commanders_2v2_solo rating leaderboard

name rating
1. <DSRTNG> Dima 5208
2. <KJF> WÖFFE 4649
3. <DSRTNG> mrtnt 4285
4. ChevChelios 4215
5. <DSRTNG> bakdead 4119
6. <DSRTNG> Mummyk 4097
7. <DSRTNG> kaasKop 4054
8. mapelmich 3703
9. <DSKOR> littlemandu 3625
10. <DIRSTK> Barsky 3363
11. DOStoevsky 3207
12. <ProbKA> Величайший 3198
13. <NSFG0D> Eden 3188
14. Fearnoevil 3138
15. Chimeria 3054
16. Quatross 2953
17. <DSRTNG> DeusExMachin 2934
18. Skippy 2915
19. <DTBU> Nextron 2913
20. mandu 2913
21. ChevChelios 2909
22. <HalfEZ> MrStabby 2901
23. KnightOwl 2895
24. Eosinophil 2831
25. StarSwarm 2668
26. ddddddddd 2646
27. <KingDs> MadBrain 2618
28. eeyore 2572
29. HED 2560
30. decldev 2525
31. YnY 2508
32. Christoph 2501
33. <DSTITN> Apocalypse 2497
34. WÖFFE 2493
35. UncleRetardo 2492
36. <DSMSTR> Edfutkina 2488
37. <DSKOR> Daddyking 2484
38. Durchlauscht 2478
39. <BiR> Yankee 2456
40. aRandomDOM 2455
41. LadyRed 2445
42. DonBafom 2442
43. <EULOL> MrStabby 2439
44. HaLfEZ 2424
45. <T1TANS> Frieza 2403
47. <Stra> Drakbomb 2385
48. <DSGoku> TITAN 2373
49. <KingDs> seeeeeeeeexy 2359
50. jkl 2330
51. <T1TANS> CutestTwink 2316
52. <DsxCMD> NORADII 2308
53. Taken 2282
54. <LanCh> Tugtug 2270
55. <DSGoku> Kakarot 2268
56. <VVH> Geilomat 2267
57. <DSAnbu> Freezer 2264
58. Александр 2261
59. cakemachine 2252
60. <DSKOR> keiichi 2240
61. <TBaTB> чahka 2224
62. <DSRTNG> ZoV 2207
63. <platEn> AresMars 2206
64. Mastermind 2203
65. Fearnoevil 2202
66. Fel 2198
67. eeyore 2195
68. Voteban 2192
69. JUlCE 2189
70. <STDES> Iseryn 2178
71. Lancelot 2158
72. ZeraKing 2150
73. <fostos> VénSzarevő 2146
74. <Zzesty> TickleBalls 2144
75. Daklean 2136
76. <dGreat> NoooB 2136
77. lkuk 2135
78. <DSGWT> Draxus 2128
79. Mishka 2118
80. <DSAnbu> TheCarry 2116
81. <DSGoku> Madbrain 2113
82. Nemo 2109
83. <DSCPRO> Levi 2105
84. <STDES> Michsan 2104
85. <DSSQRT> Thetmes 2101
86. SyluX 2100
87. <PhBh> КнязРазврата 2099
88. <YADR> sazhdapec 2099
89. <DVote> Mark 2099
90. <Zenkai> Spidermonkey 2097
91. Darich 2097
92. eve 2096
93. <ClanHs> Kai 2086
94. LoveYourSelf 2078
95. <DikBoy> JoeBiden 2076
96. Basilic 2066
97. <LoP1e> PhaseField 2064
98. <BiR> CaptainPiss 2061
99. <SP1T> Bambikok 2056
100. PiouPiouPiou 2056

solo commanders_2v2

same as commanders_2v2, but only for solo games with a random teammate
games with teammates you often play with do not affect this rating

if you are playing against a team, their team rating is used for calculations, therefore even if you lose while being solo, you will not lose much of your rating, and if you happen to win, you win even more!

2v2 is usually for parties, but now there's a reason to get some solo 2v2 action!