Game #723671 — 2021-09-28

zerg 1
apm: 5 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 530 | killed: 18k
894 -0
protoss 14
apm: 8 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: 40 | killed: 48k
2123 -0
protoss 3
apm: 19 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: -63 | killed: 42k
2004 -0
3236 +0
apm: 11 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1324 | killed: 79k
terran 165
4509 +0
apm: 30 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1403 | killed: 84k
terran 1002
773 -8
apm: 11 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: 805 | killed: 80
terran 52


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:03 gas 1 -94 PickleDilly
00:10 STATICX glhf
00:16 gas 1 +373 <4twnty> NaySalvate
00:42 <WTL> numinous gl hf
00:58 tier 2 LickMyMuff
00:58 first unit on mid
01:00 tier 2 PickleDilly
01:02 tier 2 <4twnty> NaySalvate
01:56 leaver PickleDilly
01:59 tier 2 McGrawHill
02:01 <WTL> numinous ???
02:17 LickMyMuff asked him to leave
02:20 <WTL> numinous wh y
02:29 <WTL> numinous ruins the game for every 1
02:30 LickMyMuff Gas first into reaper versus protoss
02:47 <4twnty> NaySalvate who are you to censor the way another chooses to play this?
02:57 LickMyMuff Didn't censor anything
03:01 LickMyMuff I censured however
03:02 <WTL> numinous like our pink is hardcore griefing atm but i dont ask them to lea ve
03:03 <4twnty> NaySalvate facist
03:03 LickMyMuff If you know the difference
03:17 gas 1 +283 STATICX
03:17 bunker destroyed
03:17 gas 1 +282 LickMyMuff
03:28 <4twnty> NaySalvate you asked him to leave because his idea of how to play didn't fit your cookie cutter ideal
03:41 LickMyMuff =\
03:58 LickMyMuff I think
04:00 LickMyMuff You're just bad
04:05 <WTL> numinous he is bad
04:08 <4twnty> NaySalvate i think
04:10 <4twnty> NaySalvate it's a game
04:12 <WTL> numinous but ruining others games bc you're horny for a win
04:15 LickMyMuff Hard to be bad at arcade (sad)
04:16 <WTL> numinous is just being a bad person
04:24 <4twnty> NaySalvate is it?
04:26 LickMyMuff Yeah
04:34 <4twnty> NaySalvate then you haven't been playing long
04:46 LickMyMuff hmmmmmm
04:49 gas 2 +162 LickMyMuff
04:53 LickMyMuff Wondering if you have played a long time
04:54 tier 2 STATICX
04:56 LickMyMuff Why you are this terrible?
04:57 gas 2 +157 <4twnty> NaySalvate
05:01 LickMyMuff I'm only level 286
05:04 LickMyMuff With 60% win rate
05:04 <4twnty> NaySalvate do you ever get bored of playing the exact same way over and over?
05:12 <4twnty> NaySalvate and if you dont' i feel sorry for you
05:13 <WTL> numinous dog all that matter are inhouses
05:15 LickMyMuff I don't play the same way over and over
05:25 <WTL> numinous you think pub statistics in this matter> XD
05:28 <4twnty> NaySalvate yet you judge when you see someone do something different?
05:29 <WTL> numinous literally no 1 is cornering
06:24 tier 3 LickMyMuff
06:41 <4twnty> NaySalvate yall are lucky i'm in my first 10 non commander matches lol
06:44 gas 2 +104 STATICX
06:51 tier 3 <4twnty> NaySalvate
06:57 LickMyMuff I feel so fortunate
07:05 <4twnty> NaySalvate good. as i said you should.
07:10 <WTL> numinous dog you're double gas you're turbo griefing
07:13 <WTL> numinous and your wave does nothing
07:20 LickMyMuff ^
07:26 <WTL> numinous 2 unit st ack is nothing
07:28 <WTL> numinous what matters is mid
07:30 <WTL> numinous in all games
07:34 LickMyMuff He knows nothing
07:38 LickMyMuff =\
07:40 <WTL> numinous literally did nothing
07:51 <WTL> numinous i do
07:54 <WTL> numinous mid = 2 gas
07:58 <WTL> numinous if they 2 gas + mid we autolose
08:02 <WTL> numinous not playing for mid is losing
08:06 <4twnty> NaySalvate I know so 3 gas = losing and still having mid
08:06 tier 3 STATICX
08:12 <WTL> numinous they have mid and 2 gas
08:24 <WTL> numinous its gg already
08:44 LickMyMuff Yeah not looking good
09:52 gas 3 -65 LickMyMuff
10:18 tier 2 <WTL> numinous
10:25 LickMyMuff Mass swarm host new meta
10:29 gas 1 +67 <WTL> numinous
10:36 gas 3 -87 STATICX
10:36 <WTL> numinous griefing new meta
11:23 gas 1 +40 McGrawHill
14:32 gas 2 -130 <WTL> numinous
15:51 <WTL> numinous almost
17:39 STATICX gg
17:40 LickMyMuff Gg
17:42 <WTL> numinous gg
17:43 game ended
17:44 <WTL> numinous love bad players