Game #891275 — 2020-04-13

terran 906
apm: 36 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 2111 | killed: 114k
7392 +4
terran 366
apm: 22 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1918 | killed: 89k
9100 +4
protoss 236
apm: 20 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 2234 | killed: 84k
5484 +4
2144 -4
apm: 11 | gas: 0 | tier: 3
minerals: 0 | killed: 111k
terran 8
2555 -4
apm: 11 | gas: 0 | tier: 3
minerals: 0 | killed: 74k
protoss 59
1682 -4
apm: 6 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 753 | killed: 108k
terran 48


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:05 <DSSQRT> Gashana gl hf (terranturtle)
00:54 tier 2 <TRLM> TedeK
00:58 first unit on mid
01:44 tier 2 Oschi
02:24 <DSSQRT> Gashana lol
02:42 gas 1 +530 Oschi
02:52 tier 2 Werty
03:00 <TRLM> TedeK ^^
03:14 tier 2 <DSSQRT> Gashana
06:06 tier 2 AMIRAL
06:11 tier 2 <TRLM> ĀŋĦēĻĻ
06:21 gas 1 +421 <TRLM> TedeK
07:08 gas 1 +398 <DSSQRT> Gashana
09:18 tier 3 Werty
09:19 tier 3 <TRLM> TedeK
09:27 cannon destroyed
09:29 gas 2 +252 <DSSQRT> Gashana
09:29 gas 2 +252 <TRLM> TedeK
09:32 gas 1 +326 <TRLM> ĀŋĦēĻĻ
10:27 gas 2 +223 Oschi
11:39 gas 2 +187 <TRLM> ĀŋĦēĻĻ
11:46 gas 3 +109 <DSSQRT> Gashana
11:54 <DSSQRT> Gashana too slow
12:51 tier 3 AMIRAL
13:16 tier 3 Oschi
14:02 <DSSQRT> Gashana too slow
14:03 gas 3 +40 <TRLM> ĀŋĦēĻĻ
14:09 gas 4 -38 <DSSQRT> Gashana
14:13 gas 3 +35 <TRLM> TedeK
14:15 AMIRAL tg gm
14:27 <DSSQRT> Gashana Gesundheit
14:32 AMIRAL tg gm
14:36 <TRLM> TedeK proost
14:38 <DSSQRT> Gashana Gute Besserung
14:42 AMIRAL tg gm
16:01 <DSSQRT> Gashana too weak
16:05 AMIRAL tg gm
16:10 <DSSQRT> Gashana (poo)
16:13 AMIRAL tg gm
16:24 <DSSQRT> Gashana 1x1=1
16:26 <TRLM> TedeK (flex)
16:29 AMIRAL tg gm
16:33 gas 4 -110 <TRLM> TedeK
17:17 tier 3 <TRLM> ĀŋĦēĻĻ
17:50 gas 4 -148 <TRLM> ĀŋĦēĻĻ
18:02 tier 3 <DSSQRT> Gashana
20:16 <DSSQRT> Gashana too ez
20:20 AMIRAL tg gm
20:57 <TRLM> TedeK what does "tg gm" means ?
21:00 AMIRAL tg gm
21:19 <DSSQRT> Gashana it means "I am a fanboy"
21:22 AMIRAL tg gm
21:30 AMIRAL +1
21:32 AMIRAL tg gm
21:52 <TRLM> TedeK tg gm then
21:55 <DSSQRT> Gashana (rofl)
21:56 AMIRAL tg gm
22:17 <DSSQRT> Gashana stormy day
22:23 AMIRAL tg gm
22:25 <TRLM> TedeK that is a very complex langage
22:31 <TRLM> TedeK Like the smurf talking
22:36 <TRLM> TedeK you got to decode
22:37 AMIRAL tg gm
22:41 <DSSQRT> Gashana i think it is a bot
22:46 AMIRAL tg gm
22:57 <DSSQRT> Gashana but too noobish for a bot
23:01 AMIRAL tg gm
23:06 <TRLM> TedeK or maybe it s Mandarin from china ?
23:12 AMIRAL tg gm
23:39 <TRLM> TedeK by any chance would you be french ?
23:42 AMIRAL tg gm
24:27 AMIRAL scan sob
24:30 AMIRAL tg gm
24:55 <DSSQRT> Gashana sry, did you say something?
24:58 AMIRAL tg gm
25:17 <DSSQRT> Gashana your mum was a good teacher
25:20 AMIRAL tg gm
25:24 <TRLM> TedeK gg tg gm
25:24 <DSSQRT> Gashana not (rofl)
25:24 game ended
25:26 AMIRAL bye SOB