_memoria_matchups rating leaderboard

name rating
1. <KJF> WÖFFE 11056
2. <GKitty> GDSLYouTube 10928
3. <ØSgZ> Euweb 10606
4. <DSRTNG> TiamatDrag 10399
5. SückiLucky 9782
6. <dGreat> NoooB 9734
7. Zelek 9712
8. <TRLM> EllenRipley 9661
9. <DIRSTK> Nova 9577
10. <DSRTNG> UltimateFigh 9553
11. <TRLM> Zelek 9544
12. <dGreat> Patella 9370
13. <DSGoku> LoveYourSelf 9258
14. <KingDs> seeeeeeeeexy 9232
15. <DbE1> SandWitcher 9196
16. <dGreat> Khanflux 9188
17. Skippy 9131
18. <DSGoku> TITAN 9064
19. <Yepta> HeyLetsTey 9000
20. <DSF100> SUBZERO 8953
22. <DSRTNG> TiamatDrag 8772
23. <Yepta> kinda 8766
24. <peakDS> TRUTH 8744
25. booster 8737
26. <LoP1e> FileUpload 8699
27. <KingDs> SSS 8647
28. <dGreat> Kneecap 8622
29. BrainCrusher 8550
30. <HalfEZ> HeroOfTime 8544
31. IlIllIIlIIll 8508
32. <CanDo> HTPDS 8420
33. <KingDs> SCIPCION 8356
34. <DSGoku> Tosh 8291
35. FubukiWaifu 8265
36. Khanflux 8239
37. <Yepta> YWD 8202
38. <DSRTNG> GaL 8198
39. <T1TANS> DanDaMan 8175
40. <YADR> sazhdapec 8169
41. <Шахтёр> WITCHER 8150
42. <DatWas> Easy 8082
43. <GKitty> Kachar 8075
44. <EULOL> HeroOfTime 8042
45. MustDie 8038
46. <TDSP> TDV 7974
47. <DSRTNG> LoveYourSelf 7830
48. <DSFrog> WÖFFE 7784
49. <DbE1> SERGSP 7773
50. <KingDs> FenixDisrupt 7752
51. NLEChoppa 7727
52. draibo 7724
53. Resiident 7719
54. FckLiberty 7698
55. <Шахтёр> Investrum 7693
56. <DSGoku> UltimateFigh 7664
57. <EULOL> MrStabby 7640
58. <DbE1> protosser 7610
59. <Bodry> kornolio 7592
60. <DSGoku> SoPro 7574
61. <dGreat> Phoenix 7567
62. <DSFrog> MemoriaChan 7558
63. Inkvizitor 7536
64. MakersoN 7485
65. <DSRTNG> Mummyk 7461
66. <DSFrog> FakeEttanLös 7404
67. olg 7395
68. <TanyaZ> LasTAnGeL 7363
69. SSS 7348
71. <DSGoku> TITAN 7308
72. JANEDOE 7307
73. <ERQ> KLimBim 7272
74. MustDieAm 7241
75. <GKitty> imsux 7220
76. CatSavage 7162
77. ThisIsTheWay 7040
78. <Yepta> CaptainLevi 7038
79. <Шахтёр> GogerToZS 7001
80. <DbE1> смертоносец 6999
81. RIPZeratul 6940
82. <DSFrog> Biometrix 6926
83. <Arhive> Напёрсток 6911
84. Mongol 6839
85. <Yepta> TWIGG 6835
86. james 6813
87. brawler 6808
88. <NSFG0D> Eden 6791
89. Host 6771
90. <GKitty> Kachar 6769
91. Zil 6759
92. <DSGoku> TrustMeUSucK 6754
93. Varder 6751
94. <BM패밀리> 스텟먼 6731
95. Spacebacon 6712
96. <EzBr3z> DarthEvil 6691
97. <DSRTNG> Gladiolus 6674
98. <IHDSGG> NexusDS 6670
99. <T1TANS> oVANQUISHo 6636
100. lliiiiIIiiiI 6629

by Memoria: per-matchup calculation v3

- games under 30 seconds don't count, games under 4 minutes have lowered rating change (x0.5 >> x1)
- players start at 2000 rating, 4000 rating difference ≈ 90% win prediction, prediction gets more exagerated the more onesided the matchup is
- max 250 rating per match, decreases if teammate rating difference for either of the teams is more than 2500 because of uncertainity
- win prediction is calculated for each matchup (each 1v1), then it's combined into a final prediction
- in case of an uneven game (NvM), each possible matchup is calculated, and rating change is adjusted to the team count ratio
- if someone crashes before the game starts, that player loses rating, but is not considered for matchup calculations (as if the player was not in the game)
- afterwards if there are leavers, respective team's rating gain from winning will be lower; if two people from opposite teams leave within 10 seconds, or if the first leave is within 1 minute of the game ending, rating gain stays the same