Game #700528 — 2022-11-20

stetmann 27
apm: 8 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 214 | killed: 21k
1491 -38
kerrigan 57
apm: 32 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 297 | killed: 30k
2354 -38
swann 17
apm: 5 | gas: 0 | tier: 2
minerals: 0 | killed: 15k
888 -3
3260 +38
apm: 11 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 630 | killed: 20k
karax 9
2173 +38
apm: 5 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 621 | killed: 14k
swann 10
1711 +38
apm: 11 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 549 | killed: 36k
stetmann 18


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:03 gas 1 +229 TrickShot
00:15 gas 1 +241 <ETH2> KimSung
00:17 gas 1 +240 <DTBNA> Tophinater
00:19 gas 1 +239 MIG
00:24 gas 1 +236 <DTBNA> RichPluSteak
00:41 first unit on mid
01:00 tier 2 <ZTemp> Locrian
01:01 tier 2 <ETH2> KimSung
01:08 tier 2 MIG
01:39 tier 2 <DTBNA> RichPluSteak
01:44 <DTBNA> Tophinater HI MIG!
01:52 MIG sup
02:00 gas 2 +114 <DTBNA> Tophinater
02:02 tier 2 TrickShot
02:03 gas 2 +112 <DTBNA> RichPluSteak
02:08 <DTBNA> Tophinater what are your feelings about Qatar?
02:15 tier 3 MIG
02:17 MIG why?
02:21 gas 2 +103 <ETH2> KimSung
02:36 tier 2 <DTBNA> Tophinater
02:36 <DTBNA> Tophinater were discussiing politics
02:37 <ETH2> KimSung world cup?
02:40 <DTBNA> RichPluSteak I'm streaming and we are asking people on the street
02:55 gas 2 +68 TrickShot
02:58 <DTBNA> RichPluSteak can you pick out Qatar on a map?
03:10 <ETH2> KimSung no such thing as politics without corruption
03:18 <ETH2> KimSung yeah to the right of africa
03:22 <ETH2> KimSung tiny island
03:36 <DTBNA> RichPluSteak penisula
03:43 <DTBNA> RichPluSteak Bahrain is the island
03:45 <ETH2> KimSung its pretty isolated
04:11 <ETH2> KimSung eh been like 12 years since I learned all the countries in human geography xD
04:25 gas 3 -34 <DTBNA> Tophinater
04:30 gas 3 -37 <DTBNA> RichPluSteak
05:41 tier 3 TrickShot
06:11 <ETH2> KimSung still less controversal than mk ultra though right?
06:13 tier 3 <ETH2> KimSung
06:32 <DTBNA> Tophinater like the movie or the real thing?
06:37 <ETH2> KimSung the real thing
06:44 <ETH2> KimSung I don't think there's a movie called that?
06:50 <ETH2> KimSung i know theres american ultra tho
06:52 <DTBNA> Tophinater yeah there is
06:56 <ETH2> KimSung has the lady from twilight in it
07:18 <DTBNA> Tophinater but yeah the real thing ws fucked up
07:36 gas 3 -130 <ETH2> KimSung
07:59 <ETH2> KimSung here's a thought
08:24 <ETH2> KimSung if the cia made the unibomber go insane (he was one of the citizens that was tested on)
08:33 <ETH2> KimSung who is accountable for the deaths?
08:37 <ETH2> KimSung cia or him?
08:47 <DTBNA> Tophinater good question!
09:04 <DTBNA> RichPluSteak AND I PAY THE CIA's WAGES!
09:14 <DTBNA> RichPluSteak I AM RESPONSIBLE!
09:16 <DTBNA> Tophinater Im going to blame society as a whole
09:20 <DTBNA> RichPluSteak OH MYYYYYY
09:39 <ETH2> KimSung idk man between the shit in mk ultra and fucking snowden...
09:49 <DTBNA> Tophinater snowden?
09:53 <ETH2> KimSung yeah man
09:54 <DTBNA> Tophinater you mean like with the NSA
09:59 <ETH2> KimSung yeah dude
10:12 <DTBNA> Tophinater yeah that was messed up
10:21 <ETH2> KimSung the shit he leaked about everyone being monitored then using said monitored whatever as legit evidence for any reason they wanted
10:29 bunker destroyed
10:38 <DTBNA> Tophinater uncle sam is a sick bastard
11:32 tier 3 <DTBNA> RichPluSteak
12:12 <ETH2> KimSung operation fat fuck is pretty funny though
12:18 <ETH2> KimSung definately fucked up but funny
12:20 <DTBNA> Tophinater what is that?
12:38 leaver <ZTemp> Locrian
12:40 <DTBNA> RichPluSteak Wikipedia has nothing
12:43 leaver TrickShot
12:43 <ETH2> KimSung the cia keeping a certain very cruel monarch in power in egypt
12:54 <ETH2> KimSung try operation ff
12:56 <ETH2> KimSung cia
12:56 <DTBNA> Tophinater like a recent monarch?
13:01 <ETH2> KimSung yea
13:09 <ETH2> KimSung can't remember the name
13:11 <DTBNA> RichPluSteak operation fat fucker
13:15 <ETH2> KimSung that one
13:18 game ended
13:20 <DTBNA> RichPluSteak King Farouk
13:23 <ETH2> KimSung yes