Game #67502 — 2020-01-24

vorazun 195
apm: 9 | gas: 4 | tier: 9
minerals: 6641 | killed: 425k
5200 +42
stukov 94
apm: 11 | gas: 4 | tier: 9
minerals: 6565 | killed: 399k
3693 +42
stukov 17
apm: 9 | gas: 4 | tier: 8
minerals: 6470 | killed: 514k
5013 +42
4565 -42
apm: 18 | gas: 3 | tier: 9
minerals: 3231 | killed: 399k
zagara 5
2302 -42
apm: 19 | gas: 4 | tier: 9
minerals: 3775 | killed: 508k
kerrigan 3
3158 -42
apm: 16 | gas: 4 | tier: 9
minerals: 4178 | killed: 573k
zagara 23


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:01 gas 1 +1414 <ClanHs> WiliamWalace
00:02 gas 1 +1402 <SA2SE> Sylphion
00:02 gas 1 +1413 <ClanHs> GriZl
00:03 gas 1 +1375 <ClanHs> Hoeris
00:04 gas 1 +1411 <ClanHs> RedAlbino
00:04 gas 1 +1412 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker
00:16 <SA2SE> Sylphion o it was all ur clan except me who stalked huh
00:24 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker (glhf)
00:26 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker (rofl)
00:37 first unit on mid
01:00 tier 2 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker
01:08 tier 2 <ClanHs> WiliamWalace
01:08 <ClanHs> Hoeris yeah these are the lads
01:35 <SA2SE> Sylphion (rofl)
01:40 <ClanHs> Hoeris sorry insane
01:41 tier 2 <ClanHs> GriZl
01:43 tier 2 <ClanHs> RedAlbino
01:45 gas 2 +1285 <ClanHs> RedAlbino
01:47 <ClanHs> Hoeris i showed him your tactic
01:49 <ClanHs> Hoeris with kerri
01:51 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker !
01:55 <SA2SE> Sylphion well seeing it in a game
01:59 <SA2SE> Sylphion but tbh
02:02 <SA2SE> Sylphion i'm moving them by dashing
02:02 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker rude cant just share my secrets around
02:07 tier 2 <SA2SE> Sylphion
02:20 <ClanHs> Hoeris sorry senpai..
02:30 <ClanHs> Hoeris reward me with 100 lashes plz
02:37 <SA2SE> Sylphion well its enough tho no need for both lol
02:39 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker lel
02:58 tier 3 <SA2SE> Sylphion
03:05 gas 2 +1247 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker
03:28 gas 2 +1236 <ClanHs> WiliamWalace
03:38 tier 2 <ClanHs> Hoeris
04:11 gas 2 +1202 <SA2SE> Sylphion
05:44 gas 2 +1129 <ClanHs> Hoeris
06:29 gas 2 +1145 <ClanHs> GriZl
06:32 <ClanHs> Hoeris grizi.....
06:34 gas 3 +1066 <ClanHs> RedAlbino
06:39 <ClanHs> GriZl oi
06:40 <ClanHs> Hoeris i thought we talked about these banshess
06:47 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker lmfao
07:03 tier 3 <ClanHs> Hoeris
07:08 <ClanHs> GriZl i dont see any storms
07:12 <ClanHs> GriZl so banshees goo
07:31 <ClanHs> Hoeris you cheese lord
07:39 <ClanHs> RedAlbino um
07:45 <ClanHs> Hoeris tehe
07:58 <ClanHs> RedAlbino the guy ur mastered alarak iscallling someone cheese lord?
08:05 <ClanHs> GriZl lo0l
08:12 <ClanHs> Hoeris mwahahahaha
08:33 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker well there is a reason he top Global winrate with 65%
08:39 <ClanHs> Hoeris grizi in the original cheese lord tho
08:53 gas 3 +998 <ClanHs> WiliamWalace
08:58 tier 3 <ClanHs> RedAlbino
09:03 gas 3 +993 <ClanHs> GriZl
09:28 cannon destroyed
09:35 gas 3 +977 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker
10:10 tier 3 <ClanHs> GriZl
10:21 <ClanHs> Hoeris da fuk
10:29 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker you wont like this (rofl)
10:33 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker wrong unit to counter (rofl)
11:08 <ClanHs> Hoeris opps i frenzied your wave
11:08 <ClanHs> RedAlbino i totally thought wallace had all the banshees.....
11:18 <ClanHs> GriZl ;p
11:22 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker lol!
11:30 <ClanHs> WiliamWalace (rofl)
11:34 <ClanHs> Hoeris yeah i hate zag
11:44 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker lol!
11:45 <ClanHs> Hoeris lame ass stoopid queen lady
11:53 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker zag op (rofl)
12:04 <ClanHs> Hoeris i beg to differ
12:13 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker you got like 5 of the right units for me tho (rofl)
12:17 <ClanHs> RedAlbino says the guy who plays too much alarak
12:20 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker that aint helping
12:47 <ClanHs> Hoeris too much?? i think you mean not enough
13:40 gas 4 +780 <ClanHs> GriZl
13:56 gas 4 +771 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker
16:39 gas 3 +727 <ClanHs> Hoeris
17:31 gas 3 +727 <SA2SE> Sylphion
19:42 <ClanHs> GriZl bye scourge
19:50 <ClanHs> RedAlbino (sad)
20:04 gas 4 +588 <ClanHs> WiliamWalace
22:09 tier 3 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker
24:28 gas 4 +444 <SA2SE> Sylphion
25:15 tier 4 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker
25:40 tier 4 <ClanHs> GriZl
25:43 gas 4 +416 <ClanHs> RedAlbino
26:18 tier 4 <ClanHs> Hoeris
26:50 tier 4 <ClanHs> RedAlbino
27:25 tier 4 <SA2SE> Sylphion
29:25 tier 3 <ClanHs> WiliamWalace
30:05 tier 5 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker
31:02 tier 5 <ClanHs> Hoeris
31:23 tier 5 <ClanHs> GriZl
31:47 tier 5 <ClanHs> RedAlbino
32:09 tier 5 <SA2SE> Sylphion
32:14 <ClanHs> Hoeris i smell chips, someones potatoe is cooking
32:17 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker (rofl)
32:57 <ClanHs> Hoeris yul
32:58 <ClanHs> Hoeris yuk
33:04 tier 4 <ClanHs> WiliamWalace
33:04 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker (rofl)
33:41 <ClanHs> Hoeris yes we are all pointing at you red
33:45 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker lmfao
33:47 <SA2SE> Sylphion well it'll start to lag multiple ppl
33:49 <ClanHs> Hoeris close porn hub plz
34:04 <ClanHs> GriZl the double stukov dc strat is in effect
34:13 <ClanHs> RedAlbino i've been having mad lad problems starting a copule weeks ago
34:31 <ClanHs> GriZl spilled montain dew on ur hard drive?
34:35 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker well 5 zergers wont help on it
34:39 <ClanHs> RedAlbino no
34:43 <ClanHs> RedAlbino something with my wifi
34:45 <ClanHs> Hoeris you came on your keyboard??
34:49 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker lmfao (rofl)
34:49 <ClanHs> RedAlbino whcih time?
34:49 <SA2SE> Sylphion u guys will win but just how long
34:50 <ClanHs> Hoeris that happens sometimes
35:13 tier 5 <ClanHs> WiliamWalace
35:21 tier 6 <ClanHs> RedAlbino
35:23 <ClanHs> RedAlbino na my landlords fuck something up. it went out completely like 5 times in 2 days, and it hasnt been the same since
35:31 tier 6 <ClanHs> Hoeris
35:36 <ClanHs> GriZl smh you never mess with the wifi
35:37 tier 6 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker
35:40 <ClanHs> Hoeris iam a landlord i got a spare room if you want it
35:40 tier 6 <ClanHs> GriZl
35:50 <ClanHs> Hoeris you gotts lick my nuts on the daily tho
35:54 <ClanHs> Hoeris thats tthe house rules
35:58 <ClanHs> RedAlbino tempting
35:58 <ClanHs> Hoeris no exceptions
36:00 tier 6 <ClanHs> WiliamWalace
36:01 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker xD
36:22 <ClanHs> GriZl sounds like a bonus to me
36:33 <ClanHs> Hoeris would you guys just win alreadly lol
36:37 <ClanHs> GriZl we are stalling for xp
36:38 <ClanHs> Hoeris i dont like this vorazun guy
36:40 <SA2SE> Sylphion XD
36:44 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker its not easy to push zags!
37:30 tier 6 <SA2SE> Sylphion
37:35 <SA2SE> Sylphion i wonder how the score will go
37:38 <ClanHs> Hoeris i gotta go in like30mins got 2 elbows to pick up
39:33 <SA2SE> Sylphion think i wanna afk about now
39:37 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker lol
39:42 <SA2SE> Sylphion i mean getting too lazy to scan in lag XD
39:44 <ClanHs> RedAlbino too late i'm goin for abeer
40:05 tier 7 <ClanHs> GriZl
40:05 tier 7 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker
40:05 tier 7 <SA2SE> Sylphion
40:20 tier 7 <ClanHs> RedAlbino
41:55 <SA2SE> Sylphion progress? dang
41:57 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker (rofl)
41:57 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker DIE!
42:13 <ClanHs> GriZl rip progress
44:00 <SA2SE> Sylphion should of done that on me when the push was going just right
44:09 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker i wanted to save stukov tanks to stack (happy)
44:11 tier 7 <ClanHs> Hoeris
45:05 tier 8 <ClanHs> GriZl
45:05 tier 8 <SA2SE> Sylphion
45:08 tier 8 <ClanHs> RedAlbino
45:30 tier 8 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker
45:32 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker damn that stun
45:35 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker i had alot of viods there (sad)
47:26 <ClanHs> Hoeris okay guys i have to go now
47:30 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker fuck!
47:31 <ClanHs> Hoeris cant keep the weed manm waiting
47:33 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker its not 2 hours in (rofl)
47:46 <ClanHs> Hoeris it has been with this lagg
47:48 tier 8 <ClanHs> Hoeris
47:53 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker lol
47:53 <SA2SE> Sylphion ya may as well take a break and stop trying lol
47:55 <ClanHs> RedAlbino man has a point
47:55 <ClanHs> GriZl o
47:57 <SA2SE> Sylphion no more stuns XD
48:06 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker red your team pussy out (rofl)
48:08 <ClanHs> RedAlbino i'm laggin so bad i see myself in the drop screen
48:15 <ClanHs> GriZl i can make it lag worse
48:16 <ClanHs> GriZl if u want
48:27 <ClanHs> RedAlbino i could spend my minerals that would make it worse too
48:27 <ClanHs> GriZl 200 civs going down
49:18 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker i push!
50:05 tier 9 <ClanHs> RedAlbino
50:05 tier 9 <ClanHs> Hoeris
50:05 tier 9 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker
50:05 tier 9 <SA2SE> Sylphion
50:45 tier 9 <ClanHs> GriZl
50:54 afk <ClanHs> Hoeris
50:57 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker (rofl)
50:58 <ClanHs> GriZl rekt
51:03 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker hoe hoe hooooe!
51:25 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker yeh none of them can fuck with it (rofl)
51:30 tier 7 <ClanHs> WiliamWalace
51:32 <ClanHs> RedAlbino that was 8 secsfor my afk warning to go away
51:32 <ClanHs> Hoeris its still on?
51:35 <ClanHs> Hoeris comon guys what you doing
51:36 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker almost over now
51:38 <ClanHs> Hoeris well iam out boys be back in 5hours
51:39 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker you just dropped you allready back ?
51:41 <ClanHs> GriZl u just went afk 10 sec ago
51:42 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker (rofl)
51:46 afk <SA2SE> Sylphion
51:51 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker lol!
51:54 tier 8 <ClanHs> WiliamWalace
51:55 <ClanHs> RedAlbino lol
51:59 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker full zag wave now (rofl)
52:01 <ClanHs> RedAlbino and i'm still alggin super bad
52:04 <ClanHs> GriZl i will make him dc
52:06 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker i hope your formation aint too strong (rofl)
52:06 afk <ClanHs> RedAlbino
52:08 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker gg
52:08 <ClanHs> GriZl sike
52:10 <ClanHs> GriZl ggwp
52:10 game ended
52:17 <ClanHs> RedAlbino LOL