Game #717800 — 2021-10-03

protoss 13
apm: 20 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 400 | killed: 44k
1745 -13
terran 83
apm: 9 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 572 | killed: 60k
2573 -13
terran 17
apm: 18 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 636 | killed: 44k
2017 -13
1649 +13
apm: 5 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1301 | killed: 52k
terran 100
2721 +13
apm: 13 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1291 | killed: 58k
terran 483
5975 +13
apm: 18 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1232 | killed: 62k
terran 187


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:03 gas 1 +396 Riboka
00:37 gas 1 +379 <þG> Mrsnappi
00:41 first unit on mid
00:46 tier 2 <HACKZ> kfcWatermelo
00:56 gas 1 +370 bubbleGun
01:35 <þG> Mrsnappi leaking!!
01:39 <þG> Mrsnappi (rofl)
01:44 <HACKZ> kfcWatermelo you will leak too
01:46 <HACKZ> kfcWatermelo dont worry
02:45 gas 2 +240 Riboka
02:52 tier 2 <þG> Mrsnappi
03:02 <þG> Mrsnappi DEM LEAKS
03:28 gas 1 +294 <HACKZ> kfcWatermelo
03:39 bubbleGun 2nobooa in my team
03:46 bubbleGun my wave i win easly
03:48 bubbleGun EZ
03:56 Cankerworm whats a noboa? its a snake?
04:13 gas 2 +196 bubbleGun
04:17 tier 2 Cankerworm
05:26 tier 2 Riboka
05:37 tier 2 bubbleGun
06:14 <HACKZ> kfcWatermelo why immobilizers vs 2x2 units?
06:24 <HACKZ> kfcWatermelo xD
06:33 gas 1 +201 Cankerworm
06:34 bubbleGun 1 vs 3
06:38 bubbleGun it no fair
06:43 gas 2 +121 <HACKZ> kfcWatermelo
06:53 gas 1 +191 Terkin
06:55 bunker destroyed
07:05 gas 2 +110 <þG> Mrsnappi
07:18 tier 2 Terkin
08:03 gas 3 +6 bubbleGun
08:10 <þG> Mrsnappi why play teamgame if your a solo king?
08:13 gas 3 +1 <HACKZ> kfcWatermelo
08:32 gas 2 +66 Terkin
08:41 tier 3 Cankerworm
10:43 gas 4 -149 <HACKZ> kfcWatermelo
10:50 gas 2 -3 Cankerworm
11:14 gas 3 -89 <þG> Mrsnappi
11:40 tier 3 Terkin
13:47 tier 3 bubbleGun
14:16 bubbleGun learn to play noobos
14:21 bubbleGun my wave win
14:26 tier 3 <HACKZ> kfcWatermelo
14:30 <HACKZ> kfcWatermelo you should leave the game if you are upset
14:34 <HACKZ> kfcWatermelo and let ur team stack
14:39 <HACKZ> kfcWatermelo from 2v3
14:43 bubbleGun just learn noobi
14:49 <þG> Mrsnappi his wave wins .... hahha
16:29 Cankerworm and the fact is that he chose terran in lobby, i assumed he was good (sad)
17:53 bubbleGun EZ noobos
17:55 bubbleGun my win
17:59 Cankerworm (rofl)
18:06 bubbleGun you lost me noobi
18:08 bubbleGun GG
18:14 Cankerworm yea
18:16 game ended
18:16 bubbleGun !!!