Game #784025 — 2021-05-28

karax 79
apm: 12 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 1629 | killed: 144k
3371 -59
mengsk 3
apm: 19 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 1575 | killed: 117k
1874 -59
zagara 21
apm: 9 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 1159 | killed: 119k
992 -5
1929 +59
apm: 15 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1203 | killed: 114k
abathur 2
1834 +59
apm: 15 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1112 | killed: 126k
tychus 4
2822 +59
apm: 13 | gas: 3 | tier: 4
minerals: 1563 | killed: 140k
mengsk 62


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +628 Rage
00:08 gas 1 +625 Luddi
00:10 gas 1 +623 Loveyourself
00:17 gas 1 +620 JHurttis
00:21 gas 1 +618 KOMMANDANT
00:25 gas 1 +616 Celestial
00:32 KOMMANDANT Vaginal Fluid
00:38 Loveyourself i love trees!
00:44 KOMMANDANT I love you
00:53 Loveyourself i love you too (rofl)
00:54 KOMMANDANT and your vaginal fluid on trees
01:07 tier 2 Loveyourself
01:22 Loveyourself without water no trees without trees no oxygen without oxygen no humans
01:32 KOMMANDANT you got it
01:36 KOMMANDANT women are the key
01:41 Loveyourself and without love no children (rofl)
01:41 Luddi i already want to die so fuck trees
01:44 tier 2 Luddi
01:45 tier 2 KOMMANDANT
01:45 tier 2 Celestial
01:50 tier 2 JHurttis
01:52 gas 2 +498 Rage
01:55 KOMMANDANT maybe you can do both
01:58 Celestial without humans no war, without war no nuclear fallout , without fallout healthy earth
01:58 JHurttis I thought this was just starcraft
01:58 gas 2 +495 Luddi
02:04 Loveyourself yeah i also wanted to die already and i decided to live
02:07 KOMMANDANT die by fucking a tree, i recomend a sharp tree branch
02:27 gas 2 +480 Loveyourself
02:33 gas 2 +477 Celestial
02:35 KOMMANDANT the chance of living is pretty low
02:54 KOMMANDANT you will be dead forever, so enjoy your life
03:00 KOMMANDANT go to brothel
03:02 tier 3 KOMMANDANT
03:03 gas 2 +462 JHurttis
03:06 Loveyourself life is a gift. we shouldnt waste it and fight for it as long as we can
03:24 tier 2 Rage
03:30 KOMMANDANT i was also depressive in my youth years
03:39 KOMMANDANT i think thats natural when you come with an above average iq
03:40 gas 3 +369 Rage
03:45 KOMMANDANT you think too much
03:48 KOMMANDANT thats the problem
03:51 gas 2 +438 KOMMANDANT
03:58 Luddi most likley true
04:09 KOMMANDANT you maybe score as an INTP-T personality type
04:25 KOMMANDANT less thinking, more fuking, really...
04:41 Loveyourself one facette maybe
04:47 Loveyourself but its a whole cluster
04:49 Loveyourself we are humans
05:00 tier 3 Rage
05:13 KOMMANDANT 10% of humanity are aggressive shitheads with no morale and ethics
05:15 KOMMANDANT the other 90% are ok
05:18 Loveyourself some people care much better for their car then for their own health and with health i mean the "soul" and the body
05:22 gas 3 +318 Luddi
05:23 gas 3 +317 Celestial
05:43 Celestial i tend to think those people got betrayed by people
05:46 Luddi im the 10%, sold my soul to capitalism
05:52 Loveyourself ^^
06:00 KOMMANDANT i sold my soul also to capitalism, but i dont treat people like shit
06:01 Celestial since a car wont betray you no matter what
06:06 Loveyourself well capitalism is greed and greed works, BUT not for long
06:33 KOMMANDANT capitalism is the opposite of communism, capitalism gives you competition but also freedom
06:33 gas 3 +282 JHurttis
06:38 Loveyourself its like eating your whole food for the week on one day and then u are hungry for 6 days...
06:47 tier 3 Luddi
06:49 KOMMANDANT it's natural, survival in the nature is also some form of capitalism
06:57 Loveyourself social capitalism with human rights
06:59 KOMMANDANT beeing economic with energy gain and energy invest
07:36 tier 3 JHurttis
07:49 tier 3 Loveyourself
07:49 KOMMANDANT i have one rule
07:53 KOMMANDANT if shit happens
07:54 tier 3 Celestial
08:06 KOMMANDANT ask your self "does this piss me of still in 5 years?"
08:19 KOMMANDANT if no: dont waste a second think about it again
08:30 KOMMANDANT if yes: solve the root of the problem asap
08:58 Luddi i already think like a stoic doesnt change that i hate living
09:03 cannon destroyed
09:04 Loveyourself community and compassion is important. drugs and capitalism alone eat your soul and also sex can become a drug
09:27 KOMMANDANT what makes you hate life?
09:36 Luddi the meaningless ness
09:42 Loveyourself idont hate life. i just use my brain and my heart
09:45 KOMMANDANT you can give it a meaning
09:50 Luddi im 22 and have no goals in life anymorew
10:03 KOMMANDANT set goals
10:08 Loveyourself gues thats normal
10:10 Luddi like what?
10:11 Celestial dieing is propably worse than living thats my only goal
10:17 KOMMANDANT you like challenges?
10:24 Luddi be a millionar? already am.
10:33 Luddi have a house? already own
10:36 gas 4 +86 JHurttis
10:47 KOMMANDANT with 22?
10:49 Luddi y<
10:50 Celestial found a wife ?
10:53 KOMMANDANT inherited the money?
10:57 Celestial or husband ?
11:03 Luddi nop, i dont like monogami
11:39 KOMMANDANT then go to tinder and have a goal to become a gigachad
11:43 Luddi having only one partner is boring
12:14 Loveyourself having hpvs and syphilis isnt boring you are right
12:25 KOMMANDANT condoms
12:31 KOMMANDANT save you from syphilis
12:34 Luddi ant andibiotica
12:50 Loveyourself antibiotica are becoming more and more useles...
12:59 KOMMANDANT then use the time lol
13:09 gas 4 +9 Rage
13:20 gas 3 +79 KOMMANDANT
13:53 KOMMANDANT what about some friends
13:57 KOMMANDANT they make happy
14:21 Luddi they do but are theyy worth living for?
14:34 KOMMANDANT you msut live for your self in the first place
14:58 Luddi but im a cunt
15:07 KOMMANDANT you did the MBTI test?
15:11 gas 3 +23 Loveyourself
15:16 Luddi nop
15:22 KOMMANDANT are you extroverted or introverted?
16:45 KOMMANDANT or ambiverted
16:50 gas 4 -101 KOMMANDANT
17:03 Luddi introverted still
17:42 KOMMANDANT are you more like james bond (ISTP), riddler (INTP) or batman (INTJ)?
17:47 KOMMANDANT from your character
18:06 gas 4 -139 Loveyourself
18:14 Luddi xD, edward Nigmar would come the closest
18:46 bunker destroyed
19:20 KOMMANDANT INTP-T and INFP-T are most depressive personality types
19:23 KOMMANDANT you think to much thats the problem
19:28 KOMMANDANT you are gifted with a high iq
19:36 KOMMANDANT but stop thinking man
19:57 KOMMANDANT i got to know an intp-t that remembered 60.000+ places of the number PI
20:01 Luddi if it would be that easy i wouldnt be depressed
20:07 KOMMANDANT he always wanted to be popular with his high iq
21:08 KOMMANDANT you know the movie brightburn?
21:16 Luddi no
21:38 KOMMANDANT if superman would be an intp-t as kid, watched it yesterday
21:58 KOMMANDANT however, you're not an asshole, i dont think so, i thinky oure more misunderstood
22:46 Luddi i like how you argue that im not the devil but i made millins selling weapons to 3rd world warlords
23:03 KOMMANDANT they would have bought it anyways
23:15 KOMMANDANT with or without you, you did not increase the demand
23:16 Luddi i know thats what i keeps telling myself
23:23 KOMMANDANT its a fact
23:31 KOMMANDANT its economic
23:42 KOMMANDANT if i sell more chocolate, it doesnt mean that people will buy it
23:47 KOMMANDANT they have their demand, and that's it
24:32 gas 4 -332 Celestial
24:58 KOMMANDANT most intps i know are programmers, maybe start with it?
25:01 KOMMANDANT as a new hobby
25:07 KOMMANDANT develop some software
25:20 tier 4 KOMMANDANT
25:28 tier 4 Rage
25:33 Luddi my hobby is making my doctor in bio-botanic ingenering
25:39 tier 4 Luddi
25:45 tier 4 JHurttis
25:56 Loveyourself gg
25:57 Luddi gg
25:58 game ended