Game #97208 — 2020-11-26

nova 10
apm: 8 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 2384 | killed: 89k
1698 +65
alarak 17
apm: 12 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 2042 | killed: 104k
3887 +65
stukov 5
apm: 25 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 1973 | killed: 108k
2037 +65
2133 -65
apm: 32 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 850 | killed: 84k
stetmann 4
4851 -65
apm: 33 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 674 | killed: 113k
artanis 179
2214 -65
apm: 11 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 581 | killed: 89k
vorazun 11


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +581 <CatMou> stagiaire
00:02 gas 1 +581 Mecromage
00:03 gas 1 +581 <WNTR> Incursus
00:04 gas 1 +580 BannanaBean
00:10 gas 1 +577 Levetia
00:12 gas 1 +576 BeastWithin
00:14 Levetia (glhf)
00:20 BeastWithin u2!
00:26 <CatMou> stagiaire GLHF
00:39 first unit on mid
00:55 tier 2 Levetia
01:00 tier 2 BannanaBean
01:11 tier 2 Mecromage
01:13 tier 2 BeastWithin
01:25 tier 2 <CatMou> stagiaire
01:47 gas 2 +453 <CatMou> stagiaire
02:17 gas 2 +438 BannanaBean
03:27 Levetia Dang air stun
03:28 Levetia (sad)
03:38 tier 3 Mecromage
03:55 gas 3 +315 <CatMou> stagiaire
04:03 tier 3 BeastWithin
06:30 gas 2 +312 <WNTR> Incursus
06:57 tier 3 Levetia
07:46 gas 2 +274 BeastWithin
08:08 BeastWithin oh snap. i was just listening to some asmr didnt realize i was actually in the game
08:19 Levetia Can tell, np
08:20 tier 2 <WNTR> Incursus
09:02 BannanaBean it finally happened
09:02 Mecromage oh no
09:02 BeastWithin oh sno
09:06 <CatMou> stagiaire wow
09:12 <CatMou> stagiaire just in time
09:16 Levetia Bloody internet
10:01 tier 3 <CatMou> stagiaire
10:18 Mecromage i have splash if i get vanguards :P
10:35 gas 3 +114 <WNTR> Incursus
10:58 Levetia All Praise The Reaver Stack
11:01 Levetia Praise be to thee
11:02 Levetia Ameno
11:37 Mecromage 18
12:40 Levetia Nova vs Artanis is fairly even
13:30 BannanaBean reavers hurt
13:34 Levetia mmhm
13:36 Levetia I know
13:40 gas 2 +97 Levetia
15:15 tier 3 <WNTR> Incursus
16:10 Levetia Ow.
16:55 cannon destroyed
17:04 gas 3 -80 BannanaBean
17:09 Levetia There's tempest because of the tank stack
17:10 Levetia (sad)
19:54 Levetia ES micro with pre-cloak can shut down archons. I did that game 1 :P but normally artanis fairs well beyond that
21:33 Levetia That's a few bloody tanks
21:37 Levetia Can ya'll settle down there
21:40 <CatMou> stagiaire just a couple
21:56 Levetia You are Litterally Arcing my entire wave
21:58 Levetia (sad)
23:53 <CatMou> stagiaire tanks are good
24:21 <CatMou> stagiaire gg
24:23 BannanaBean gg
24:24 Levetia (gg)
24:25 game ended
24:25 Mecromage why is it every time im vora im counter
24:28 Mecromage countered