Game #992788 — 2021-12-17

terran 885
apm: 15 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1341 | killed: 71k
3588 +28
zerg 1456
apm: 9 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1697 | killed: 69k
5588 +28
terran 854
apm: 19 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1626 | killed: 67k
6314 +28
2097 -28
apm: 11 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 266 | killed: 66k
terran 6
4641 -28
apm: 25 | gas: 4 | tier: 2
minerals: 153 | killed: 60k
protoss 177
2485 -28
apm: 9 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 344 | killed: 52k
terran 263


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:42 first unit on mid
01:06 tier 2 <DSSQRT> Boka
01:27 tier 2 <DIRSTK> obloed
03:03 cannon destroyed
03:15 gas 1 +354 <HACKZ> ёпта
03:58 tier 2 <HACKZ> ёпта
04:04 gas 1 +329 <DSSQRT> Boka
04:29 tier 2 <DSXTM> McTellious
04:31 gas 1 +316 <DIRSTK> obloed
05:36 gas 1 +283 <DSXTM> McTellious
05:51 gas 1 +275 Påvirket
07:07 tier 2 Påvirket
07:19 gas 1 +232 Ясно
07:32 gas 2 +150 Påvirket
07:51 <HACKZ> ёпта YOPTA
08:00 <DIRSTK> obloed you don't say
08:02 tier 3 <HACKZ> ёпта
08:33 gas 2 +120 <DSSQRT> Boka
08:34 gas 2 +119 <DIRSTK> obloed
08:42 <HACKZ> ёпта ukraine = russia in january
08:49 gas 2 +112 Ясно
09:02 <DIRSTK> obloed how did u know i'm ukraine?
09:22 gas 2 +95 <DSXTM> McTellious
09:26 <HACKZ> ёпта smell
09:30 <DIRSTK> obloed )
09:48 tier 2 Ясно
09:53 <DSXTM> McTellious I missed vodka bar (happy) in kiev
10:06 <HACKZ> ёпта with klitschko
10:34 <HACKZ> ёпта ive meet klitschko once
10:43 <HACKZ> ёпта he gave me his hand
10:44 <DIRSTK> obloed kick ur ass?
10:47 <DIRSTK> obloed oh
10:51 <HACKZ> ёпта boxing event
10:59 <DIRSTK> obloed nice
11:00 tier 3 <DSSQRT> Boka
11:23 <HACKZ> ёпта His hands
11:27 <HACKZ> ёпта are double size than mine
11:43 gas 3 -51 <DIRSTK> obloed
11:45 <DIRSTK> obloed yuo're lazy i get it
11:58 <DIRSTK> obloed or an intellectual)
12:18 gas 2 +7 <HACKZ> ёпта
12:21 <HACKZ> ёпта at least im not a clanhopping traitor
12:31 <DIRSTK> obloed hahaha loool
12:37 <DIRSTK> obloed so u know me after all
12:47 <HACKZ> ёпта i cum inside your mother
12:49 <HACKZ> ёпта i dont forget you
12:51 tier 3 <DSXTM> McTellious
12:54 <DIRSTK> obloed )
13:05 <HACKZ> ёпта you will alwys be my son
13:05 <DIRSTK> obloed disrespect pushed me tjough
13:37 <DIRSTK> obloed i was happy to be in hackz at first
13:53 <DIRSTK> obloed but after a series of being kicked out
13:59 <DIRSTK> obloed i changed my mind
14:17 <HACKZ> ёпта no one cares
14:21 <DIRSTK> obloed sure
14:27 <DIRSTK> obloed then why talk?
14:59 <HACKZ> ёпта you are right let me silence you
15:08 <DIRSTK> obloed be my guest
15:15 gas 4 -231 <DIRSTK> obloed
15:17 <DIRSTK> obloed be lucky to win on preset
15:20 gas 3 -159 Påvirket
16:23 tier 3 Ясно
16:57 <HACKZ> ёпта you dont have the skill to be in hackz
17:10 <DIRSTK> obloed )
17:19 <DIRSTK> obloed u make me smile
17:27 Påvirket who would want to be in hackz ?
17:28 <DIRSTK> obloed good one)\
18:05 <DIRSTK> obloed hackz was big back in the day
18:16 <DIRSTK> obloed now the hiring policy is low
18:33 <DIRSTK> obloed have to be able to kiss ass to be in it
18:41 <DIRSTK> obloed no skills required
18:58 gas 3 -268 <HACKZ> ёпта
19:59 <DIRSTK> obloed gg
20:03 game ended