zerg 405
apm: 158 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 503 | killed: 95k
5102 +12
1697 -12
apm: 18 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: 399 | killed: 35k
protoss 4


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:07 bunny gl
00:13 <TirolA> BitDutchy gl hf!
00:13 gas 1 +249 bunny
00:30 bunny will try
00:45 first unit on mid
00:58 gas 1 +227 <TirolA> BitDutchy
01:04 bunny need to sell roaches
01:18 bunny did not spend minerals for ravagers
01:43 gas 2 +129 bunny
02:04 tier 2 <TirolA> BitDutchy
02:32 bunny why zealots
02:50 tier 2 bunny
03:16 <TirolA> BitDutchy just something i wanted to try
03:22 <TirolA> BitDutchy doesnt really work
04:38 bunny build oracule
05:50 bunker destroyed
06:12 bunny use revelation
06:25 bunny oracule ability
08:06 tier 3 bunny
10:41 cannon destroyed
12:33 bunny 2 ravagers
13:29 <TirolA> BitDutchy gg
13:32 bunny gg
13:33 game ended