gear rating leaderboard

name rating
1. Chimeria 8753
2. <T1TANS> CutestTwink 6474
3. <UNTR> Syrious 6421
4. <DSGoku> Kakarot 6218
5. <UNTR> Eldesh 5578
6. Voteban 5566
7. BarCodeBussy 5289
8. <DSTITN> Apocalypse 5046
9. <DSRTNG> kaasKop 4898
10. <GKitty> imsux 4705
11. <DSAnbu> Freezer 4671
12. <DSRTNG> Dima 4459
13. <DIRSTK> Barsky 4429
14. <GKitty> Jurzal 4289
15. JeSuisHomo 4120
16. <ZergW> SnowBunny 4071
17. <GKitty> imsux 4040
18. <Spera> NaCN 3990
19. <DSGoku> Sunay 3932
20. KnightOwl 3930
21. <XMT> tomatotron 3924
22. Twister 3771
23. <dGreat> Khanflux 3717
24. DonBafom 3706
25. <T1TANS> Frieza 3697
26. Daniel 3588
27. <OLM> Garf 3577
28. <DSGoku> Apocalypse 3504
29. <FURAMA> BENDER 3485
30. <ØSgZ> Euweb 3324
31. <Yepta> METRO 3266
32. <DSRTNG> mrtnt 3243
33. <NVY> DrLolotor 3100
34. <Kusshh> bee 2797
35. mapelmich 2727
36. LaPomme 2672
37. <OLM> ChrisMajor 2643
38. <STDES> Iseryn 2629
39. <DShots> Kittenpants 2602
40. HED 2597
41. grunt 2566
42. Chairman 2549
43. <STDES> Jasiu 2533
44. <KingDs> seeeeeeeeexy 2513
45. <ClanHs> Kai 2476
46. decldev 2448
47. Pitacupateu 2413
48. <hRpS> JuanSolo 2408
49. <GGBr0> Ezio 2319
50. <1VA> ThisIsTheWay 2308
51. Nova 2297
52. <DSMSTR> Edfutkina 2288
53. <dGreat> Zegger 2284
54. <EuChad> temilian 2273
55. <GKitty> Kachar 2263
56. uriminzokiri 2260
57. <T1TANS> NoSleep 2243
58. <dGreat> Kaelinheart 2221
59. LadyRed 2201
60. eve 2196
61. <NSFG0D> Eden 2186
62. <DVote> Mark 2178
63. <DSFTWA> DocWalrus 2169
64. Fel 2168
65. <ValidG> DeathIsAwe 2162
66. SyluX 2160
67. JEPQ 2159
68. <DSFTWA> Nova 2156
69. <ClanHs> TheWarGamer 2149
70. jkl 2143
71. <BWKngs> Morthannaras 2140
72. KUTSUSHlTA 2139
73. <TBaTB> чahka 2136
74. Zil 2130
75. <KGC> TreckinTTV 2117
76. <DSRTNG> TiamatDrag 2102
77. <DSGoku> TITAN 2094
78. <NOKAGE> Nightknight 2092
79. <ClanHs> heyrandoms 2091
80. Barracuda 2087
81. Asd 2087
82. <KJF> WÖFFE 2077
83. eelCondoms 2064
84. Zelek 2063
85. <DIRSTK> GaLacTicFear 2061
86. <T1TANS> oVANQUISHo 2058
87. Kaelinheart 2058
88. Taken 2055
89. <Æctone> JKlein 2051
90. <DSXTM> CosmicDancer 2051
91. <DSES> Draelren 2050
92. <GRUYER> Matliv 2050
93. Александр 2050
94. <Zzesty> TickleBalls 2050
95. tissid 2049
96. <DSKOR> Daddyking 2048
97. <BiR> Yankee 2046
98. Síttñstrølçh 2045
99. <Yepta> MTR 2045
100. <DSNAVI> TDV 2038

only gear games

gear mode is fun advanced standard mode, you could have additional powerups for your terran, zerg and protoss units

this rating is built using default DSR main_current algorithm