Game #961694 — 2022-11-25

stukov 1
apm: 11 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 757 | killed: 47k
1799 -62
dehaka 128
apm: 29 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 693 | killed: 71k
4686 -62
tychus 34
apm: 13 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 596 | killed: 42k
1817 -62
3957 +62
apm: 13 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1403 | killed: 52k
nova 219
2524 +62
apm: 5 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1559 | killed: 22k
alarak 10
2980 +62
apm: 18 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1648 | killed: 92k
nova 19


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +432 Ultra
00:07 gas 1 +429 MrWin
00:13 gas 1 +426 <Shang> MemberFDIC
00:16 MrWin Hello there friends and future lovers
00:19 gas 1 +423 <PERUII> MoreMorbius
00:19 <F00K> MoTo gl hf
00:23 gas 1 +421 <F00K> MoTo
00:33 caliuss for true god Emperor
00:37 gas 1 +414 caliuss
00:41 MrWin I am your god now
00:43 <F00K> MoTo yes God Yamaha
00:52 caliuss darktide is out
00:57 caliuss if you play that buggy game
00:58 first unit on mid
01:00 tier 2 MrWin
01:01 <F00K> MoTo nah thought
01:01 caliuss you are a heretic
01:04 tier 2 <PERUII> MoreMorbius
01:07 MrWin a Warhammer game?
01:08 <F00K> MoTo it was in early access
01:10 caliuss yes
01:24 <F00K> MoTo I am no paid beta tester fuck that
01:27 <F00K> MoTo ill buy it on sale
01:32 caliuss for Emperor
01:34 MrWin why do most warhammer games have such generic names
01:49 gas 2 +303 <PERUII> MoreMorbius
01:50 gas 2 +302 <Shang> MemberFDIC
01:57 <F00K> MoTo furby convention devs
02:18 gas 2 +289 Ultra
02:43 gas 2 +276 MrWin
02:48 tier 2 <F00K> MoTo
02:52 tier 2 caliuss
03:11 gas 2 +262 caliuss
03:35 tier 2 Ultra
03:37 <F00K> MoTo even with high end comps heard big memory leak and shit optimization
05:00 caliuss for the true god EMPEROR
05:04 caliuss my team is arguing
05:08 <F00K> MoTo let me teach ya boy how stuns work
05:10 MrWin about what
05:13 MrWin how sexy I am
05:22 MrWin if I'm a 10 or an 11?
05:22 caliuss yes
05:29 MrWin lit
05:43 tier 2 <Shang> MemberFDIC
05:45 <Shang> MemberFDIC No, arguing over if your a 0 or 1, or if your mom is a 10 or a 3
06:00 MrWin you're*
06:03 <F00K> MoTo hehe
06:05 <Shang> MemberFDIC clever girl
06:15 MrWin Minor grammar mistake, your "burn" is invalid
06:33 <F00K> MoTo common grammar mistake
06:35 tier 3 MrWin
06:39 MrWin but you still did make it
06:52 tier 3 <PERUII> MoreMorbius
07:08 gas 3 +69 <PERUII> MoreMorbius
08:01 caliuss nice aid, Stukov
08:02 <F00K> MoTo serious leakage
08:05 caliuss nice timing
08:19 caliuss we pushed the lane thanks to u
08:27 caliuss the Emperor smiles on you today
08:27 gas 3 +29 <Shang> MemberFDIC
08:58 gas 3 +13 Ultra
09:00 gas 2 +87 <F00K> MoTo
09:49 tier 3 <Shang> MemberFDIC
10:19 gas 4 -102 <PERUII> MoreMorbius
10:36 <F00K> MoTo you bitch
10:40 <F00K> MoTo stop eating my shit
10:46 <F00K> MoTo I saw that jump
10:48 MrWin omnomnomnom
10:50 bunker destroyed
10:52 gas 4 -118 Ultra
11:02 gas 3 -48 <F00K> MoTo
11:26 MrWin in standard I'm one of the maybe 3 people who uses them i don't play standard anymore because the meta was stale as hell, but damn
11:27 <Shang> MemberFDIC i blame our parents
12:04 gas 3 -80 caliuss
12:48 tier 3 Ultra
12:55 tier 3 caliuss
13:05 tier 3 <F00K> MoTo
19:25 MrWin or we win
19:26 game ended
19:26 <F00K> MoTo gg
19:26 MrWin gg