_memoria_matchups rating leaderboard
by Memoria: per-matchup calculation v3
- games under 30 seconds don't count, games under 4 minutes have lowered rating change (x0.5 >> x1)
- players start at 2000 rating, 4000 rating difference ≈ 90% win prediction, prediction gets more exagerated the more onesided the matchup is
- max 250 rating per match, decreases if teammate rating difference for either of the teams is more than 2500 because of uncertainity
- win prediction is calculated for each matchup (each 1v1), then it's combined into a final prediction
- in case of an uneven game (NvM), each possible matchup is calculated, and rating change is adjusted to the team count ratio
- if someone crashes before the game starts, that player loses rating, but is not considered for matchup calculations (as if the player was not in the game)
- afterwards if there are leavers, respective team's rating gain from winning will be lower; if two people from opposite teams leave within 10 seconds, or if the first leave is within 1 minute of the game ending, rating gain stays the same