Game #808980 — 2022-04-02

swann 641
apm: 48 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 1745 | killed: 122k
3692 -74
nova 82
apm: 11 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 1367 | killed: 112k
3979 -74
karax 14
apm: 6 | gas: 2 | tier: 4
minerals: 1568 | killed: 145k
895 -7
2118 +74
apm: 13 | gas: 3 | tier: 4
minerals: 1896 | killed: 128k
kerrigan 20
2040 +74
apm: 12 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 1781 | killed: 117k
fenix 5
2276 +74
apm: 15 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 1685 | killed: 130k
karax 41


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:04 gas 1 +728 <CalEnt> chubs
00:08 gas 1 +726 Wanderer
00:09 gas 1 +726 MadMek
00:11 gas 1 +724 Doge
00:15 gas 1 +722 ProfileName
00:17 gas 1 +671 worncrayfish
00:36 first unit on mid
01:00 tier 2 Doge
01:20 tier 2 <CalEnt> chubs
01:26 tier 2 Wanderer
01:48 gas 2 +601 ProfileName
01:58 gas 2 +545 worncrayfish
02:06 gas 2 +592 MadMek
02:10 gas 2 +590 Doge
02:13 gas 2 +589 Wanderer
02:22 tier 2 ProfileName
02:41 tier 2 worncrayfish
03:16 tier 3 worncrayfish
03:46 gas 3 +467 Doge
04:03 gas 2 +534 <CalEnt> chubs
04:13 gas 3 +453 MadMek
04:30 tier 2 MadMek
06:01 gas 3 +399 ProfileName
06:54 <CalEnt> chubs lol
07:25 worncrayfish karax on karax makes me horny
07:35 Doge lmao
07:36 Wanderer same
07:39 <CalEnt> chubs everything makes you horny
08:22 tier 3 Doge
09:35 tier 3 Wanderer
10:03 tier 3 ProfileName
10:38 <CalEnt> chubs pink is smokin weed again
10:51 <CalEnt> chubs i apologize in advance for any strange activity
10:52 Wanderer kotekick him
10:56 cannon destroyed
11:09 gas 3 +246 <CalEnt> chubs
11:24 Doge -1 rep for shield drone
12:46 worncrayfish how about we dont lazer each other?
13:02 Doge But then we aren't really a mirror match (sad)
13:56 tier 3 <CalEnt> chubs
16:43 Wanderer bubble shield for the win
16:47 Doge (sad)
16:53 <CalEnt> chubs always use protection kids
17:03 Wanderer always use protection
17:09 <CalEnt> chubs and detection
17:18 worncrayfish doge lets sell carriers and go ground??
17:34 gas 3 +53 Wanderer
18:04 bunker destroyed
19:03 gas 4 -66 ProfileName
19:35 Wanderer my back hurts
19:57 tier 3 MadMek
20:40 gas 4 -115 <CalEnt> chubs
23:21 Doge lets not talk about that
23:23 <CalEnt> chubs ooof
23:24 Wanderer ahhhhhhhhh
23:34 worncrayfish lets talk about it
23:39 Doge nah nah nah
23:46 Doge I lived up to the not beaming eachother
23:47 Doge I swear
23:51 <CalEnt> chubs that was also bad lolol
23:57 Wanderer a man of honor
24:08 <CalEnt> chubs sont worry pinks wasnt much better XD
24:12 gas 4 -221 Doge
24:16 worncrayfish lets tech swap ??
24:21 Doge bet lmao
24:46 <CalEnt> chubs lets all just sell our stuff
24:50 worncrayfish serious??
25:11 <CalEnt> chubs if we could get everyone to do it i would say its the most legendary game of ds ive ever played
25:16 tier 4 ProfileName
25:18 tier 4 <CalEnt> chubs
25:24 tier 4 MadMek
25:28 ProfileName sell and do what
25:30 Doge legendary game, or legendary bait
25:32 Doge hmmmm
25:33 tier 4 Wanderer
25:39 ProfileName buy only your cheapest unit
25:43 worncrayfish ill honor it
25:47 <CalEnt> chubs im down
25:48 ProfileName im in
25:51 Doge bet
25:52 Wanderer hell yeah
25:53 tier 4 worncrayfish
25:55 tier 4 Doge
25:58 <CalEnt> chubs k gogogo
26:28 <CalEnt> chubs he isnt saying anything
26:31 worncrayfish im selling as fast as i can
26:34 Doge I can
26:42 Doge I can't sell my phoenix with the buff
26:46 Doge Oh no
26:50 Doge lol
26:51 <CalEnt> chubs NOOOOOOOOO
26:53 ProfileName well i cant sell my heroes apparently
27:23 <CalEnt> chubs madmek wont sell
27:25 <CalEnt> chubs so
27:33 Wanderer ahahahhaahha
27:39 afk worncrayfish
27:48 ProfileName lol
27:56 worncrayfish nooo
28:16 <CalEnt> chubs eh to heck with it
28:21 <CalEnt> chubs madmek to serious
28:25 Wanderer thank you profile name for soint that
28:35 gas 4 -353 Wanderer
28:36 ProfileName doing what
28:44 Wanderer i appericate all for selling
28:47 ProfileName oh lol
29:02 MadMek wtf
29:03 ProfileName its a bit unfair as i didnt realize i cant sell my hereos
29:10 Wanderer all good
29:12 MadMek sell what now
29:13 <CalEnt> chubs wh i dont mind losing
29:17 <CalEnt> chubs its funny
29:20 Doge gg, wp haha
29:20 ProfileName gg
29:21 game ended
29:21 Wanderer good game
29:22 <CalEnt> chubs gg