commanders_2v2_solo rating leaderboard

name rating
1. <DSRTNG> Dima 5114
2. BaiXiaoquan 4682
3. <KJF> WÖFFE 4580
4. <DbE1> Mrakov 4157
5. <DSRTNG> kaasKop 4105
6. <DSRTNG> Mummyk 4097
7. <BM패밀리> 스텟먼 3600
8. <DIRSTK> Barsky 3500
9. <DSPROS> dsgear 3488
10. <KingDs> FenixDisrupt 3429
11. <NSFG0D> Eden 3195
12. <DSFrog> MemoriaChan 3119
13. <KingDs> SCIPCION 2965
14. <DSRTNG> DeusExMachin 2924
15. <T1TANS> Chirartem 2907
16. <T1TANS> cmac 2845
17. YnY 2827
18. ddddddddd 2818
19. Quatross 2763
20. <Arhive> Напёрсток 2614
21. Silent 2587
22. <T1TANS> DanDaMan 2528
23. Durchlauscht 2509
24. <Yepta> CaptainLevi 2504
25. <DSFrog> WÖFFE 2492
26. <DSGoku> SoPro 2482
27. <BiR> Yankee 2471
28. aRandomDOM 2456
29. <KingDs> seeeeeeeeexy 2448
30. <BWKngs> DethReignz 2402
31. <DSPROS> всемСаламПЛМ 2389
32. <Шахтёр> WITCHER 2388
33. <DSGoku> TITAN 2374
34. <Stra> Drakbomb 2371
35. MrSatan 2301
36. kadream 2289
37. BORZ 2288
38. MajedAirport 2287
39. <DSAnbu> Taco 2284
40. <dGreat> NoooB 2280
41. <VVH> Geilomat 2270
42. Inkvizitor 2262
43. <T1TANS> AnRG 2251
44. <DSGoku> Sunay 2247
45. Minsha 2244
46. <DSFrog> Biometrix 2239
47. cakemachine 2228
48. <DSFTWA> NastyNate 2213
49. <T1TANS> Phoenix 2211
50. JANEDOE 2209
51. <DSRTNG> Den 2207
52. WatchOut 2203
53. <乖乖之歌> 絕對無敵爆龍王 2195
54. iSlapU 2190
56. TerminalLife 2189
57. Fel 2185
58. JUlCE 2185
59. <STDES> Iseryn 2178
60. <DSAnbu> TheCarry 2166
61. <SaltyR> nOgeegee 2163
62. <Kusshh> bee 2161
63. Dawai 2154
64. <L4GNDS> Fearless 2149
65. <A2P> Ateshi 2148
66. FubukiWaifu 2146
67. <LoP1e> FileUpload 2140
68. <YADR> sazhdapec 2138
69. <Шахтёр> Investrum 2138
70. MaksDec 2138
71. <platEn> AresMars 2137
72. <GKitty> imsux 2136
73. <DSKOR> Stetman 2125
74. <ERQ> Bossti 2121
75. <fostos> VénSzarevő 2119
76. <L4GNDS> MARVEL 2119
77. Mishka 2107
78. Nostalgia 2100
79. Grzezii 2100
80. NobleSub 2099
81. <DSSQRT> Thetmes 2099
82. tomazkid 2099
83. <xGUZx> RandomGüffel 2097
84. NoooB 2096
85. <DSGoku> UltimateFigh 2090
86. <DSGoku> asdasd 2085
87. <GKitty> Kachar 2084
88. <GKitty> Kachar 2082
89. LucikTheBest 2082
90. <EULOL> HeroOfTime 2081
91. <DSRTNG> PezaUkraine 2079
93. <DSoP> Nizu 2074
94. <DSRTNG> LoveYourSelf 2073
95. <DSTT> Litch 2071
96. rebbatskab 2070
97. SSS 2070
98. <GKitty> Jurzal 2069
99. <OCTB> Charlie 2061
100. KoBi 2058

solo commanders_2v2

same as commanders_2v2, but only for solo games with a random teammate
games with teammates you often play with do not affect this rating

if you are playing against a team, their team rating is used for calculations, therefore even if you lose while being solo, you will not lose much of your rating, and if you happen to win, you win even more!

2v2 is usually for parties, but now there's a reason to get some solo 2v2 action!